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Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 11:04 pm
by Super
In post 999, JamesTheNames wrote:
In post 998, Super wrote:huh?
I was looking over some of Zyla's most recent posts. One stuck out, I want to see what Unwnd claims, or what Zyla claims.
yeah I think once we know who the JK is this could very much be fairly simple to figure out :)

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 11:05 pm
by Super
I'm gonna watch netflix and probably go to sleep soon, I'll refresh the game a few more times before sleep but otherwise I'll see y'all in the morning aussie time

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 3:20 am
by Noraa
In post 967, Zyla wrote:if I were jailed, he'd've gotten that I didn't go anywhere.
if you were jailed, he would've gotten no result.

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 3:23 am
by Noraa
In post 982, Super wrote:(it does suck that Nora claimed since I'm not sure if that was ideal at this point since there is a scum roleblocker and they can narrow down who the last PR is but that's cool i'll let that slide )
Well like. Dude told me he got a tracker result. Which, if he did, it would not be a bad idea to mass claim. The logic all checked out and he was freaking me out by being like YOU SCUM IF YOU DONT CLAIM

and it seemed fine to claim and putting it off might've looked scummy idk? I was thinking that my position in the game isn't that stable since I just replaced in so I might as well just claim so that scum wouldn't claim first and get the upper hand
Yeah @_@

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 3:26 am
by Noraa
In post 983, Super wrote:hi nora you're so energetic and it's really nice and easy for me to get a read on! yay! I'm curious what read you wanted to talk about with Catboi? was it the one on James as well?
Yeh! I wanted to ask catboi why he TRed James! You also TRed him but I've played with catboi before and I was 100% sure he was town due to Jacko's posting which was the downiest fucking town to EVER EXIST OML so I wanted his opinion more than yours. But now that he's dead, u've risen lol.

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 3:30 am
by Noraa
In post 987, Super wrote:you know what? fuck it. I feel pretty confident in saying Nora is town here so I'm just going to claim and say I'm a villager - the jailkeeper should claim because it is either Zyla/Unwnd and that to me is autowin (since it'd just be the last villager claim FMPOV since I'm feeling fairly good about Nora being town here and if I'm wrong then I can deal with that later on)

obviously it's only autowin here if my read on Nora is right and town also townread me but I'm feeling good about it

I'm leaning more on Zyla being scum because I read HEM as fairly towny D1 and also I will note that when Catboi started pushing on Orc D2 on entry HEM immediately took away his scumread on JAckson (Catboi) and started pushin on Orc as well (I don't see why he would do this to his partner)

sorry for claiming, Nora already did and I feel pretty confident we can vote out mafia today, if I've fucked up I'm sorry - I haven't played noob mechanics before and I'm getting the hang of the setups but I think based on my reads this is most optimal FMPOV (SINCE I'm feeling so good about Nora being town)
The bad thing about narrowing the setup is that scum will know who the two prs are if the day doesn't end today and since its a maf RBer, they can RB one and kill the other and I think that's why RBer shouldn't claim(unless they RBed Zyla last night but im assuming they didn't)

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 3:31 am
by Noraa
In post 992, Super wrote:so either Nora lied and is JK or James didn't get roleblocked?

or Zyla is JK and just is engaging weirdly
In post 993, unwnd wrote:I'm not, so someone is being hush for no reason when I'd prefer clarity
no massclaim. no clarity. If we don't hit scum today, scum will RB the JKer and kill James. That is NOT good.

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 3:37 am
by Noraa
Scum should not figure out who our JK is because that's bad. Unless the JK has a clearing result, NO CLAIM.

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 3:53 am
by Zyla
In post 937, unwnd wrote:I don't see any mechanical inconsistentcies with James' claim
In post 990, unwnd wrote:You're not a JK super? I don't think Zyla as the JK would just go along with what James said, or wouldn't point out the mech contradiction. If I'm a JK and someone claims I didn't go anywhere (and I was the one who JKed them so I know it's not true) I would want to clarify. Zyla didn't do that though, she just accepted it at face value and nothing else.
In post 939, Zyla wrote:
In post 933, JamesTheNames wrote:
In post 932, Zyla wrote:So I guess that means that Noraa, Unwnd, and Super are our major suspects, but we've got a 1/3rd chance of being in a game with a mafia-roleblocker (and jailkeeper), so I guess I'm not 100% ruled out? (I mean, I am town, but I'm not confirmed yet I guess)
But I'm down for trusting James if no one else claims
Even if mafia roleblocked you N2, you're still town here.
It's more if mafia or JK targeted
, as you wouldn't have any meaningful result

I did see a possible inconsistency and point it out, so I'm not sure what you're getting at here
In post 957, Noraa wrote:And now its also outted that our second pr is a JKer. WONDERFUL.
This is just going amazing.
To be fair, as soon as James said he was tracker, Mafia already knew the second PR, only A2 would fit the criteria for Mafia RB and Town Tracker. James' claim might not have been
ly thought out, but it gave town more info than it gave scum
In post 959, Noraa wrote:I previously got something mixed up btw,
I thought Super replaced the monkey for some reason. But since she replaced Dom, im locktowning that asap. I had reservations about the monkey's alignment
So last scum is Zyla or Unwnd. This game is solved.
Solved would be having the info to
the two possible scum, this doesn't account for you, and it's based on a read of super, not info. (Making it 4 possibilities when we need 2)
In post 986, Super wrote:zyla are you townnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
I am town, and I will claim vanilla

RN my biggest two suspects are Noraa and Unwnd

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 5:06 am
by JamesTheNames
VOTE: Zyla

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 5:09 am
by Zyla
In post 1009, JamesTheNames wrote:UNVOTE: Noraa
VOTE: Zyla

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 5:37 am
by Zyla
In post 1009, JamesTheNames wrote:UNVOTE: Noraa
VOTE: Zyla
What's making you think that I am scummy? As far as I can tell, scum!Zyla would've gone with the fact that she was confirmed town rather than pointing out the reason why she might not be town, it seems a bit weird of a gambit to point it out

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 6:25 am
by Noraa
In post 932, Zyla wrote:So I guess that means that Noraa, Unwnd, and Super are our major suspects, but we've got a 1/3rd chance of being in a game with a mafia-roleblocker (and jailkeeper), so I guess I'm not 100% ruled out? (I mean, I am town, but I'm not confirmed yet I guess)
But I'm down for trusting James if no one else claims
Previously, I thought this reaction was towny briefly looking at it. Currently, im not 100% on it. It's hard to say. I understand town overthinks but heck if I was in this spot having the town tracker clear me, id have been like WOOHOO IM CONFTOWN NOW I CAN BE AS SCUMMY AS I WANT AND NO ONE CAN DO A SHIT ABT IT HA
But Zyla is new so then its kinda like uhhh would a newbie think that much? My personal opinion is no but the issue is that I definitely see a scum unwnd world here. Or even scum super.

Here. The last scum percentages look like this
Super : 10% possibility
Unwnd: 45%
Zyla: 45%

Super looks very very towny. The issue is that I have slight paranoia on her because she reminds me of ydrasse 100 fucking million% and I literally ALWAYS TR scum ydrasse because im blind as hell and very prone to her pocketing.
I think that maybe we should massclaim today? It's tough but I think if we wait til tomorrow, we might have a pr counterclaim from scum which is annoying to deal with because then I'll be the one choosing who dies when I slightly SR everyone here. However, if we all claim today, its more likely that the prs won't be counterclaimed since both are alive and its suicide to counter one. I have more faith in my ability to convince everyone that I am town over the scum who is claiming VT than my ability to figure out which pr is the real one.

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 6:29 am
by Noraa
Like if we all claim today, we'll know for sure who the prs are. This means that the prs won't be cc'ed unless scum wants to die a mech guilty which is absolutely stupid.
If we all claim tomorrow, it will be lylo. James will be dead(unless our JK targets scum and scum doesn't target the JK which is a pretty small percentage chance that this exact situation will happen), and we'll have the JKer claim and then me and scum. I have more faith in myself convincing the JKer that I am town than in my ability to tell which pr is fake tomorrow.
Like if we claim tomorrow, it will likely be me, pr, scum and the scum will counter the pr seeing that I am uncertain on everything and it is a better bet to try to win me over than the pr that TRs me. I might not be able to figure it out and we'll lose a game that we should've won.

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 6:32 am
by Noraa
I think its probably more likely that scum is zyla even if solely off the fact that the night kills haven't been the hottest.
Like unwnd and super and probably better at pr hunting than zyla. Especially Unwnd but I do see a world where they see catboi as a threat anyways since he's so widely TRed. But given that they are a mafia RBer, they should know that town has some heavy power and going for the prs > going for the threats because mech guilties are mod confirmed whereas UTR people can be dragged down kicking and screaming from their spots if scum is skilled enough.
Ugh. the wifom is frying my brain.

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 6:33 am
by Noraa
Ugh. Ok imma read the end of yesterday and see if I can make any discoveries.

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 6:37 am
by unwnd
Will get back into this a bit later. I don't wanna give half-hearted thoughts. I think I understand what's going on to some degree regardless.

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 6:45 am
by Noraa
In post 900, catboi wrote:If I'm wrong then I need serious re-eval but still feel reasonably good about James and navslot as town
mmmmm catboi dying after this doesn't seem like unwnd scum thing to do.
Ok I have some more analysis and then I'll shut up and let people think.

So catboi dying here could be noobscum since 1) James and "navslot" yes me, are town and he just murdered the scum buddy. Thats pretty intimidating to noobscum which like if both scum here were newbies, holy shit I feel bad for y'all. It's like Ugh this Jacksonvirgo dude. Then a Micc dude. Then a JohnnyFarrar. Then a Catboi. A Super. An unwnd. And now a Noraa wtf is this overload of town power. Like if scum was orctin and ninja, holy fuck they had it rough. Like ROUGH. Getting totally overwhelmed by wall posters and sexy endividuals. Thats a huge rip. Damn now that im thinking about that, holy shit if that's the setup, damn I feel really bad. If that's not, then eh I don't feel bad lol :P

It could also be super scum. Reading their interactions, super seems to really care about how catboi reads her. She seems to really really want him to TR her and she could've killed him out of fear of him SRing her and sending her on her way to the dead thread. I totally see that.

Unwnd is not likely because I just think that unwnd here would prioritize killing off town prs vs UTR vanilla town. also the night 1 Johnny Farrar kill is low-key stupid since micc did get a lot of SRs and Johnny isn't exactly the biggest threat there is. He's the bestest! most awesome! and amazing! But he isn't toooooo big a threat to scum typically. I would say he would be a pretty decent mislim to save for later so I don't see unwnd killing him night 1.

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 6:46 am
by Noraa
Ugh I really want to TR unwnd here but the fact that he TRs me is off-putting since his track record of reading me took a huge dip downhill recently so I feel like he should SR me here.

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 6:46 am
by Noraa
I'm overthinking too much. Someone guide me back to the light. Im suffering down here in a pile of messy thoughts.

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 9:54 am
by Zyla
Welp, I think we got about as much discussion from that as we're going to get, so here's the new info drop:
I'm the Jailkeeper, and I targeted James last night, which is why he got "no result".

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 10:01 am
by Super
Nora is puking town here, she literally sounds like me

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 10:04 am
by Super
I think it's unwnd and it's a gg only because of how much I TR Nora here, her paranoia of me feels genuine af

THE ONLY THING is I can also come across that way as scum and maybe Nora is a better player than I think, I probably should get her to link some scum games to compare but her tone here feels incredibly genuine

Zyla being JK makes me happy cos their tone is super hard for me to read and this basically just means I need 1 TR to find mafia and right now I'm like very hard townreading Nora sooooooooooooo

also it's good you claimed Zyla, cos this prevents mafia ccing you tomorrow if we miss today and your slot hasn't been the towniest so thank you <3

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 10:07 am
by Super
also Nora <3 I love being townread as town (I like making games as easy for town as possible so I defs try and exaggerate my townyness if that makes sense, its my fav alignment) hence my communication with Catboi townreading me - I guess I was just making sure his read was genuine cos I'm always going to question a read, even though I had Jackson down as 100% town lmao

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 10:14 am
by Zyla
Oh, also, forgot to mention, this one's up in the air to if it matters, but apparently my slot targeted Unwnd's slot n1, so unless mafia RB targeted me that night, Unwnd didn't commit that night's kill (but Orctin may have)