Yo but real talk though there is no need to have 100+ posts (which multiple players have) in 3 days of gameIn post 1320, Tywin Lannister wrote:What a bunch of whiners. If the complainers are the ones with only one or two posts, all being useless, they can fuck off and replace. Nobody knows they even exist so its not a loss.In post 1318, Firebringer wrote:Mod announcement:
Some of you are too active.
I've had several complaints already.
I'd rather people be active than not at all. Its insulting to have 1 post wonders in this game, especially if they complain directly to the mod. They're not trying. I have 19 posts and still can read the game fairly easily. I did so while at work yesterday too.
So if the people who have 1 post are the complainers, and they get their way, I'd call bullshit. They're what makes games unfun. Just make a rule stating people need to actually say something game related to post here. They also should stop double and triple posting and make longer single posts.
@everyone: I have 19 total posts and still have made my presence known. Maybe write longer posts instead of shit one sentence posts that do nothing to improve the gamestate. That includes Scott hydra signing their name 5 posts in a row and editing things that aren't even important. Why even sign -Scott when Ramona has never posted at all? Why even bother? You're not a hydra when your partner doesn't ever post too. Makes zero sense to sign it at all. Ramona may not even exist as far as I'm concerned.
Some people need to chiiiiiiill.