Jag and Nard and otaku all searched their houses and found an item, whereas Totem suddenly turns into a Donut. Nard knew he was a vig and (I think) got mixed up with flavour text, or rather the town got mixed up with his flavour text. Totem has some anti-cop-repellent but doesn't know what exactly. Jag is a detective, plain and simple, but doesn't know her sanity (but that's norm for almost any cop), whereas you Otaku didn't have a clue what your role done. For you it was a guess at your role, whereas for the others it was a definite role, but a guess at the specifics.
There is inconsistency and I think at least one of the claimed roles so far are lying.
I have to say, when the first claim doesn't match the style of the rest of them, it's usually a good indication of being caught in a lie.