Rules (originally stolen from bluesoul and modified heavily.):
Please bear in mind I have what some might consider "non-standard rules" Please read them. Ignorance of the rule set is not an excuse for breaking my rules. In particular rule 6/7, 13, and 17 are not standard and you should make sure you're aware of them.
1.) Have fun. This is not an option. Games are only good when players are having fun. If you are not having fun, replace out. There is no shame in this. I have no problem with it. You are not a bad person. Both you and the game will be happier for it.
2.) The mod is always right. Always. Yes, even then. However, if you think there’s some confusion, and it absolutely can’t wait until the end of the game, send me a PM; do not break my game because you died when you didn’t think you should’ve.
3.) Days will continue until one of three things happen: a player is lynched, No Lynch gets a majority of the votes, or a deadline passes.
4) Voting must be done in the format Vote: Shea. Don't worry about unvoting, I don't care.
5) I will post a vote count every now and then. I am not infallible in this aspect (”But Sir, didn’t you say-- *cough, choke, shudder, die*”) and if you think the vote count is off, say so and I will double check it. Do this in a PM. In fact:
6) Please do not communicate with the mod in thread. Mod communication should not take place in the game thread. If I feel your question has an answer that the rest of the town needs to know about, I will make a game announcement. If you attempt to claim this is due to a question you asked I will count that as quoting mod communication. Speaking of which:
7) Do NOT quote your role PMs, OR any other form of communication from me unless it is something I have already posted on this thread. This is a modkillable offense. Depending on severity of the infraction you might get a warning instead of a modkill. Don't test this. You probably won't. Two warnings is an automatic modkill.
8) Do not discuss the game outside of the game thread unless your role allows you to, in which case you may only do it during the specified times with the specified players. This is a modkillable offense.
9) You’re required to post regularly. I prod after 2 days of inactivity and replace after 1 day of no response to the prod. This rule is flexible if you PM me in advance. Please be mindful, I will not be checking the V/LA banners or signatures. That's not my job. If you have information posted there I expect you to send me a PM as well.
10) Once you’re dead, you’re no longer subject to the previous rule. As a matter of fact, once you’re dead, stop posting. I will permit one simple “bah” post and nothing more. Please make sure that there is absolutely NO game relevant information in this post. Yes, even “go scum” is game relevant. Don’t do it.
11) In the event of a modkill, it will end the day.
12) A lynch is reached when a player receives a majority of possible votes. (I.E. if there are 13 votes it would take 7 votes to lynch.)
13)My no-lynch policy (stolen from coron): No lynch only requires there to be enough votes that the remaining votes could not successfully create a lynch. For example, with 12 possible votes, it would be 7 to lynch but only 6 to no lynch because the remaining 6 could not lynch.
14) If a deadline passes without a player or No Lynch receiving a majority of the votes, the day will end with NO LYNCH.
15) In the event of a failure to lynch, the days in this game will last 7 days. I know that's short, but I think you can do it.
16) Nights will last 2 days from me posting the scene and locking the thread. If you don't get your choices in, your default action is NO ACTION.
17) There will not be a Dead thread for this game. See rule about talking about ongoing games.
18) The makeup of this game is 6 Anti-town roles and 7 Town roles.