In post 57, VP Baltar wrote:So do you have to write in pentameter or iambic pentameter?
Also, do you get leeway for goofs? Seems very easy to mess up.
The latter; and in fact he did mess up.
But luckily we needn't be exact--
The point is just that there's an effort made.
I'd put you slightly town for
And maybe also Bell for
messing up
the count of posts that we're allowed each day.
In post 58, fireisredsir wrote:vp it feels like you're using a lot of your limited posts on things that are unrelated to alignment or moving the game forward
Is that the case? If there's a real PR,
then understanding it is pretty fair.
And if you think it's obviously fake
Then shouldn't you be asking VP why
He doesn't feel the same in that regard?
If Bell is scum, I doubt with VPB,
Or Lavar, since they
clearly knew the count
of posts that we're allowed to make per day.
In post 75, fireisredsir wrote:its literally in the setup post as an example that there won't be an Iambic-Pentameter Post Restricted role. that's clearly why he's doing it lol. sorry to ruin the joke but stop wasting posts speculating on this
The rules are more complex than Fire claims,
Since actually this role could be allowed
because there's one that disregards the rules.
So Fire, did you skip that, or assume
The mod would not use that specific slot
On what they said explicitly was banned?
In post 87, gorilla wrote:I'm not sure I have actual thoughts on Kovu dropping a reads wall on page 4 but I admire the spirit. Just don't wear yourself out, kid.
I feel the opposite, for what it's worth.
There's almost nothing you can base them on
So they're just making things up, pretty much.
It's gonna make me want to doubt their reads
For probably a large chunk of the game.
And one more thing-- it is a holiday
This weekend, and unluckily for us
We both have plans, so don't expect a lot
Till Monday at the latest, I would say.
Not sure about Menalque but I will be
around tomorrow to engage with stuff.