Okay, I'm current, let me go back and address things...
But first, when did the definition of chainsaw defense change? It was explained to me as "defending another player by attacking their attackers." I'd seen it used that way in more than two games, and I'd never seen it used in the way it's defined on the wiki...
@ Vi's scumbuddy question: I thought it was you who made the questionnaire, that was actually pokerface. I retract my stance on your question asking, since it appears you are asking personal questions to each player that only they can possibly respond to anyway. Instead, this accusation shifts to Pokerface, based on his page 1 questionnaire. From that, I'd say he went soft on Juls (no question at all), ZEEnon (which do you think is better, RVS or discussion?), forbiddenlight (Weren't you the mod of the insane asylum game? What do you think of Juls claim here in relation to it?), and shadowgirl (Should we ask for flavor with Juls claim at this time?).
I see a bit of his reason for not wanting to ask everyone every question, but I think it would have been something to go on if we looked at the people that just repeated other answers.
re: Free ride to endgame:
People agree with me, good for them. Juls didn't know how people would react to her claim when she made it though, and that's why I'm mistrustful of it. It has the potential to guarantee a free ride to endgame with a different player set.
re: this (too detailed to summarize)
The implication in the excerpt from PokerFace's quote is that Juls is lying about being a Miller, not just lying in general. I see why you latched onto this, because as you're reading it this is PokerFace basically putting Juls up as an angel and smiting Rhinox for not recognizing it (here comes the drama), and it really looks bad. But I don't think that's what PF meant.
(I'm also not sure if it qualifies as a chainsaw defense, though I'm sure you'll see this as one.)
I, too, was talking about Juls lying about being a miller and not in general. My accusation is not that he was painting Juls as a saint but that he wanted Rhinox to only have one opinion, and that the opinion he suggested he have is that Juls is not lying.
RE: Vi votes VP Baltar:
I agree with this, that question seemed awfully benign, and serving of no real purpose. There are a few times VP makes some good points, but this is not one of them.
Re: Rhinox and the point about asking questions:
I see Rhinox's point here; he thought discussion instead of random voting was a good idea, but he's trying to make a point that he didn't think that meant "Everyone asks everyone else questions instead of voting." For instance, I don't typically ask questions ever, I levy accusations and watch how the accused react. Question-asking was never a part of the RVS-shunning contract.
Re: Rhinox's meta on Juls:
This seems a bit suspect. Something about his explanation on where he sits on his Juls read feels a bit contradictory, but I can't really place it. I'll be watching this.
Re: Juls' current behavior:
V-LA or not, her absence is disconcerting. I can't help but feel her not-posting is a safe thing for her to do right now, regardless of outside circumstances. It could be a helpful coincidence, but Vi says she's still Mish-mashing, which means she ought to at least drop a few posts in here. Not that I can REALLY blame her since this game is pretty intense (there's about 5 different topics floating around).
Re: VP's post about other asking soft questions:
Re: Rhinox post 87, "Zilla gave
answer in post 58"
Let's get my gender misconception out of the way early, hm?
Re: Gorrad's negatives:
Both Rhinox and Gorrad make good responses to each others posts, and at the end, I think Gorrad sufficiently explains his position. I do really like Rhinox's attack here though. Something feels really genuine about this exchange, and I'd have to say it's brilliantly faked if it's scum.
Re: Don Johnson's:
You seem to think juls is a confirmed miller. I see the “if” in your statement here, but are you drawing lines between scum buddies based on the speculation that juls is telling the truth? I would like you to explain this connection of baltar/rhinox? Personally I am suspicious of baltar at this point, but rhinox seems to be getting victimized. Also, Juls seems to be coasting on the “miller” claim.
You lost me at "but are you drawing lines between scum buddies." I don't see where Baltar/Rhinox comes in in Pokerface's assessment, and the rest of this point seems to hinge on that...
Re: VP's "Multiple guilties/sanity test"
I was totally with Don Johnson on this until VP pulled out the "outing a cop day 2." That was something I hadn't thought of, and I feel kinda dumb for thinking that a cop instantly claims as soon as one guilty is on the table. However, there still is the point that after lynching one "guilty" that comes up innocent, it's possible we have a paranoid cop rather than an insane one, that a framer was involved, and that any number of things are at play that can't be confirmed by wasting an investigation on Juls.
I think this is getting way too hypothetical at this point, and I think VP accounted for the scummy reasoning he had offered before.
Re: character claiming.
The only downside I see is that it may not tell us anything, but, on the occasion Juls is town, it may tell the mafia what kind of flavor is "safe." Though that's pretty shaky in itself because we may not trust Juls' flavor claim, making anyhting associated with it not inherently safe until she's been confirmed. At the same time, if she's forced to character claim and she is mafia, and mafia are easily flavor-recognizable, she may have to make something up and risk getting into a contradiction (provided mafia aren't given safe-claims).
Basically, if mafia are already given safe claims, the character claim won't do much of anything. If not, it could potentially cause a contradiction, and potentially help mafia with flavor, depending on Juls' alignment. I'm in favor of claiming character.
Re: Pokerface's "best miller play"
This is good, I think, but I don't know how much of it is what he thought, and how much of it is based on my earlier assessment of how it's a pro-town ploy, which he evidently read just before making this post. The timing of his opinion here seems like I gave him the idea...
vi wrote:What bothers me about this exchange is how Gorrad jumped onto VP Baltar's side of the life raft in 97.
@Gorrad: Why are you so interested in a potential Cop confirming sanity?
This is true.
And Juls posts before I finish this one.
Re: Why wouldn't I try it there, not here?:
This is WIFOM, unless that game started and finished at nearly the same time this one started, and even then, it's WIFOM.
Re: Juls votes Rhinox:
Good to see you coming out of the gate swinging. As I said in another game, votes are pro-town for establishing accountability.
I'm still suspicious of Pokerface, my vote remains there.
Aware of that. However, you are attacking him repeatedly. Assault and battery can lead to death if sustained over a period of time. ~ Cybele