Is this a joke or what?In post 940, MagnaofIllusion wrote:...My god if you are Town this is terrible, terrible posting. Hans’s hammer is presented exactly as yours was Day 1 – “Oops I thought that was an L-1 vote”. The cognitive dissonance flowing from your slot is bad if you are suggesting that hammer was sketchy (and possibly scum) and yours came from Town.In post 930, Ultimate Despair wrote:This is objectively wrong by the way. "Oh it's twilight let's wait and sit on our hands to see what the flip is" is utterly useless behavior. His hammer looked suss, and I pushed him on it. It is BETTER to make that kind of push in an environment where it's unknown what the flip would be; see who seems confident that it was still scum, see who might know it's town and potentially out themselves in the discussion. Of course our mod decided to quick post the flip and end that possibility (which is kind of annoying btw), but that's a productive environment for that line of enquiry.
Ps what about the hammer seemed especially genuine to you? And what about my enquiry, other than the fact of its existence, seemed knowing?
Furthermore the only player who “outed” that they might know Moz was flipping Town was you. So floating “I was looking for scum” netted yourself as the only viable suspect. Floating that you were obv-Town for doing so is just plain bad.
Citations DESPERATELY needed for that nonsense. Fitz suggested in 897 (what I responded to) that I somehow slipped knowledge that Moz was town, and that the reason I slipped knowledge was that I'd pushed hans in twilight (i.e. not anything where the nature of my posting or questioning seemed knowing, but rather the mere EXISTENCE of my questioning suggested that I knew the flip in advance). That is utterly garbage reasoning, and the post that you quoted explained why it was bullshit.Floating that you were obv-Town for doing so is just plain bad.
You are also ignoring the POTENTIAL for said questioning to have outed knowledge of a flip. That no one outed any such knowledge is not meaningful, because the mod shut down that possibility by quick-flipping (fwiw, as a mod I have an unofficial policy of keeping twilight open at least 30 minutes even if I see a hammer, because people SHOULD have some amount of time to react, and "is the mod around right now" is kind of a crappy luck element to dump into a game).
So telling me that no one outed themselves in the questioning process, and pretending that this means anything at all, is ridiculous. No one did anything at all in response to my push before the flip, so the fact that no one outed themselves in the process is not just meaningless but OBVIOUSLY meaningless.
2) What cognitive dissonance? Ignore for a second that it was my hydra partner who couldn't count (blah blah hydra dissonance as if that means anything in this context), and explain to me why one person derp-hammering AFTER ANOTHER PERSON DERP-HAMMERED AND IT WAS PUBLICLY DISCUSSED (and hans was sufficiently involved in the game that he couldn't have missed that it had been a point of discussion) is not itself worth pushing and questioning.
Hans, if town, ignored the fact that derp-hammering already happened (and the normal town process after it had been discussed would be to be more careful with voting), AND the fact that a mere two posts above his own vote, someone else dumped in a vote (and a sub who had just come in and cast a flagrantly sheeping vote at that), and basically just said "yeah fuck it I'm voting there". That is a questionable town process and should always be questioned (regardless of moz flip by the way). Giving me shit about questioning him for it is ridiculous.
3) For the record, if you want to talk about empty twilight posting
would be a solid example. "Hey, look at me, I don't know whether moz is scum and I sure hope I get a flip soon". Talk about stuff that didn't need to be said, that has no merit in advancing the game, and is lazy posting as town or LAMIST if scum.In post 832, MagnaofIllusion wrote:And now we wait for a flip ...
In post 836, Ultimate Despair wrote:...
Given that these were all on the same page, can you explain how you failed to realize that your vote was hammer?
is a pair of posts that COULD come from scum pretending to scum-hunt, but is at least substantively useful since it's an actual question. Since you seem interested in looking at peoples' twilight posts, why don't you tell us what the point of posting your twilight fluff was? Are you normally that lazy in twilight?In post 838, Ultimate Despair wrote:Especially given that a hammer screwup had already happened this game, and had been discussed?
4) Now that I've further explained my process, please justify
since that's very clearly not the caseMy god if you are Town this is terrible, terrible posting.