Crazy wrote:The opportunity that you're missing here is that this is a game where you can freely act as scummy as you want without fear of being lynched, since the goal of this game is to find
, not
Now, of course, I know we can lynch Slayer right now and win the game, but there's no convincing you guys of that fact.
I have never been perceived as the most pro-town person in a game,
, so especially here, I'm not gonna give a crap as to how you think of me, because I know from the start that Slayer is likely not going to be lynched.
Now, look here, I would love a speedlynch, but I know you guys won't want that, because either...
a. You want to play a game of mafia.
b. You
The problem with discussion here is that it will give scum time to manipulate us, and try to make each other look pro-town. If we lynched Tovarish right now (the dice target), then we have an 82% chance of winning. That would mean that this game is broken, right? Texas Justice was just taken off the Open Queue, and that only had a 73% chance of town winning. This is MORE than that. If we could just quicklynch Tovarish, we'd probably win in a second.
Or we discuss this game for a while, end up lynching Jex (because Forbiddan just LOVES discussion and can't POSSIBLY be scum), and losing the game.
ZS, you will not get an 99% chance of winning by adding discussion, since discussion usually helps the town, but when the town has such a high win percent rate anyway, it probably won't end up helping that much, and I'm sure that it has potential to hurt us.
I want to discuss TDC, since it's really hard for me to imagine him being scum while coming up with a gamebreaking plan.
If both of the scum act scummy, then we know who to lynch. So, really, there is no reason for scum to act scummy, even though we are not technically looking to directly lynch them.
Obviously. I am not going to consider you town just because you say you are.
Wait... Just check the lover chains... Uhh... YOU love slayer. So lynching slayer would you mean you would die, and I would be the last one standing.
Uhh, no. I do not want a speedlynch because we have ONE chance to lynch. ONE. I do NOT want to screw up the only chance we have. I mean, this is basically lylo from the get-go. Speedlynching would only be a bad thing. Discussion would draw out scum, etc. etc.
Wow. Crazy seems to not understand the basic concepts of Mafia.
82% is NOT good enough for me. I want a nearly full proof chance.
Who says someone who loves discussion is not scum?
And why are you so certain Forbiddan and I are scum?
Look, discussion ALWAYS helps the town. That is like, a basic rule of Mafia. I do not like anything BUT a 99% or near that chance when I lynch someone. Discussion increases my chances. Therefore, I like to discuss.
Not to get WIFOMy, but consider the fact that TDC came up with a "game-breaking plan" which actually does not work. To me, it seems like he came up with a plan that he knew did not work, but would look to people at first glance like it did work, in order to make himself seem townie.
Or you and him could just be scum buddies. One of the two.
forbiddanlight wrote:
Or we discuss this game for a while, end up lynching Jex (because Forbiddan just LOVES discussion and can't POSSIBLY be scum), and losing the game.
You think I'm scum? Why not come out and say it? And I never vied to be the most pro town. I want to play mafia, and I don't want to be fucktarded about it, ok? Oh yeah, and I am town, thanks for the backhanded revelation.
ZS, you will not get an 99% chance of winning by adding discussion, since discussion usually helps the town, but when the town has such a high win percent rate anyway, it probably won't end up helping that much, and I'm sure that it has potential to hurt us.
Only if we have a bunch of sheep that can't think for themselves. Which you are obviously trying to make of us.
I want to discuss TDC, since it's really hard for me to imagine him being scum while coming up with a gamebreaking plan.
Only if it wasn't intentional misleading. I doubt it was, but given how scummy YOU'VE been acting and your covering for him makes me wonder.
Now, of course, I know we can lynch Slayer right now and win the game, but there's no convincing you guys of that fact.
Can you tell me why you know this for a fact? Perhaps it's because you know the mafia's positions, right?
The opportunity that you're missing here is that this is a game where you can freely act as scummy as you want without fear of being lynched, since the goal of this game is to find town, not scum.
And how the fuck does acting scummy help us win ANYWAY?
I want to discuss TDC, since it's really hard for me to imagine him being scum while coming up with a gamebreaking plan.
What do you want to discuss about him?
Crazy wrote:Forbiddan, ask yourself this. What part of willing to lynch someone based on a die roll makes me scummy? It gives an 82% chance of win for the town, and I was supporting it before I even knew that the target was Tovarish.
And you still haven't proven that you can rig dice. I stand by my argument that you
unless if you show me that you can do it.
And how the fuck does acting scummy help us win ANYWAY?
If you're not worried about staying alive, you can get more interesting reactions from people. Stop playing like you would in a normal game, and don't be afraid to get your hands a little dirty.
Can you tell me why you know this for a fact? Perhaps it's because you know the mafia's positions, right?
Slayer's after me on the chain. I know I'm town. Thus, I know lynching him would cause a town victory.
It is not that. It is the fact that you want everyone else to just shut up and follow your plan, and that if they do not, then they are obviously scum.
Uhh... I thought YOU were the one who said something about rigging dice?
This is not Assassins in the Palace. This is a hell of a lot closer to a normal game than that. Basic rules still apply. Mafia have the knowledge, town has the majority. Stop acting like this game is so radically different.
And Slayer is actually after me on the Chain.
Uhh, seriously? Saying "Hey, I am town, follow my orders!"?
You, sir, are just making your case worse and worse.
Crazy wrote:Oh, actually, you're right about the dice thing, forbiddan. But I don't think it works in mafia games, since we can't edit our posts:
DA WIKI wrote:Note this this is not fool proof. People can edit their posts and get a new dice roll. It will usually say FIXED, but this is not foolproof either. If you are in a forum where people can edit their posts, you should pay close attention and/or only play with people you can trust.
Forbiddan wrote:Oh, and you could at least do the mod a favor and not break his game with chance.
I am sorry about this, and I do apologize to Max, but we're supposed to play the game to win, not try to play the game the way the mod intended.
Essentially this game is Loser Mafia, but we just have to lynch right one time. The idea behind this game is great because it rewards active participation from both factions, and it flips it so that we're looking for towntells instead of scumtells. However, I believe this particular set-up to be broken.
I love towntells, and I use them far more than most people, since most people just say OMG WIFOM whenever they hear someone talk about towntells. I believe TDC did a town-tell when he proposed his plan, since there is no reason that scum would propose to lynch a random person.
Uhh, no. We play Mafia to have fun, last I checked.