Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 12:26 am
I really don't have time to do up the proper score table right now, but at the end of yesterday my scores were:
IS: 57
Umbrage: 55
EK: 55
Lurconis: 55
VPB: 55
Everyone else: 50
IS wrote: Yes, the most points you manipulated yourself, giving me "bonuses" of +7 while Umbrage (confirmed scum) was getting +5's. You're always scum when you're so blatant with this manipulative point system bullshit. Even the ladies should have seen enough by now. You need to hang, scum.
↑ evilpacman18 wrote:hi.
↑ evilpacman18 wrote:Don't be silly. I'm not scum. Today is Friday. Which means that possibly today and definitely tomorrow I end this slot's alleged lurking.
↑ evilpacman18 wrote:Based on the questionnaire answers I'd say imaginality is scum because he answered in the exact same format as Untrod. So did Umbrage and I thought he was scum for it before I read the list of dead. And it's likely that two scum would do the same thing here because it's unconscious.
I'm on to page 6. Only thing on my schedule tomorrow is vegging out on the couch. Which means reading. Or Halo. Hopefully reading.
↑ evilpacman18 wrote:scooby's a bit of a hypocrite. Talking about people trying hard so they look good when he's more srs bznz than anyone else on that page. I don't think it's a mistake decent scum would make though and Umbrage's post after it leads to believe even more that he's probably not scum.
Vollkan looks town to me. Last time I played with him he was scum and all he was doing was asking questions that went nowhere. This time he's actually looking like he's trying to make use of information.
Not that it's mandatory to explain every read, especially town reads, but imaginality had an unexplained town read on Umbrage. 188's gonna be a really useful post. Of course, a lot of people called Umbrage town at that point. Which is weird.
Up to page 11.
↑ vollkan wrote:The whole point of my points system is (for a range of reasons that I won't go into because it will only lead to a theory debate) to explicitly and inextricably link my voting behaviour to particular scumtells (as expressed through the points). Whilst some flexibility is needed for extreme cases, the system loses its necessary element of constituting a form of pre-commitment if its operation becomes subject to my own discretion.
↑ MrBuddyLee wrote:
I couldn't name a suspect of DGB's or EK's other than IS right now, probably because of their noise-to-commonsense ratios. Likewise with IS--I know he suspects vollkan and enjoys barbing the ladies, but that's about all that comes to mind. Sure, we can reread their posts more carefully to see who else they suspect, but keep in mind that if one or more are scum, their goal is to obfuscate, and that's what all three are doing. I have them as leaning town, but not strongly.
↑ DrippingGoofball wrote:Phew, glad to be alive, I made a lot of notes during the night not being sure I'd ever have the chance to post them in the thread, but I figured I could post the notes in the dead QT. Yesterday was soooo revealing. One of the most revealing days I've ever seen.
Why? Because of the particularities of a scum needing 2/3 majority lynch. Scum knew this. And they betrayed this in their behavior.
All these players are now behaviorally confirmed:
scooby - confirmed "I'm 99% sure this is Umbrage scum trying to play the DERPFATE card."
VP Baltar - confirmed for suggesting an Umbragemodkill, you don't do that to your nearly unlynchable buddy.
Untrod Tripod
Still not sure about this guy.
Medicated Lain
Lord Gurgi- "Proxy Vote: IS"
Mysterio/evilpacman- Lurkerscum? Nothing to exonerate them during the epic Umbrage lynch.
Internet Stranger- 100% scum
Mist Beauty
MrBuddyLee(voted Umbrage post-lynch, has done nothing at all, all game)
Lord Gurgi:
"Proxy Vote: IS" - Lord Gurgi has been a slippery eel, however, his proxying vote to a scum is a mitigating factor. Who would proxy their vote to their buddy????
Did little but distract with aborted wagons of the future.
"VP why you take your good vote away and replace it with a bad vote [Umbrage]?"- Then SpyreX votes me when we're working on over-lynching Umbrage. That is extraoridinarily bad.
ALTHOUGH:"If that requires freaking everyone to do this so it can be done FINE."- His firm commitment to the lynch plan, combined with his expressed frustration, is a mitigating factor.
- when I was perfectly CORRECT that Umbrage & Co had killed Kison because Kison was a mega-double voting threat to Kison which could have been VERY problematic in endgame."DBG, oh look opportunistic Umbrage vote to start the day. Great!"
"You completely ignored my very awesome points of your attacks on Umbrage"
"If you can get past all the lunacy, Umbrage actually has a point."
And for those that think in-your-face rolefishing is too-scummy-for-scum, remember Umbrage:"DGB: explain what the omelettes do now. I'm not rolefishing."
And then:"Meta arguments do not work on Umbrage. Im unsure if he is scum just because of the raging though. Whats the argument on him anyways?"
I've countedEIGHT posts where IS tries to divert the Umbrage wagon onto vollkan, SIX of which wereurgentappeals while Umbrage was in dire jeopardy.
Mist Beauty:
"Is there really a point to testing this? I can't think of any reasons a player would post it unless it were true."
When MistBeauty put Umbrage at L+1, with a Princess role speculation, she knew he wouldn't be lynched, because she switched to Lord Gurgi.
Voted Umbrage post-lynch, has done nothing at all, all game.
Mysterio/evilpacman (not sure where to fit this lurker, so smack in the middle of the pack)
Lord Gurgi
MBL - seems to be genuinely not following, but none of his behavior yesterday puts him in the town category.
↑ shaft.ed wrote:Daydreaming about a disabling but non-crippling injury Vote Count
vollkan(5) Internet Stranger, Porochaz, scooby, Medicated Lain, VP Baltar
Internet Stranger(4) vollkan, DrippingGoofball, Untrod Tripod, elvis_knits
Mist Beauty(2) Lurconis, Lord Gurgi
Lord Gurgi(1) SpyreX
elvis_knits(1) ZeekLTK
Not Voting: MrBuddyLee, evilpacman18, Mist Beauty
With 16 alive it takes 9 to lynch or 8 to No Lynch
↑ DrippingGoofball wrote:IS wanted to save Umbrage and divert his lynch towards vollkan. Iso IS. Please, iso IS. I know it's painful. Just look at the Umbrage lynch.
IS wrote:Well, he isnt dead. Now im REALLY curious as to whats going on with him.Do you want to wait for lurkers to pile on the votesand see if he just needs something like Lynch+2 votes?
UT wrote:I find this likely andI see no possible downside to testing this out. Maybe he has one protection from lynch. Maybe it's supermajority. Maybe it's unlynchable. Maybe he's scum and his buddies can cast fake votes on him. The point is it could be a lot of things and getting to one majority on him then throwing our hands up in the air because he's all "ooh I got voodoo powah but I can't tell you whaaaaaaat" would be really bad for us. Especially because Umbrage is really coming off to me as 3rd party or scum, I don't think we should just let this go and be like "oh, ok, he can't be lynched, cool. let's go home and masturbate"
Baltar wrote:omg, I actually agree with everything UT just said.Pile the fucking votes on Umbrageuntil he's dead. A scum with a slightly raised lynch threshold sure would be a nice counter balance to a townie double voter in a lylo situation. His little third party plea is just icing on the cake. Why would you even say something like that if you're a townie? (hint: you wouldn't)
This lynch wagon needs more hammahs.
prozac wrote:scooby please put your vote back onfor now. Thanks
Lurc wrote:I really don't see how being unlynchable ensures someone is town. It doesn't make them scum either I see it as more of a null.
prozac wrote:Noone cares at the moment. Please vote umbrage instead.
Amrun wrote:Fine with testing this.
Lurc wrote:VOTE: UmbrageOk I'm fine with testing
scoob wrote:Guess it doesn't hurt.
Vote: Umbrage.
prozac wrote:I'll be honest here, Im voting vollkan if Umbrage doesn't get lynched today.
Chicken Lady Page wrote:The first fully featured sketch featuring the Chicken Lady centered on her blind date with an unsuspecting young man (played by Dave Foley) who comes to meet her at her apartment. Although clearly repulsed by her appearance and mannerisms, he is initially compelled to stay. However he finally flees in horror when she feeds him an omelette made from an egg she herself laid.