You're not being cooperative at all. You're stonewalling perfectly reasonable questions and hiding your thought processes - something which should never be done as town.
In post 128, you tell me that you can't any questions about your gut feeling:
hinting you the reason why i can't answer that
Okay, fair enough. I can see why you might want to do that. But, if the gut feeling is secret, why did you write this in post 114?
And i definitely won't vote until i have more than a good feeling.
If the feeling you had is so secret, you could have written it as "I definitely won't vote until I have a more concrete grasp of the game and have a good lead". In this case, the gut feeling you can't talk about wouldn't be brought up at all. So when you write this, I think there's one main scenario in which this pattern of behavior makes sense.
Namely - you don't have a real gut feeling at all. You're scum who's trying to placate me by giving a vague answer then being tight-lipped about the specifics when I press you about it. This is supported by the difference in response between post 131 and post 117. In post 117, you quoted my 116 and wrote
But i can see how my statement is misleading now that i read it. Well, there could be something in Norska's vote and quick unvote earlier...
This implies that you think my question is reasonable and coming from a position where I'm merely misunderstanding your stance. You also show a willingness to talk about your gut feeling, hinting that it has something to do with Norska.
But later on, in 131, you wrote this:
I tried being cooperative, and now you are using it as a scumtell. Really smart move Accountant!
In other words, you think I'm being distinctly
reasonable in 116, which doesn't match up with your initial reaction in 117. You imply that I'm witchhunting you, but in 117 you thought it was just a misunderstanding. Which is it?
There's nothing that says that a fake can't beat the real thing.
You must not imagine that for beings like you and us there can be laughter. The low men laugh, and we envy them. But for us, the higher ones, there is no laughter, only an unending vigil, purely serious, stretching on into the night.