In post 2500, Master Vampire wrote: In post 2370, Siblings Quarrel wrote:Sly is fine too, but Nosferatu is flat as fuck here, not making sense with anything he says, and he's way better than this as town. I peg him right every time.
you voted me straight out of the gate in our last town game together tho
and you thought I was scum in game shop mafia too
I'm not sure if you've ever pegged me right tbh
I call bullshit
Hell no. In Game Shop I CORRECTLY read you as town. I had you null through the early portion of the first day, then I said this
At least Nosferatu finally obvtowned.
Don't believe me? here's the link: ... 0#p7500860
NOT ONE SINGLE TIME did I vote you that game. NOT ONE TIME over my 839 posts. I even talked about how I wish we had a mason PT. LIAR.
I'm not sure what other town game you're talking about that we had together where I voted you "straight out of the gate" because I only remember Laundry (where I correctly was paranoid about you, because you WERE scum) and Game Shop where I correctly town read you THE WHOLE GAME after waiting for you to obvtown and you did after about 1000 game posts.
The other game I remember together, I was scum with TSO so I didn't have to read you. I think that was delicious mafia 2 or something.
You show me "that other town game where I voted you straight out of the gate" and maybe I'll admit I was wrong ONCE on you. But stop making up lies aboutt how I cant read you when the TWO times I remember playing together, I read you correctly.
You were also scum in one of the games I modded (Frog Mafia or Denmark, I can't remember which, but it doesn't matter). You were flat as fuck that game too.
You were flat in Laundry.
You are flat here.
You aren't even trying to find scum here. Because you are scum.