I find that I do a lot better if I queue for ranked by accident.
Try to find a way to make it fun instead of being really invested in the outcome. Type "/all glhf" when the game starts. Mute or reassure players who seem really tilted, especially if they start the game that way.
Apparently (from reddit) there's a small amount of ELO-helling going on in the ranked 5s ladder right now, where a lot of teams full of diamond/plat players are being formed and playing their initial placement matches, where they're getting matched up against other teams in their promo series (I think it was Silver III to II, might be off by one or two divisions). It's a feature of where the starting "neutral" MMR is and the fact that there are more games played by new ranked teams right now with high skill players than there are existing teams at the neutral MMR. Thus teams climb to that point, hit the "new team brick wall", and fall back a little. Like all ELO hell situations, this is temporary and will go away once the flood of new teams dies down.
↑dramonic wrote:...You played top taric in ranked?
During Season 4 preseason right when relic shield came out and 2-1-2 was the meta.
EDIT: And possibly after the rework of his passive to the sheen-like thing, I remember him being strong then but can't remember if that was only supp or also top.
BorK-Muramana jungle Taric was so fucking OP
LoL - Atlantica / Viera Assassin (NA)
FFXIV - Seiina Araki of
He and Sona need to team up and create some awesome shit.
Yes my Lord, but questions are dangerous, for they have answers.
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If you wish to speak to one of us, we are Niamh, Rhiannon, Rhea, Aisling, Saoirse, Selene, Aoife, Fírinne, Aurélie, Lyra and Airna.
Soar on wings of retribution and set the world ablaze
↑Brian Skies wrote:I maintain Voli is super terrifying to play against. Even more so when you don't get to choose who you're playing to combat it.
Where, exactly? I really wanna play him top (but I admittedly suck at Top, so)
Top or jungle is where I think Voli fits best. I've seen people try to play him support, but I've always thought he was more important than that. I mean, you have this big angry bear that shoots lighting with his auto attacks and can chomp you for massive damage. Even if he does poorly in lane, as long as he gets the gold for his health items, he tends to be pretty scary for squishies in teamfights.
Bear is actually pretty bad at CSing and easy for a ranged top to deny
If you gank people often aren't able to click on you and know if passive is up. In top lane the top laner will have a pretty good idea if passive is up.
Stalker's Blade is quite good on bear
Juggernaut enhancement kicks ass for bear and lets you get Tabi or Swiftness instead of Treads (which in turn lets you get Visage earlier without going too ham on MR)
Bear E and W are both quite strong in the jungle. In particular the later is good to stop smite-steals.
Early jungle fights tend to take the form of "chase someone blindly through the jungle a long time" and if they trigger bear passive you can run forward a bit then turn to strong results. style points if you smite Red buff for this.
Overall Jungle bear kicks ass. With a core of something like [Sweeper, Stalker's Blade, Boots] -> [Tabi/Swiftness, Sightstone] -> [Juggernaut, Visage, Randuins, Ruby Sightstone] you can do really well.
"Don’t buy a dozen eggs if you just want a hardboiled egg. Don’t buy a head of lettuce if you just want a salad. Don’t buy eggs and lettuce if you want egg salad because those are not the right ingredients." -Julius Bloop