Alignment: During pregame, choose another player. You win the game if you or your chosen player has the most Pagetops at the end of it, regardless of whether you're alive or not.
In practice this is probably harder than Survivor, as you have to draw attention to yourself and live long enough, hence the safety net of another player. Also, Pagetop.
Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 8:33 am
by lendunistus
Mafia Gambler
Each night, you may target a single player. At the start of the next day phase, you, your target and the mod must publicly play a game of Blackjack in the game thread (the mod being the dealer). If the Dealer wins, both you and your target will die. If you win, your target will die. If your target wins, you will die and the mod must post in
Bold Pink
(#FFC0CB) for the rest of the game (up to the mod to decide whether they actually want to follow this or not).
While at least one Yeet Advocate is alive, the mod must exclusively use the word "yeet" to refer to eliminations (up to them whether they comply with this or not, screw them if they don't).
Once per night, you may target a player to turn them into a Yeet Advocate (they will keep their original alignment). While at least one Yeet Advocate is alive, all Cult conversions will also be turned into Yeet Advocates.
On night 1, you may choose two players. Those two players will form two Neighbourhoods with you. Two seperate neighbourhoods.
Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 8:27 pm
by Sirius9121
Level-1 Craftsman
(Town / Level-1 Craftsman, Research variant).
If this role belongs to groupscum, you may not give anything to your groupmates until you become a Level-5 Judgelight.
Each night, you may either craft a one-shot Doctor, one-shot Roleblocker, one-shot Watcher or one-shot Tracker and give it to a player. You may not give it to yourself.
After the second night, you may choose to Research instead of crafting. Researching turns you into a
Level-2 Craftsman
Spoiler: Evolutions
Level-2 Craftsman
May craft a one-shot Role Cop, one-shot Bulletproof, 50% one-shot Vigilante, one-shot Jailkeeper, one-shot Doctor, one-shot Roleblocker, one-shot Watcher or one-shot Tracker and give it to a player. You may not give it to yourself.
After the fifth night, you may choose to Research instead of crafting. Researching turns you into a
Level-5 Judgelight
Level-5 Judgelight
May craft a one-shot Role Cop, one-shot Bulletproof, 50% one-shot Vigilante, one-shot Jailkeeper, one-shot Doctor, one-shot Roleblocker, one-shot Watcher or one-shot Tracker and give it to a player. You
give it to yourself and use the ability immediately.
Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 8:32 pm
by Sirius9121
(Town, Eevee)
At the first night, you can choose an evolution from below.
You cannot use the ability on the first night.
Spoiler: dat be evolutionary
Macho Role Cop
Motion detector + Night 3,5 Macho
Doctor + firefighter + healer + Night 3 Bulletproof
Macho Night 2, 4, 6, 9 Vigilante
Roleblocker + Night 2,4 Bulletproof
3-shot Neighbourizer + Night 2 Bulletproof
Tracker/Watcher (determined randomly from 2)
Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 8:45 pm
by Sirius9121
Granter of Visions
(Third-Party / Granter of Visions)
Each night you may choose one player to grant a vision. This action cannot be prevented. They will have the first vision in the list they meet the trigger for. A player cannot have the same vision more than once each game. They will be informed that "They were plagued with visions of X all night."
Visions of death
triggers on death
: This player cannot die tonight by any means. Future kills on this player cannot be prevented by any means.
Visions of imprisonment
triggers on action prevention
: Actions this player takes tonight cannot be prevented by any means. After tonight that player is vanilla-ised.
Visions of corruption
triggers on alignment change
: This players alignment cannot be altered tonight by any means. If they are still alive at the start of the following night they are informed of your identity and their win condition becomes "You win if the Granter of Visions wins. Your win does not prevent other factions from winning."
Visions of paranoia
triggers on investigation
: All investigative actions on this player tonight are resolved as if the investigator is insane. Following tonight anyone who investigates this player cannot have their investigation prevented and cannot get inaccurate information by any means.
Visions of failure
triggers if none of the above do
: You lose any votes you might have had in the next day and do not count for reaching a majority for that day.
You cannot be killed at night by normal means.
You win if each living player has had a vision other than a "Visions of Failure" and you are still alive. Your win does not prevent other factions from winning.[
Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 10:13 pm
by lendunistus
Jelt Member
(Jelt faction/Vanilla)
Jelt faction: Once per day phase, a member of the Jelt may mark a player by PMing the mod the name of their target. If the mark was successful, the mod will announce in the game thread: "The Jelt has marked a player!". If one of the original Jelt Members is eliminated, the Jelt faction will lose the marking ability and every marked player will be converted into a Jelt Indoctrinate (they will not keep their original role and alignment). The converted player's new wincon is to get eliminated.
Jelt wincon: You win when an original Jelt Member is eliminated and then a Jelt Indoctrinate is eliminated.
A Jelt win ends the game.
Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2021 3:21 am
by samantha97
Town 2-Shot Hot Potato Vendor
(Town / 2-Shot Hot Potato Vendor)
Each night you may send another player a hot potato. Any player receiving a hot potato will be roleblocked, and will remain roleblocked until the day after they send it to another player at night (they will be informed of this). If a player ends up with 2 hot potatoes at once, they will only be able to send 1 per night.
Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2021 2:54 pm
by ShadowofSine
Time Delaying Serial Killer
Each night you may visit someone, you will be informed of whatever actions target them and delay all of them. You may release delayed actions on any future night, you don't have to release all actions from a single night at once. If you die, they are all released.
Otherwise you are a standard Serial Killer.
Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2021 3:17 pm
by Cook
Firebreathing Serial Killer
(Serial Killer / Firebreather)
You are a standard Serial Killer.
You may choose to breathe fire on someone. If they are primed with an ignition substance you will kill them and char their body so bad they do not flip a role.
Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2021 3:26 pm
by Jake The Wolfie
Town Discard-Fog
When all players discard a card, it will not be known who discarded what.
Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2021 3:51 pm
by Jingle
Mod chooses before randomization communications scrambler (Mod Chooses Before Randomization Alignment /Communications Scrambler Role)
The Mod chooses the alignment for this card before any cards are selected. If this card is selected and the mod hasn’t chosen an alignment for it, they must immediately post that they have failed to follow instructions and reroll the entire setup.
While you are alive, all game PTs are locked. Factional actions may be submitted via PM on a first submission takes priority basis. The mod must put a comprehensive list of all players who can view each PT in the opening post of each PT, including any players who would not be able to post in said PT while it was locked anyway.
samantha97 wrote:
Town 2-Shot Hot Potato Vendor
(Town / 2-Shot Hot Potato Vendor)
Each night you may send another player a hot potato. Any player receiving a hot potato will be roleblocked, and will remain roleblocked until the day after they send it to another player at night (they will be informed of this). If a player ends up with 2 hot potatoes at once, they will only be able to send 1 per night.
Role as written this is a 2x permanent roleblocker as the act of giving a hot potato would be blocked. I would suggest making the hot potato wording: “You were roleblocked when you received this. As long as you have a hot potato, you may not take any action other than giving a hot potato to another player. You may give one hot potato to another player per night.”
Jake The Wolfie wrote:
Town Discard-Fog
When all players discard a card, it will not be known who discarded what.
Does this mean that all discards will be redacted or simply that the list of discards will be published without saying which player discarded each card?
Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2021 5:20 pm
by NotAJumbleOfNumbers
Informed Townie
(Town / Informed)
You are privately informed of three other roles in this game randomly (but not alignments!)
Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2021 5:24 pm
by NotAJumbleOfNumbers
Pirate Jailkeeper
(Pirate / Jailkeeper)
have a factional ability: plundering a player. That player will be permanently Vanillaised. The plunderer will learn their target's role. This ability will fail on any Vanilla. All members of the faction can also access a PT for the faction.
Once during the day, and only if this would not cause a hammer, you may post
TRIPLE: (name of player)
. You start voting this player, and your vote weight is tripled. Note that changing votes will make your vote weight go back to 1.
Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 3:58 am
by Ircher
Mafia 2-Shot Number Cop
alignment, 2-Shot Number Cop role)
Twice per game at night, you may target a player. You will attempt to learn the numbers of their role and alignment card in the deck of astral roles thread.
Mod Notes: Please randomize the order the numbers are given in. Players should not immediately know which one corresponds to role and which one corresponds to alignment.
Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 4:49 am
by samantha97
Werewolf Enchantress
(Werewolf / Enchantress)
At night, you may target another player. You will force them to Commute. If they are a different alignment from you, you will also Commute.
Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 5:05 am
by ShadowofSine
Mafia Bugger and Tracker
During the day, you may bug a player. At nightstart you will be told if they visit others at night or not.
You may also track someone each night, learning who they visit, if anyone.
Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 6:55 am
by lendunistus
Vanilla Townie
Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 7:02 am
by lendunistus
Alien MS Paint-ifier
(Alien/MS Paint-ifier)
Each night, you may choose a player to MS Paint-ify. For the following day, said player can only post images, GIFs or videos. They will still be able to vote.
Default alien wincon.
Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 7:06 am
by Guillotina
Town Dark Ninja
alignment / Dark Ninja role)
You may target someone on even days, which will add "Inverted" status to the target's role. "Inverted" will cause the target's actions (if any) to do exactly the opposite of what was intended. (A Doctor will kill, a Cop will frame, a Killer will protect etc). Inverted status stays permanently.
Your action cannot be traced by tracker, watcher and motion detector types of roles.
During the night, you may perform any factional actions your faction may have as well as these two actions: Track, Roleblock
In addition to the default mafia wincon, you must also ensure the death of one randomly picked player in the game. If they survive to the end of the game, you will lose.