Rules & Information
1. Follow the
Boilerplate Mafiascum Game Rules unless contradicted below.
2. If you insist on using bold tags for votes, make sure they have a colon in it or the votecounter won't pick them up.
3. Don't lie about serious things in your real life to justify in-game behavior.
4. pre is my tag. You may use it occasionally.
5. Players will be prodded after 48 hours of inactivity and will be replaced if they remain silent in the 48 hours after the prod. They'll also be replaced if they require more than three prods.
Prods on day 1 (or the first day a replacement is active) count for two.
6. The deadline for Day 1 is two weeks. Deaths of mafiosi shorten the deadline of all following Days by 72 hours. Nights always last 48 hours.
7. Don't post when dead.
NAR is used to resolve night actions.
-Power roles guaranteed not to be in this game are Miller, Strongman, Godfather, and Traitor.
-The remaining Normal power roles are Sane Cop, Doctor, Vigilante, Roleblocker, Mason, Innocent Child, Jailkeeper, Tracker, Watcher, Gunsmith, Bodyguard, Role Cop, Doublevoter, Hider, Neighbor, Neighborizer, Jack of All Trades, and Encryptor.
-Except for Innocent Child, Mason, and Encryptor, all of those roles can be of any alignment. Site meta is irrelevant in this matter.
-Normal modifiers: Even/Odd Night, Non-Consecutive Night, X-Shot, Bulletproof, Neighbor, Compulsive, Macho, Weak, Backup (with or without primary role present).
-The Mafia are the only anti-town faction.
-Players flip with their entire role PM on death unless their role PM states otherwise.