Hi. Civilization Mafia Mafia will be a special game run with a global post restriction mechanic to allow people to play in a lower postcount game!
Activity Rules:
1) The first game day will last 14 days, the remainder will last 10 days.
2) The first day will allow each player to post 100 times. Future days will allow each player to post 50 times.
3) In addition to that, up to 20 posts may be carried over from each day to the next.
4) Post count will be tracked in votecounts. Failure to stay within activity limits will receive a force replacement or a modkill.
5) Any replacement to any slot that has less than 20 posts will be brought up to 20 posts.
6) If a player is out of posts, they may naked vote once per day measured in EST and resetting at midnight.
7) Within 24 hours of deadline, each player is granted 5 additional posts that will not carry over to the next day and may naked vote an infinite number of times.
8) All deadlines will take place at midnight EST.
Ether will be my backup mod.
Flavour (VOTECOUNTS AND STUFF- THIS IS A NORMAL) will be poking fun at my experiences in Civilization mafia.
Pre-ins from Korts.
2019 stats: Town WR 76.7%, overall WR 81.667%, 1 scum defeat involving a major mod error in lylo vs 8 scum wins.