BBT has my fullest support. But good point. I didn't realize that.
VOTE: Desperado!
↑ BlueBloodedToffee wrote:Can anyone tell me why Desp is scum?
Getting tired of Ika dodging my question as well.
↑ BlueBloodedToffee wrote:
No, you didn't.
You said nothing of the sort.
The last time you posted reads you said 'will explain reads when less drunk' or something along those lines. That explanation never came.
That is quite possible, although I really didn't understand your explanation of why PC is scum.
↑ BlueBloodedToffee wrote:
No, you didn't.
You said nothing of the sort.
The last time you posted reads you said 'will explain reads when less drunk' or something along those lines. That explanation never came.
↑ shos wrote:Alright. I believe the mason claims for now,based on geraintms response to my vote on grayfoxx. That was a reaction test btw, I knew he was replaconf out(see replacement thread - i posted there as mod and saw the post about grayfoxxz).
Meanwhile, I have yet to see a reasom for why I am scum and I cant get it no matterhow many shit posts I do, on purposeor not. 1059 is true, too, so I am goingto
VOTE: titus
Also, his activity does not match titustown.
↑ BlueBloodedToffee wrote:Ika, you're doing a great job of completely destroying my town-read on that slot.
If you think PC is scum, can you get on that wagon please?