FuDuzn - 1 (AcRv)
Thomith - 1 (FuDuzn)
RainbowDash - 1 (Guy_Named_Riggs)
Not Voting - 1 (Thomith)
Lynch achieved!
The gods of cookie island are restless. The volcano, it is rumbling again.
The villigars gather in town to select the sacrifice... no "accidental" trip this time.
After milling about for a few minutes, those gathered realize that someone is missing... is someone dead a new victim?
Hastily they set out for Guy_Named_Rigg's house, expecting to find the worst.
Instead they find him attempting to abandon the village to its fate, loading his canoe with his sundry belongings.
Incensed, the crowd begins to demand answers as to why he is leaving. GNR shouts back "You are all crazy, I'm not getting thrown in a volcano!" With that, he shoves off, paddling out to sea as fast as he can manage.
The Gods, they do not appreciate the insolence. Mount cookie erupts a small flow of lava descending the side as a token of the Gods displeasure. Then suddenly a large boulder shoots out of the mouth of the volcano, and arcing over the villagers, lands in the middle of GNR's canoe... sinking it, and taking GNR down to the bottom with it.
"The Gods are mollified," says the shaman. "They have their sacrifice."
Night 2 begins. Night Choices are due by 6/4/2012 at 4pm PST