Screw the "your iso/slot is empty" argument bullshit. In the game I was in, I was told the same thing and I still flipped town. And I still don't fucking understand how I'm/was being empty. In this game and in that game. Can you even elaborate on how my ISO is "empty?" Empty is the biggest fucking buzzword ever. Fuck. Your shitty empty argument is empty in and of itself.
FOR THE LOVE OF FUCKING GOD GIGA, reread Wingback's, iron's, and Luna's case on me. If for whatever reason you're scared of me voting Thor in 3 way then I'll vote the other instead. I would highly despise it but at this point I've come to terms with being trash.
Is there a world where I NK iron yesternight as scum? Is there a world where I hard defend Karnos as scum? Is there a world where I shitpost/salt vote as LAST scum?
In post 2655, mhsmith0 wrote:So all the stuff about tenshii being self focused and not doing much in the way of scum-hunting, as well as the plausibly strategic vote hopping, didn't register at all with you?
Self focused my ass. And I totes wasn't scumhunting, you're right. And my vote hopping was amazing ikr. You guys were sooooooo slow to see it. I can't believe you guys didn't catch me earlier. <_<