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Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 2:58 pm
by SensFan
Vote Count

Mysterious Mystery Man - 5 (MehPlusRawr, Nobody Special, Seraphim, mb53, rajrhcpfreak)
Nobody Special - 3 (Sudo_Nym, IH, fuzzylightning)
farside22 - 1 (ReaperCharlie)
MehPlusRawr - 1 (Mysterious Mystery Man)
UncertainKitten - 1 (Espeonage)
Sudo_Nym - 1 (farside22)

Not Voting - 4 (FakeGod, jmj3000, Panzerjager, UncertainKitten)

9 to lynch

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 3:04 pm
by fuzzylightning
@FG: I am a chaser.

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 3:12 pm
by SensFan
KMD4390 replaces Panzer.

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 3:14 pm
by SensFan
Thread locked for the time being.

Thread now unlocked.

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 3:33 pm
by Kmd4390
Hi guys. Replacing Panzer. I know Harry Potter pretty ridiculously well, even though it's been a while since I've looked real closely at any of it. So this should be fun. I'll read up later. About to be on the phone...

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 3:41 pm
by jmj3000
Going ahead and announcing this now:

V/LA 5/28 through 5/30.

Going to be playing darts to try and win me some money.

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 3:43 pm
by fuzzylightning
I ask for a share of the winnings since you are inconveniencing the game by going away this weekend. Haha, jk, good luck.

Welcome to the game KMD.

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 4:03 pm
by farside22
Espeonage wrote:Ok now as far my meta on him goes FG plays like VI through early day one or at least he did in the last game I played.
Farside's drive is appreciated and I am tempted to think that farside and sudo are townies that got off on the wrongfoot as opposed to doing anything wrong.
If game is over can I get a link to the FG game.
Why do you think two townies getting off on the wrong foot with me and sudo?
kmd: you better post something of value this game.

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 4:20 pm
by mb53
farside22 wrote:If game is over can I get a link to the FG game.
I am not sure if this is the game Espeonage is thinking of, but there is this one...

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 4:46 pm
by FakeGod
Am I being analyzed?

I feel very happy, but should I be alarmed?

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 6:08 pm
by rajrhcpfreak
since its my birthday right now i am going to post that im going to try to be plastered for the rest of the day. ill get back to you all on friday. thnx bye. yep

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 9:58 pm
by Espeonage
farside22 wrote:
Espeonage wrote:Ok now as far my meta on him goes FG plays like VI through early day one or at least he did in the last game I played.
Farside's drive is appreciated and I am tempted to think that farside and sudo are townies that got off on the wrongfoot as opposed to doing anything wrong.
If game is over can I get a link to the FG game.
Why do you think two townies getting off on the wrong foot with me and sudo?
kmd: you better post something of value this game.
The game is still going.

You look protown for now unless you are trying to push without letting other people get opinions in, I don't think that is the case and so i have a pro-town read on you so far. I don't see the points on sudo and so I don't have a particular tell either way on him thus far.

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 9:59 pm
by Espeonage
I will be V/LA until monday depending on how well my 18th goes.

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 11:59 pm
by Seraphim
Please don't talk about ongoing games.

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 3:19 am
by ReaperCharlie
Happy birthday, rajwfelkflkj!

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 3:22 am
by SensFan
raj - name of some sort
rhcp - red hot chili peppers
freak - he's a freak <3

The more you know!

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 3:27 am
by farside22
@Raj: Happy birthday
Sera: What's your view on my case against Sudo?

Espy: Do you understand my view on why I believe Sudo to be scum?

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 4:04 am
by ReaperCharlie
SensFan wrote:raj - name of some sort
rhcp - red hot chili peppers
freak - he's a freak <3

The more you know!
Aw, you ruined it. Now I actually know what it stands for and can't just keymash in ignorant bliss every time I try to say his name.

A hex upon you.

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 5:33 am
by Mysterious Mystery Man
Yeah, the "I hate Harry Potter" thing was a gambit. Mostly :)

I read the farside22/Sudo_Nym debate as town on town. Gut read on FakeGod is scum. He's question about it being a bastard game worries me, as does question about being alarmed. He seems nervous and trying not to act nervous.

FoS: FakeGod

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 5:44 am
by farside22
MMM: What about those that hoped on your wagon?
Why just an FOS?

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 5:52 am
by UncertainKitten
Ok, seriously? This game is turning out to be one game over my limit. I feel completely unmotivated to play this game and would rather not inflict that on you all.

I'm sorry, Sens, but
Mod: Please replace me

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 6:30 am
by ReaperCharlie
Alright, enough RVS, down to business...

Let's see what we've got so far... Page 1: RVS, nothing really much to be learned here; page 2, MMM quick-wagon, some votes from people thinking he thinks it's a bastard game, some omgus votes for HP-hating... nothing really solid or sticky presented against anyone here, so, moving along... page 3 is a bunch of fluff about humor meters, more links from MMM, facepalm pictures, talking about other games, and img tag fail. Oh wait, what's this? A few posts more about bastard moddery by IH and farside (65 and 66), a few more fluff posts, and then a soft accusation in 74 by sudo_nym, against the sillymongers. I tend to agree with sudo about innately suspecting chronic fluffers, but this early it's pretty much a null tell, as some players are still barely out of RVS at this point, and others are refusing to let it go without a few last jabs.

But page 4 starts off with a bang as farside attacks sudo_nym's last post on page 3, and the game begins.

Up until this point, I had been impressed with the activity level of the players, but not so much with the amount of actual content. Now we're getting somewhere though! ^_^ - anyway, farside's 79 has some good scum-hunting tips and some personal opinions on who's scummy, and I totally agree with NS's 81 where it says "I was happy with the activity level in the beginning. Let's not fall asleep here, people.", but not so much where it says he thinks IH is being opportunistic.

Something tells me NS is probably just more sensitive here cause IH's 'opportunistic' vote was on him. He's probably overthinking again (like in post 37); because he'd likely not have even noticed IH's vote was for anyone besides him. But there may be some validity yet to NS's observation. Time'll tell, they say.

@ fuzzy 82: Isn't the point of a bastard game to be a bastard? I would definitely classify 'not telling people it's a bastard game' as a pretty bastardly move. :twisted: lol I'm just being contentious. I don't think its a bastard game either.
Care to clue us in, mod, so we can cease this folly?

@ farside vs sudo: sudo's 83 seems a bit too over-defensive and over-critical imo, but there are some valid points in it.

@ fakegod 86: fluff moar plz

@ Seraphim 94: "Oho, Sudo and farside fight. Based on my meta of farside, Sudo is the hypothetical loser but I'll see how it plays out first." -- LOL!

@ Kmd4390: welcome.

@ most of page 5: Dumbledore's beard! people already going V/LA on us? and TWO REPLACEMENTS?! um. LAME.

@ sudo: what is your opinion of fakegod?

@ fakegod: what is your opinion of sudo?

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 6:37 am
by Mysterious Mystery Man
@ farside22: Your first question answers your second question. I'm still working on the voting.

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 7:37 am
by farside22
I found IH comments informative. However I note so far most games I'm in with NS he always comes off as scummy. I did think his reactions to the vote for IH was a bit over reactive. I dont' see how IH was opportunist in the least with his vote or comments.

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 8:36 am
by fuzzylightning
@Reaper: I think Sens reputation as a good mod would decrease greatly if he had a bastard game that was not publicized before hand. And its Memorial Day weekend in the States, so I understand some people going V/LA until the end of the weekend.

Happy Birthday rajrhcpfreak!