↑ Dechs Kaison wrote: ↑ Soren wrote: ↑ Dechs Kaison wrote: ↑ Soviet Crocolisk wrote:
I'm assuming you're going by probability here.
You sounded so sure with that statement I was wondering how you know for sure.
I am 100% positive that not everyone has a power role. It has nothing to do with probability. I know that at least one player in this game does not have a power role.
You have 100% certainty? Can you explain yourself please?
OK, this is really frustrating here. I'm purposefully trying to give you guys information without outright claiming. It's called breadcrumbing, but every time I do it, one or two people get really hung up on my wording and won't leave it alone, so I might as well spell it out.
I don't have a power role. Duh.
How else could I be 100% certain that not everyone has a power role?
I got dealt three vanilla cards. I had no power role to choose.
Side note: It is also quite possible that someone was dealt only one power role, but it happened to be on the alignment card that player wanted to be. You can't have both parts of a card.
Ooooh. I feel so stupid now for not seeing that. So that's how you know that not everyone is a power role.
This is either an elaborate mafia plan to "breadcrumb" a role claim, or a genuine claim.
How likely is it a mafia plan?
This would depend on how creative and devious the player is. Doers Dechs Kaison fit this bill, presumably, considering that he displays an aptitude of an understanding of outweighing the good and bad of certain actions. Such skills is translatable to mafia strategems.
How likely is it that it's a genuine claim?
Dechs Kaison dismissed the proposal that everyone should reveal their cards, and so if he dismisses this, but wants to role claim, how should he do so without seemingly contradicting his initial opinion? By breadcrumbing his role so that we can pick up on his hints and work out his role on our own. The bane of my existence is that I feel inclined to believe claims (so long as they're not counter claimed), because I just want to trust people. Which is ironic since this is a game about catching the mafia lies and exposing them and thus I should be more skeptical with everything that is said. So I want to believe Dechs Kaison claim, but I will remain to have doubts until I can truly get a grasp of what is going on in Dechs Kaison's head.
Furthermore, how likely is it to be dealt three vanilla roles? It seems like a very low chance, however just because something is unlikely to happen it doesn't mean that I should dismiss it because it could still potentially happen.