↑ Iecerint wrote:You guys are extremely dumb.
As should be obvious to anyone who has read to any degree in this game,
I am the amnesiac tracker
. My flavor is
When The Mod Gives Results To The Wrong Player
. I am completely aware that T-Bone guessed this flavor almost verbatim during D2 and don't know what to make of it.
My flavor includes references to a song by The Lonely Island.
Similar to GreyICE's claim, my action includes language stipulating that abilities may alter the result that my second target receives. If I am roleblocked, the second target will not get anything. I cannot consecutively give results to the same player, but I may give results to the same player every other day.
N1 I tracked Cephrir and gave the result to T-Bone (my choice; not random). I tracked Cephrir because I thought the Katsuki wagon was ridiculously sleazy and Cephrir's vote looked the worst to me. Additionally, because he had claimed miller, I thought that a positive track would be relatively informative in his case (because miller would be less likely to have a night action I thought). I honestly don't remember why I chose T-Bone, but maybe because of his position on the Cabd wagon, as the Katsuki wagon sketchiness made me think Cabd was scum. At that point I had just arrived in Washington DC and I sent that to Magua as a stand-in result that I might edit, but I never edited it. I sent my choices to my team, too, and they thought it looked OK, so I didn't think too hard about changing it.
I thought the way he handled the action D2 was super town, which is why I was hardcore townreading T-Bone D2. It also feels good when you feel like you gave the result to town.
N2 I tracked Reckoner and gave the result to Rhinox. I tracked Reckoner because his relative apathy after 2 town lynches could indicate scum because I thought Reck could play better, but I felt awkward pushing it without information because I knew about his job drama and I felt guilty pushing Cabd for lurking when he was sick and flipped town. I gave the result to Rhinox because I thought he was obvtown but thought Wisdom would be killed.
My trackerness is obvious in my desire to interpret the tracker result D2 and in my implicit assumption that the amnesiac tracker had to be town D3. This is what I meant when I said I had "another reason" in claiming my actions that way earlier during this day phase. This is also what I meant when I kept asking Wisdom if he was intentionally pretending to be dumb to force my claim, or something similar (I may have been more indirect because Wisdom is a player whom I think pushing would be counter-productive right now even if he does scummy things). Like, I thought it could not have been more obvious. It was also implicit in my continuous assumption that the scum would "know" about the amnesiac tracker, even though T-BoneScum could have invented it.