↑hiplop wrote:if only 5% of players aren't "trash", this is the worst game ever made.
That's the nature of a high learning curve. LoL isn't an easy game to learn for the vast majority of people, and it's actually way easier to get to a pretty solid level of play now than a few years ago, due to the sheer amount of information and advice you can get across the internet. I would have killed for this much material to study back in season one. >_>
@Psyche: If you're consistently playing squishy carry type characters and consistently getting strong CS numbers with low deaths, then you either understand or at least are figuring out about wave management, recall timings, map awareness, rotations, etc. Simple mechanics can get you there too, I guess, but you're not going to be able to maintain this as you climb unless you understand those concepts.
This is just under 6.5 deaths on average. As a champion that has to put survival as the highest priority in the vast majority of situations, this is horrendous.
@Hippo, if I'm not being deliberately not antagonistic, than yeah, I agree with you. I have anecdotes and such but honestly, I'd rather not share them here. I can hit you up on discord and we can talk in total agreement on the subject.
@Dwee If you want me to give you actual advice on what YOU need to do to hit gold, you're gonna have to let me know that you'll listen, otherwise it's just talking to a brickwall and I'd rather just be purposefully antagonistic.
This is just under 6.5 deaths on average. As a champion that has to put survival as the highest priority in the vast majority of situations, this is horrendous.
↑PJ. wrote:I've never.....EVER(that's for you hippo) had a good support.
I should of qualified that as never.....EVER in a ranked game
Bullet dodged.
On topic, I find it hilarious when people I know say that you're not actually "good" at the game until some seemingly arbitrary milestone. I had a guy tell me I'm not good in his eyes because I'm not plat 3+ - when I hit plat 1, he was like "yeah you're good man." I did not magically improve by leaps and bounds. I was just climbing. And I say it a lot, but...
"I'd like to think the top 3% of players is only slightly above average, yes."
Don't pick ashe into olaf is really the only advice I can give for that one. For all of those, phantom dancer is a helpful item. As is being willing to position yourself further back from the fight to wait for them to engage elsewhere in it.
↑Dwlee99 wrote:I'm currently trying to figure out how to deal with dive comps as ashe (Yi, Olaf, Akali, etc.) so if someone has any tips that would be gr8.
I think ideally someone else on your team reactively picks a champion that can counter dive. Alternatively, be amazing and get way ahead.
Just don't let them get to you in the first place, AKA let loose on them while they're CCed or just stay back out of their fight until they blow their load or die.
So I took your guys' advice and stayed back a little bit. Yi q'd onto someone and so I started autoing them. They flashed onto me and I flashed away and procced guardian angel. While all of this was happening my entire team died and then yi came back and killed me.
Getting a GA may not be a bad choice, given the recent buffs. Alternatively, you can build randuin's omen for a defensive item.
There are also limits to what you can do. Irelia was a stick that game. With an amumu, you really shouldn't have as many issues hitting the yi as compared to not having peel. Add on Janna and it's an issue of you + your team making mistakes somewhere in the process. Like for example, feeding yi 13 kills to begin with.
Then play champions that aren't so team reliant for their peel against yi. Some champions simply don't have good answers. They trade for it in the form of other things. Which is fine and balanced. But it does mean you have to play and pick intelligently. Shrug.
The game might have just been unwinnable. ADC/Support has a lot more games that are unwinnable or unlosable than any other role in lower ELOs simply because those two roles are much harder to solo carry with unless you're significantly better than that ELO.