_|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|In post 1220, Gamma Emerald wrote:My post is shaping up to be rather large: would you prefer I split it or leave it as one? Asking the general public here.
___|For the love of God make it just|__
_|___|___|___|one post..|___|___|___|
_|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|Scott wrote:I will continue to do so until the mod tells me to stop.
___|___|We could lynch you?|___||___|__
_|___|Being pointlessly abrasive|___|
___|___|is a good way to get a |___|__
_|___| wagon on you started. |___|___|_
_|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|Scott wrote:Not with that game as an example, especially after you subbed in way after Day 2. What part of outlier do you not understand, Wall?
Why is my vote garbage?
___|___|The more you keep using|___|__
_|___|this first point, the more it|___|
___| makes me feel like you're just |__
_|___|___|___|scum :/.|___|___|___|___|_
___|___|Your tone in this game is|___|__
_|___|a limp noodle so far, and you|___|
___|openly admitted in Civ that you|___|__
_|can't replicate your tone as scum.|___|
___|___|You're not posting like I |___|__
_|___|expect Luv to post ANYWHERE on|___|
___|___|site, let alone Civ.|___|___|__
___|___|You're pushing Not Fury|___|__
_|___|on a gimmicky point and |___|___|
___|___|ignoring that their play|___|__
_|___|around that point is pretty|___|
___|___|unlikely to be coming from|___|__
_|___|___|___|scum here.|___|___|___|