I've made it up to page 30 now, but bedtime is approaching rapidly. Tomorrow starts early again. For now, a summary of my observations. I'll go more in depth when I've reached the end of day 1 and have taken some time to think about what I read.
Maria, trans and nero were dominating the discussion, which makes it difficult to get a good grip on the thoughts of other players. In particular, there weren't really any interesting interactions with blitzkrieg, except that blitz was pushing against the masons.
I'm not all that interested in Nero or trans. Nero is an uncountered vig and therefore almost certainly town, and giga being heavily attacked by blitz as the alternative to the blitz lynch makes her likely town as well.
By page 30, shadow had done absolutely nothing. He hadn't commented on maria's early post, he hadn't commented on the mason claim or its implications, the only thing he had discussed was Gerry's fake dayvig. I see no reason whatsoever in his posts up to that point to consider him town.
Karnos also didn't offer much, but he was happy wagoning along on both the maria and the trans wagons. Add in the "trans is town, but let's lynch him anyway" of
#678 and I could easily see him as the third scum.
Up to page 30, Thor has been consistently asking good questions of Maria, while keeping an eye on everyone else as well. It's rare that I can't see where his line of questioning is coming from. He's probably experienced enough to fake this as scum, but overall my impression of him is good.
Kraska mainly stood out for defending maria when it was unpopular. From the first 30 pages it isn't clear where those feelings come from, though.
Elyse's first Maria vote might have been overexplaining a bit, but her vote on transcend in #628 looked genuine.
Overall, based on just the first 30 pages, shadow and karnos are the obvious lynches.
I'll hope to reach the end of day 1 tomorrow at work.
There is no 'a' in Michel.