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Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 9:50 pm
by Shadoweh
Jenna hated her? Well that explains why Star Sapphire wasn't happy with me in Arkham City when she was calling me Cybele..
Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 9:02 am
by ForWhomTheJellyRolls
In post 998, Cheery Dog wrote:I feel that it was only dominant because of the HoH twist, although I don't actually know where Joe sat. I believe that if it was a free for all vote, me, Jenna & J'Tia would likely have had something going together though.
But with two of us up for elimination, there wasn't much chance.
Hell yeah I'm pretty sure I would have been so down for this.
Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 10:38 am
by kdowns
Moar Cuts
Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 11:21 am
by DeathNote
Oh rite... I forgot this was a thing.
Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 12:26 pm
by xofelf
Funny that you would be the one asking for them, kdowns...
321. Rory Williams (kdowns) - Doctor Who
It's good ole kdowns here again. This time, I am here to prove my self and make up for the past few games. Life isn't able to fuck me over in this game as I finally am free of real life commitments, so expect to see me at the finish line.
Honestly, Rory really disappoints me. He was allied up with the bigger names of this game and was generally liked. He was well positioned for an absolutely great performance as a great character. And then the psuedomerge ends and Rory is just gone. His confessional essentially just stops. He's very pissy with Amy and co about messing with Time Travel for Nefertiti, and that's the last bit of important content we actually get from him. He says something near the end of the game how he stopped caring but not much else. He had all this amazing potential and could have done great things, but he flaked. No player, game mechanic, swap, or twist backstabs kdowns as hard as life does.
Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 1:10 pm
by Flameaxe
Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 1:19 pm
by Drench
and with the next cut, we are a third of the way there
Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 5:36 pm
by CuddlyCaucasian
320. Glenn (kdowns) - Season Finale (4th Place)
"Hm Core alliance of Me, Jesse, Thomas, and Danny is set in stone... We shall be deemed " People that will actually respond the messages with actual content". As that is why we decided to work with each other since we will actually give each other information."
I'm not going to harp too much more on how Season Finale was a drudge of a season, but essentially the only things separating Glenn from Thomas (who I cut much earlier) are 1) Glenn didn't medevac at final five, and 2) Glenn tried to flip against the guys at one point after being UTR for a majority of the game. But it didn't work, and he continued to enable what was eventually the Jesse win everyone knew would happen. Yawn.
Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 10:42 pm
by kdowns
Well fuck shit guys. I didn't ask for that.
Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 10:47 pm
by kdowns
Also. Life is the thing that fucks me the most.
Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 3:06 am
by Klick
RIP Thornton
Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 6:58 am
by Cephrir
319. Larvitar (???) - Seafoam Islands
"I like my tribe a lot. I hope I'm not being backstabbed."
I wouldn't be surprised if someone took umbrage with this cut, but I think it's long overdue. Larvitar requested that his identity not be released for some reason after the game, and the mods complied, so we don't know who he was. That's kind of fun and has become somewhat of a meme, but it's really got nothing to do with his presence as a character in this game.
Within the game, he was there, and pretty much went home because he was deemed the less useful of two players in his tribe who weren't part of the majority alliance. I think we've already given him plenty of credit for that fun fact and at some point it becomes silly to cut relevant players over him.
Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 11:28 am
by xofelf
I agree with this cut. It's time for memes to become dreams.
Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 4:00 pm
by Crazy
While it is interesting that Larvitar is completely unknown, the more interesting thing about him is the thread he posted during his TC. He was basically anti-alliances and he suggested that the 5 members of Leafstone all vote in a circle so that we would draw rocks. (I actually forgot about this plan until just looking at his thread now.)
Funny that Larvitar's plan almost happened for real in Magic Kingdom. At this point, maybe we should just presume that Larvitar was Malkon and he just had a 4-year absence.
Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 4:09 pm
by Crazy
318. Merry (DeasVail) - Middle Earth
"I don't think this is good for me. I'm becoming super paranoid and keep imagining everyone conspiring against me."
Merry, as far as I can tell, is DV's first game of Survivor, and to his credit, he performed better than many players do in their first game. Unfortunately, though, Merry seems to be a pretty boring character, and when I look at the characters from Middle Earth who have yet to be cut, Merry just doesn't stand out.
Merry started off on Anduin, which was probably the most interesting of the three initial tribes in Middle Earth. Anduin featured a complex web of alliances which included everybody except the obvious first boot Arwen. Merry was part of the alliance, but not in the core of it, and other players were concerned about his connection to Legolas. Legolas was booted, and Merry was seemingly left out of the vote.
After the swap, Merry was in a majority position along with his former tribemates Boromir and Halbarad, and eventually Aragorn. During this time, Merry seemed to be sympathetic to the minority, Gollum and Galadriel, so when Gollum was getting voted out, Merry decided to... self-vote? That's nice, I guess?
Post-merge, the Silver tribe took control, and Merry was voted off at the second post-merge TC in a unanimous 9-0 vote.
Overall, while Merry didn't play
, he was never the one driving the action, and he never had a strong moment that defined his character. Then he was eliminated in a pretty underwhelming way.
Also, he looks just like Pippin, at least coming from someone with no knowledge of Lord of the Rings. Oddly, DV actually did make it to the F2 with Pippin (Snakes) in the very next game, Mario Bros. Then, several years later, he made the F2 with the runner-up, Betch, in Doctor Who.
Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 4:12 pm
by Crazy
Oh, and apparently I cut our first 9th placer, which leaves 1st and 2nd as the only positions untouched.
Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 4:58 pm
by xofelf
Oh no, it's even BETTER than that. Merry self-voted because he didn't want to have to make a decision during that TC between either side. So he self-voted instead.
Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 5:05 pm
by DeasVail
In post 1016, xofelf wrote:Oh no, it's even BETTER than that. Merry self-voted because he didn't want to have to make a decision during that TC between either side. So he self-voted instead.
I self-voted because I told Gollum that I would not vote for him, but I didn't want to alienate anyone else by voting for them. It made some twisted sense to me at the time, I swear.
Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 5:19 pm
by xofelf
It was both cute and frustrating <3
Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 5:42 pm
by Klick
317. Captain Narom (GuyInFreezer) - Mass Effect
"Note to self: try hard, but not too hard."
Read Kirrahe's cut description and you'll get Narom, except with one less self-vote and not having a strong start. Narom's longevity relied heavily on luck combined with small tribes. Legion took a liking to Narom very early on and ensured he would stay safe during the two Blood Pack votes. If Blood Pack went to a third TC, Narom was the next target. On Cyanide, Narom was saved by Kasumi's connection with Samara, combined with there being a Red vs. Purple thing going on. During merge, moves were big, and they stayed big, which kept Narom safe until the winning group had no other options. Narom's game plan was to go to the end with his allies from the start, Legion and Kasumi. However, he contributed to his group's failure by self-voting at one of the pivotal Tribal Councils.
All in all, Narom was weak for a deep merge character, and like Kirrahe, I'm surprised he's made it this far.
Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 5:57 pm
by xofelf
Well that's the Kasumi side of things. Him being partnered with Harbinger for the secret pairs meant he was also useful to us because he kept doublevoting with Harbinger even while he was voting on his own with you here and there. He honestly was in this really interesting playing both sides place that I don't really think people really noticed. He was very cute with Harb, and helped contribute to our group's win. Deadline extension happened so he would get online to double vote and be useful.
Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 6:02 pm
by Klick
I was going off his confessional for the most part, not the Kasumi side of things. He talks about his bootlist from F9 on being your four, then Kirrahe/Thane, then me, leaving him with Legion at F2.
Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 6:30 pm
by xofelf
Yeah, Legion was his baeeee. It's still funny how he screwed over his favourite by the times he worked with us.
Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 7:58 pm
by DeasVail
The whole Kirrahe/Narom thing was so frustrating
Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 7:59 pm
by DeasVail
And didn't The Thorian disappear too? Ugh