i only lied when i altslipped due to circumstances in an ongoing scum game that necessitated my team rely on the impression that i was unfamiliar with site meta
Can you tell me why you're so convinced that pistachi0n is town?
@pistachion - can you please state exactly what your role is mechanically? Obviously paraphrasing anything relevant from your PM.
@Piper - my question specifically was - do you think Cakez as scum comes in as soon as the thread opens to push a wagon on tictac expecting to get away with that? It seems to me to be unorchestrated, which I'm associating with town.
Also, I don't think you or Nacho covered off why you were switching between Ranger and Seniors yesterday. That was some really weird behaviour there and I'd like some explanation from your hydra which isn't "I guess the other head was thinking ..."