Smooth as silk when he's scum, and very much capable of running things from behind the scenes while appearing to be doing minimal effort. - Almost50
Xtoxm is consistently great - Shosin
you were the only wolf i townread at endgame - the worst
It is possible -- indeed it is far more than probable -- that he was innocent of all participation in the bloody transactions which took place. The Ourang-Outang may have escaped from him. He may have traced it to the chamber; but, under the agitating circumstances which ensued, he could never have recaptured it. It is still at large.
@ PB
Has anyone ever told you that you missed a huge opportunity when you did not go with the name Prolapsed Brainus? I say this because I feel like you've made a huge mistake. Like: the fact that you are not named Prolapsed Brainus is actually bothering me. It is like an itch on my back that I cannot reach, a subtle torture that I know that I should endeavor forget but fear it will haunt me forever.
It is possible -- indeed it is far more than probable -- that he was innocent of all participation in the bloody transactions which took place. The Ourang-Outang may have escaped from him. He may have traced it to the chamber; but, under the agitating circumstances which ensued, he could never have recaptured it. It is still at large.