Players: | A1 | B1 | C1 | A2 | B2 | C2 | A3 | B3 | C3 | A4 | B4 | C4 | Finale Score: |
Cheetory6 | Frog | *twirls hair* | lolbalance | sharp note | mr blue skies | ms painter | fluffy tsunami | snark attack | Just here for the Pagetop! | comical third option | Every Breath You Take | welcome to the haystack | 11.50 |
T3 | deathrowkitty | ydrasse | alisae | bell | - | cheetory | - | skrew | aronis | - | - | - | 7.00 |
Cheery Dog | deathrowkitty | GuyInFreezer | Alisae | Not_Mafia | Aristophanes | Cheetory6 | Majiffy | Who | Aronis | xyzzy | Cabd | Ythan | 8.00 |
SleepyKrew | deathrowkitty | ydrasse | Alisae | bell | Aristophanes | Cheetory6 | ??? | SleepyKrew | Aronis? | Shanba? | oh duh Cabd | Ythan | 9.50 |
Datisi and Iconeum | deathrowkitty (frog) | ydrasse (twirls hair) | alisae (lolbalance) | bell (sharp note) | aristophanes (mr blue sky) | cheetory (ms painter) | noraa (fluffy tsunami) | sleepykrew (snark attack) | aronis (just here for the pagetop!) | something_smart (somewhat_balanced) | cabd (every breath you take) | ythan (welcome to the haystack) | 10.00 |
xofelf | - | - | - | - | is Mr. Blue Sky/Aristophanes. | is MS Painter/Cheetory 6 | - | - | Page top.. who i think is Aronis? but I don't remember | - | - | 3.00 | ... sp=sharing
Cheetory takes first!
Followed by Datisi and Iconeum
and SleepyKrew third!
Round 3 Answer Key: