Sesq, shut up for a second if you're not going to help. And no, lynch and running LUV doesnt help. Or wait wait wait, dont shut up, you still need to help the town or you're the next in the chopping block.
Now that i got that out of the way, i want to answer IO's post pretty quickly. ('Cause i cant answer it in depth now that electricity cut removed the post i was making. Fun!)
First off, RVS is a section, its not an action. Random voting is a different thing altogether but by the time you made that post we were out of RVS milleniums ago.
And i think you got off the wrong foot. The fact is,
no one, especially me, was trying to lynch QR.
We were trying to get some information by pressuring him and L-2 wasnt going to end up in a lolhammer. And know what, we did end up getting information. If not information, at least QR is fairly active in the game now. You saying that really makes me feel like you were trying to steer yourself away from a lynch that wasnt going to happen anyways.
And you werent following the game, you said it was RVS in post godfuckingknowswhat00, in which point it was very obvious it wasnt. And you isoing someone to get information rather than trying to find information on whats happening right now leads me to believe you were isoing people just to find some easy places to push (not to get information, but to lynch).
A stretch? Definitely. But im confident enough by your behaviour overall that that was your endgame when isoing flairs. Just to say you contributed. And thats why i want to LYNCH you now. I think i got enough information by now. And if you do get lynched, i'll be the one to pull associates.
(by the way 321 is bs)