Normal Game Queue (Players and Moderators)

For archiving signup threads after their corresponding games are complete.
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Post Post #150 (ISO) » Wed Jun 17, 2015 5:14 pm

Post by N »

Now taking sign-ups...

Mini Normal

Moderator: Ozgin
  1. dragonspawn
  2. SilverWolf
  3. pisskop
  4. Aeronaut
  5. Mahonster
  6. dj_red_lantern
  7. BlockyMan
  8. Billi bilaði
  9. Quaroath
  10. Chevre
  11. Grimmjow
  12. zakk

Large Normal

Moderator: RadiantCowbells [backup: Oversoul]
  1. pisskop
  2. Nero Cain
  3. Klingoncelt
  4. Shiro
  5. waxing and wanding


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Post Post #151 (ISO) » Wed Jun 17, 2015 10:26 pm

Post by Shiro »

eh let's multitask

/in for Ozgin's mini
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Post Post #152 (ISO) » Thu Jun 18, 2015 1:18 am

Post by N »

Mini Normal 1690
has filled for Ozgin and the following playerlist:
  1. dragonspawn
  2. SilverWolf
  3. pisskop
  4. Aeronaut
  5. Mahonster
  6. dj_red_lantern
  7. BlockyMan
  8. Billi bilaði
  9. Quaroath
  10. Chevre
  11. Grimmjow
  12. zakk
  13. Shiro

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Post Post #153 (ISO) » Thu Jun 18, 2015 1:25 am

Post by N »

Now taking sign-ups...

Mini Normal

Moderator: Aneninen

Large Normal

Moderator: RadiantCowbells [backup: Oversoul]
  1. pisskop
  2. Nero Cain
  3. Klingoncelt
  4. Shiro
  5. waxing and wanding


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Post Post #154 (ISO) » Thu Jun 18, 2015 6:41 am

Post by Aneninen »

Mini Normal 1691 – A Crack In Time?

Spoiler: Prologue (You might call it flavour)


'So, that's supposed to be the away team, isn't it?' Asked Org0011. He was one of the Chief Organizators.
'Yes, Sir. And,' The Executor paused for a split second, 'I've checked each member's Timeline personally.'
'Good. Now, let's get down to business. Here are the names we should get rid of.' Org0011 gave a small plastic tablet to him. He wondered whether he could trust the new Executor but... his records were good and this seemed to be an easy mission anyway. A perfect start for a new one.
'What sort of names are these?!' Asked the Executor raising his eyebrows.
'Oh, those are not real names. So-called nick-names.'
'Threat Level?'
'2. Normally.'
'Which means...' pondered the Executor.
'Unless they start talking to each other, none of them would ever reach 4 alone. But if they began to do so... the consequences might be unpredictable.'
'So, we are to prevent their communication. How – and when?'
'Take this,' Org0011 handed over a small green disk. 'Find a computer with Internet access. I think you'll find one easily even at that time.' He gave the Executor another tablet.
'10. 10. 2006? I learnt History, Sir. Internet Access had become very common before the Sixth Critical Date.'
'Indeed.' He wants to look smart but it will sort itself later out how smart he really is, thought the Org.
'Anything else we should be aware of, Sir?'
'Nothing. Good Riddance, Executor! Do not fail us.'

The Executor turned around. 'You've heard the Org. On board, everyone!'

Thirteen people, one by one, entered The House.

The House indeed looked like a house and it was big enough for at least thrice as much people. Even better: it had the ability to look like a house from outside. Wherever and when-ever it went, it looked so ...natural as if it had been there all the time.
One day they'd be able to build a smaller time machine, they said. But until then, The House was the best – the only solution for the trip.

As the last person entered the door, the Executor followed. No one saw the strange expression on his face.

Without any sound The House disappeared. The trip to the past started.'

Spoiler: Rules
– will be repeated in the opening post
Stolen from multiple sources
Found somewhere in Space/Time ^_^)

General Rules

(1) Unless it's stated in a different way,
general site rules are applied
(2) If you're in doubt contact me via PM.
(3) Although these are in the general site rules, I'm pointing out a couple of things. Firstly,
do not quote or share your Role PM
. Paraphrasing is fine.
Do not talk about ongoing games.
This goes for games you're dead in and games played on other sites too.
(5) Do not use encrypted and/or unreadable (eg. very small) text.
(6) Play to win. Do not play against your Win Condition.
(7) Do not be a douchebag, please! Attack the posts, not the player itself.
(8) My color is
(#8000FF), do not use it, please!
(9) If you pretend to break a rule, you will face the same consequences as if you had broken that rule for real.
(10) If I happen to change the rules (which is unlikely anyway), you will get informed about it.

Mechanics and Activity

(11) This is a closed Setup. There are no Roles with explicitely Non-Normal mechanics (eg. Lyncher, Jester, Nexus, etc).
(12) The flavour is providing a story for the game. Although it is worth reading it,
it contains NO information about possible factions, roles or alignments
(13) The game has a Day Start.
(14) The Scum faction(s) have Daytalk.
(15) The Day Phases last for 14 days.
(16) The Night Phases last for 2 days. If a player who has any Night Action doesn't inform me about his Night Action, No Action will happen.
(17) If a player has been inactive for 48 hours, they will get a Prod. After the Prod has happened, they will have 24 hours to post in the thread or else they will be replaced.
(18) As soon as a player gets their third prod, they get replaced automatically unless they start posting before a replacement is found.
(19) If you are planning to be inactive for a certain period, inform me about it via PM or in the thread.
(20) In special cases a Deadline extension may occour, but do not bank on it.

Voting and Lynching

(21) You can vote by using the vote tag, eg. VOTE: Aneninen or by bold text in the following format:
Vote: Aneninen
(22) You need not Unvote if you want to change your vote.
(23) Votes are preferred being posted in a separate line.
(24) As long as I am able to resolve whom are you voting for, I will accept your vote. This goes for obvious abbreviations like VOTE: Ane.
(25) If I think it is a vote, it is a vote.
(26) Votes posted in quotes and/or spoilers are ignored automatically. This may (but not esentially will) go for badly-formatted quotes too. I am not obligated to fix your posts or tags.
(27) When the majority of the living players are voting for the same person (typically half of the players +1; the exact number always appears alongside the Vote Count) a Lynch is achieved. The same amount of votes are needed for a No Lynch; in this case everyone survives the Day phase. If all living players are voting for Draw, the game ends with a Draw.
(28) After a Lynch (or a No Lynch) has been achieved, you may post in the thread until I lock it, but all further votes will be ignored.
(29) If you are dead, you are dead. Period. You are not allowed to post in the game any more. Not even "Bah" posts.
(30) If the Deadline is reached without a Lynch, the Day ends with No Lynch.


Sample Role PM

(At least one player shall get this.)

Welcome, [PlayerName], you are a
Vanilla Townie

Although you have no special abilities, you have the two most important things you can have: your vote and your brain.

Win Conditions:
You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

Spoiler: As for pigeons...
...there will be no pigeons. ^_^
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Post Post #155 (ISO) » Thu Jun 18, 2015 7:14 am

Post by zakk »

Aneninen wrote:
Mini Normal 1691 – A Crack In Time?

Spoiler: Prologue (You might call it flavour)


'So, that's supposed to be the away team, isn't it?' Asked Org0011. He was one of the Chief Organizators.
'Yes, Sir. And,' The Executor paused for a split second, 'I've checked each member's Timeline personally.'
'Good. Now, let's get down to business. Here are the names we should get rid of.' Org0011 gave a small plastic tablet to him. He wondered whether he could trust the new Executor but... his records were good and this seemed to be an easy mission anyway. A perfect start for a new one.
'What sort of names are these?!' Asked the Executor raising his eyebrows.
'Oh, those are not real names. So-called nick-names.'
'Threat Level?'
'2. Normally.'
'Which means...' pondered the Executor.
'Unless they start talking to each other, none of them would ever reach 4 alone. But if they began to do so... the consequences might be unpredictable.'
'So, we are to prevent their communication. How – and when?'
'Take this,' Org0011 handed over a small green disk. 'Find a computer with Internet access. I think you'll find one easily even at that time.' He gave the Executor another tablet.
'10. 10. 2006? I learnt History, Sir. Internet Access had become very common before the Sixth Critical Date.'
'Indeed.' He wants to look smart but it will sort itself later out how smart he really is, thought the Org.
'Anything else we should be aware of, Sir?'
'Nothing. Good Riddance, Executor! Do not fail us.'

The Executor turned around. 'You've heard the Org. On board, everyone!'

Thirteen people, one by one, entered The House.

The House indeed looked like a house and it was big enough for at least thrice as much people. Even better: it had the ability to look like a house from outside. Wherever and when-ever it went, it looked so ...natural as if it had been there all the time.
One day they'd be able to build a smaller time machine, they said. But until then, The House was the best – the only solution for the trip.

As the last person entered the door, the Executor followed. No one saw the strange expression on his face.

Without any sound The House disappeared. The trip to the past started.'

Spoiler: Rules
– will be repeated in the opening post
Stolen from multiple sources
Found somewhere in Space/Time ^_^)

General Rules

(1) Unless it's stated in a different way,
general site rules are applied
(2) If you're in doubt contact me via PM.
(3) Although these are in the general site rules, I'm pointing out a couple of things. Firstly,
do not quote or share your Role PM
. Paraphrasing is fine.
Do not talk about ongoing games.
This goes for games you're dead in and games played on other sites too.
(5) Do not use encrypted and/or unreadable (eg. very small) text.
(6) Play to win. Do not play against your Win Condition.
(7) Do not be a douchebag, please! Attack the posts, not the player itself.
(8) My color is
(#8000FF), do not use it, please!
(9) If you pretend to break a rule, you will face the same consequences as if you had broken that rule for real.
(10) If I happen to change the rules (which is unlikely anyway), you will get informed about it.

Mechanics and Activity

(11) This is a closed Setup. There are no Roles with explicitely Non-Normal mechanics (eg. Lyncher, Jester, Nexus, etc).
(12) The flavour is providing a story for the game. Although it is worth reading it,
it contains NO information about possible factions, roles or alignments
(13) The game has a Day Start.
(14) The Scum faction(s) have Daytalk.
(15) The Day Phases last for 14 days.
(16) The Night Phases last for 2 days. If a player who has any Night Action doesn't inform me about his Night Action, No Action will happen.
(17) If a player has been inactive for 48 hours, they will get a Prod. After the Prod has happened, they will have 24 hours to post in the thread or else they will be replaced.
(18) As soon as a player gets their third prod, they get replaced automatically unless they start posting before a replacement is found.
(19) If you are planning to be inactive for a certain period, inform me about it via PM or in the thread.
(20) In special cases a Deadline extension may occour, but do not bank on it.

Voting and Lynching

(21) You can vote by using the vote tag, eg. VOTE: Aneninen or by bold text in the following format:
Vote: Aneninen
(22) You need not Unvote if you want to change your vote.
(23) Votes are preferred being posted in a separate line.
(24) As long as I am able to resolve whom are you voting for, I will accept your vote. This goes for obvious abbreviations like VOTE: Ane.
(25) If I think it is a vote, it is a vote.
(26) Votes posted in quotes and/or spoilers are ignored automatically. This may (but not esentially will) go for badly-formatted quotes too. I am not obligated to fix your posts or tags.
(27) When the majority of the living players are voting for the same person (typically half of the players +1; the exact number always appears alongside the Vote Count) a Lynch is achieved. The same amount of votes are needed for a No Lynch; in this case everyone survives the Day phase. If all living players are voting for Draw, the game ends with a Draw.
(28) After a Lynch (or a No Lynch) has been achieved, you may post in the thread until I lock it, but all further votes will be ignored.
(29) If you are dead, you are dead. Period. You are not allowed to post in the game any more. Not even "Bah" posts.
(30) If the Deadline is reached without a Lynch, the Day ends with No Lynch.


Sample Role PM

(At least one player shall get this.)

Welcome, [PlayerName], you are a
Vanilla Townie

Although you have no special abilities, you have the two most important things you can have: your vote and your brain.

Win Conditions:
You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

Spoiler: As for pigeons...
...there will be no pigeons. ^_^

Heck, I'll /in for this, too.

permanently retired

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Post Post #156 (ISO) » Thu Jun 18, 2015 10:49 am

Post by Zoronos »

/in mini
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Post Post #157 (ISO) » Thu Jun 18, 2015 11:31 am

Post by Klingoncelt »

/in for Aneninen's A Crack in Pigeon Poop Time.
Klingoncelt: "The whole scumteam slipped on page 1. It's the new meta. Sheep me because my reads are so accurate that whoever I name gets mod-converted to scum."
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Post Post #158 (ISO) » Thu Jun 18, 2015 12:29 pm

Post by WoodyWoodpecker »

/in mini

Hopefully it fills pretty quickly
Hey, keep your eyes up top ok? Don't look down here you pervert.
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Post Post #159 (ISO) » Thu Jun 18, 2015 5:30 pm

Post by Boonskiies »

/in RC large

/in Aneninen mini
"Let it be known that almost everything Boonskiies said is either hilarious or annoying." - Shinobi

Yes, I'm
Flavor Leaf
. That's my main; I just mod on
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Post Post #160 (ISO) » Fri Jun 19, 2015 3:58 am

Post by Garmr »

/in RC game
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Post Post #161 (ISO) » Sat Jun 20, 2015 1:36 am

Post by Ranmaru »

/in to host mini normal
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Post Post #162 (ISO) » Sat Jun 20, 2015 8:06 pm

Post by Ricastle »

/in mini normal

There may be no pigeons, but there will be crows! (Which is actually worse but oh well)
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Post Post #163 (ISO) » Sun Jun 21, 2015 1:28 am

Post by WoodyWoodpecker »

Is that what's in your avatar? Couldn't tell. Crows and woodpeckers, this game is for the birds...
Hey, keep your eyes up top ok? Don't look down here you pervert.
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Post Post #164 (ISO) » Sun Jun 21, 2015 1:53 am

Post by Ricastle »

Yes, I should probably make it a tad bigger.
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Post Post #165 (ISO) » Sun Jun 21, 2015 5:12 am

Post by OhGodMyLife »

/in for next mini
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Post Post #166 (ISO) » Sun Jun 21, 2015 9:12 am

Post by WoodyWoodpecker »

We have 7, only 6 more. I'm bored obviously
Hey, keep your eyes up top ok? Don't look down here you pervert.
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Post Post #167 (ISO) » Mon Jun 22, 2015 3:57 am

Post by Slandaar »

/in mini
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Post Post #168 (ISO) » Tue Jun 23, 2015 6:54 am

Post by Radja »

/in mini
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Post Post #169 (ISO) » Tue Jun 23, 2015 12:15 pm

Post by BlueMoonRising »

/in Mini.
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Post Post #170 (ISO) » Tue Jun 23, 2015 6:52 pm

Post by Aneninen »

For Everyone's Information: I let both Radja and BlueMoonRising in because both of them has at least one ongoing or finished game on MafiaScum. A year ago, when I was new, I too signed in for a Normal before my first Newbie ended.
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Post Post #171 (ISO) » Tue Jun 23, 2015 7:10 pm

Post by Radja »

Aneninen wrote:For Everyone's Information: I let both Radja and BlueMoonRising in because both of them has at least one ongoing or finished game on MafiaScum. A year ago, when I was new, I too signed in for a Normal before my first Newbie ended.

I'm more of an Alt than a Newbie actually :)
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Post Post #172 (ISO) » Tue Jun 23, 2015 7:11 pm

Post by Aneninen »

Good. You needn't tell more about it. ^_^
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Post Post #173 (ISO) » Wed Jun 24, 2015 4:57 pm

Post by elusive »

/in mini
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Post Post #174 (ISO) » Wed Jun 24, 2015 7:19 pm

Post by PointYBagelS »

/in mini