↑ chamber wrote:So here's the thing. I used to enjoy doing things for the site. I don't really anymore, a number of factors lead to that. I've fixed critical issues when they've come up, and I've worked on things I've found independently interesting, but minor bug fixes, or implementing new features on a wide scale just isn't going to be done by me. The only possible exception to that is if I liked you personally and you asked nicely, but I actively dislike you and you didn't. A total of 61 accounts us scumobile. I just don't care.
Thesp is around and is a programmer, but he has no/limited knowledge of the existing codebase and has never worked in php(at least the last time I talked with him).
Kison also no longer cares to work on shit here.
The long and short of it is unless you inspire someone new to join the coding group and actively contribute, this just isn't going to get fixed.
this post actually inspired me
i think this site is/could be great and i would love to actually contribute when i have time (which isn't tooo much but it seems to be more than who you've currently got)
i would need to bone up on my php a bit lol, i haven't used it actively since like php 5, but that wouldn't take long.
i have some changes i would make like:
- adding thumbs up/down options to posts (for GD, not games)
- making mobile skin look/work better on phones (a lot of UX actually... this site looks like it's from 2005 still)
- functionality improvements for games (i.e. not just bells/whistles)
- fixing broken things (!!) there seem to be a lot of minor fixes which could make the site run smoother
- big data (i have lots of ideas here, many analytics-related ones, some probably more feasible than others)
- bringing a sense of togetherness to the community, knowing that they are in good hands (and things will actually get done)
1. how confusing/scattered IS the existing code base? is it all hacked together or are things at least somewhat featurized? even if its all hacky, i'm v down to experiment and help out, as long as i get a dev branch (i.e. no stress about breaking the site until the features are ready)
2. what is the code review process, and how resistant to change are y'all? i.e. if i fix a bug or develop a new feature on a dev branch, will it get merged with any speed, or will it sit there for months waiting for someone to look it over? (plus, who's in charge? lol)
3. i guess the big question is: how reluctant are you to begin making a new version of the site from the "notes" you've all acquired from the current one, featurize all the features, and perhaps even change systems (imo the entire site could use an overhaul and it looks like the only reason it hasn't gotten one is bc everyone's scared to break stuff)
the reason i'm excited about this is because i see an opportunity to take a thriving user base and providing them with something awesome (not that the current site isn't awesome, i'm just envisioning something awesome-ER). also have more ideas about community development which i can go into if y'all are interested in having me
in other words, where do i sign up?
p.s. i use scumobile and i'm actively interested in improving it, as well as adding a customizeable incognito skin for ppl at work (hint: me) so i won't get caught looking at a site that looks nothing like work-related stuff