Once per game, you may yell
(could also be a pro-town role, of course)
This is made of win.ChannelDelibird wrote:You areThe President of the United States of America, so who am I to tell you what you can and can't do?
Glork wrote: You are aGender-Confused Townie. Each day/night cycle you must switch genders. As female, you mustbehave competely irrationallywhine endlessly about your significant other (you will be randomly assigned a player each day cycle) never listening to you and your unfullfilled cravings for chocolate.As male, you mustbe unreasonably stubborn.attempt to get laid at all costs, discuss nothing but american football, and belch. A lot.You winwith the townwhen the female you gets your partner to cuddle *and* the male you gets a barefoot, pregnant woman to just make you a goddamned sammich...or, alternatively, you could just decide you're Boy George and prance off singing about colour-changing lizards.
This is SO crying out for Adam West as a lyncher role...OpposedForce wrote:The Noid-Each night you may investagate a person to see wheather or not the person is in possesion of a pizza. If the person does indeed have a person then you make an attempt to ruin the pizza. Unfornutatly no matter how many you try to ruin the pizza you will always be thrawted. You win when you ruin a pizza.
eh, probably.cicero wrote:incompetent vigilante
Player is not told that he/she is incompetent. Far as they are concerned they are mad as hell and not going to take it anymore. Sadly they have terrible eyesight and shaky hands. 50% of their bullets get fired into walls and don't hurt anyone. 25% of the time they just kill the wrong person, randomly selected by the mod. 25% of the time they kill their target.
Been done?