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Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 7:36 am
by PookyTheMagicalBear
In post 1023, Isis wrote:The way you're playing with Noraa like toying with food seems scummy Poooooks
oh cmon i do this when im town too

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 7:37 am
by PookyTheMagicalBear
i actually dont remember doing this as scum now that i think about it :3

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 7:37 am
by Lady Lambdadelta
In post 1021, Noraa wrote:I'm basically ragekilling along with some other things but if LLD is scum, that's two birds with one stone imo
If you are town killing someone you are certain is town, you're game throwing.

At least pretend to scumread me, don't give me this "oh she's so anti-town" because I'm killing you.

Like before I was pretty certain you were scum. Now I'm just praying you are because if you aren't you're more or less saying "winning this game is less important to me than getting to be petty".

And I don't know if people want to play with that, so.

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 7:38 am
by Theta Alpine

ignore lamdadelta

and answer me two questions
if adorable is scum who else do you think is scum
if adorable is town who do you think is scum

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 7:38 am
The fact that Noraa refuses to interact with me no matter what I say is pinging me hard

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 7:38 am
by Noraa
In post 1027, Lady Lambdadelta wrote:"winning this game is less important to me than getting to be petty".
sounds exactly like your play. you are all "all these people can't die while I'm alive but when I'm die, just kill them all"

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 7:39 am
by Lady Lambdadelta
In post 1024, Noraa wrote:My reasons:

Considering she can push this hard, she is 100% a threat to town. I did mess up some but I don't believe at all that she's willing to reconsider even for a second. She is way over herself and squashes all other opinions. I will bring her down with me to prevent town from having this absolute domineering player that is, as far as I'm concerned, pushing in 100% the WRONG places. She is not helping town and is so fucking frustrating to work with. I do not think town benefits from her reads and presence AT ALL. Perhaps this is hypocritical coming from me considering my playstyle also sucks ass but I mean in the end, its beneficial for town cuz we get basically two policy lims.
Honestly, like, you can say you don't like the way I play, but I'm recognized as one of the better players on this site as both alignments and so this whole "oh she's so bad it hurts town" stuff is just a fantasy you're inventing to try and justify this to yourself.

I'm not scared. The only person who looks bad from this is you. If you're town and kill me while knowing I'm town, you shouldn't be proud about that, you should be ashamed.

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 7:40 am
by Theta Alpine
i mean do not ignore
that is a thing you should not ignore
but just
please leave lambdadelta out of your line of reasoning for those questions

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 7:41 am
by Noraa
In post 1028, Theta Alpine wrote:noraa

ignore lamdadelta

and answer me two questions
if adorable is scum who else do you think is scum
if adorable is town who do you think is scum

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 7:42 am
by Lady Lambdadelta
In post 1030, Noraa wrote:
In post 1027, Lady Lambdadelta wrote:"winning this game is less important to me than getting to be petty".
sounds exactly like your play. you are all "all these people can't die while I'm alive but when I'm die, just kill them all"
That's not what I said.

I'm not petty because I genuinely think you are scum.

I'm not petty because I genuinely think those people are town.

I'm not petty because I know I am fallible. I'm not saying "kill them right away when I die" I'm saying "these are my townies. I'm not killing them while I'm alive, once I die reevaluate them don't just use my reads to clear them".

See, the difference between me and you is that I am using and developing actual reads and also owning my fallibility that I could be wrong.

where as you have a chance to play this game and kill scum if you really are town, and instead you're blaming anyone you can but yourself. It's not my fault I found you scummy and want to kill you, so I convinced others to do it.

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 7:43 am
by Noraa
If adorable is town, nothing changes. My solve just doesnt have them anymore. I mean there's not much interaction between these slots anyways so ....

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 7:45 am
by Lady Lambdadelta
In post 1026, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:i actually dont remember doing this as scum now that i think about it :3
I do, but it's neither here nor there.

I don't wanna bother trying to sort you while you're being helpful, and once I die others can sort you.

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 7:45 am
by Noraa
In post 1031, Lady Lambdadelta wrote:I'm not scared. The only person who looks bad from this is you. If you're town and kill me while knowing I'm town, you shouldn't be proud about that, you should be ashamed.
I just vigged two strong prs in a game and won the game for town by killing scum with my last shot anyways. My play is unpredictable and shit at first but I have proven to be beneficial to town at the very end and enough to win regardless of my mistakes. My play has flaws but I will stick with it bc it has proven to be greatly shockingly accurate when needed.

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 7:47 am
by Noraa
If I kill you while knowing you are town, maybe you should think twice before going ham on a newbie page 7 in a game.
rather than blaming everything on someone that has way less experience, consider that maybe you haven't done the best either.

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 7:47 am
by Lady Lambdadelta
In post 1037, Noraa wrote:
In post 1031, Lady Lambdadelta wrote:I'm not scared. The only person who looks bad from this is you. If you're town and kill me while knowing I'm town, you shouldn't be proud about that, you should be ashamed.
I just vigged two strong prs in a game and won the game for town by killing scum with my last shot anyways. My play is unpredictable and shit at first but I have proven to be beneficial to town at the very end and enough to win regardless of my mistakes. My play has flaws but I will stick with it bc it has proven to be greatly shockingly accurate when needed.
It doesn't matter what you've done in past games. Those are "mistakes". "Mistakes" happen.

This is actively admitting you know I am town. Like everyone knows I am town. Scum doesn't play like this.

And deciding that killing me instead of forcing scum to kill me is "pro-town". That you want to kill a TOWNIE that SCUM WILL KILL ANYWAY.

Over shooting for scum.

That's not "your own methods."

that's actively game throwing, Noraa.

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 7:49 am
by Noraa
scum will not kill you anyways. You are tunneling town hard and have been the one swaying this entire game with your stubbornness. Why tf would they kill you?

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 7:50 am
by Lady Lambdadelta
In post 1038, Noraa wrote:If I kill you while knowing you are town, maybe you should think twice before going ham on a newbie page 7 in a game.
rather than blaming everything on someone that has way less experience, consider that maybe you haven't done the best either.
If you are town you played poorly and deserved to die. I'm fallible, I can make mistakes. But you look like scum and have played like scum.

But telling me to my face that because I got one read wrong, a read that would be easy to get wrong if indeed you are town given how you played.

And that I've somehow done something wrong.

You're delusional. I'd do this 100/100. It's not my fault you're deciding to game throw. Managing your emotional state is not my job, it's yours. You came here to play a game and you have a role to play if you are indeed town. Killing a townie is playing against your win condition and is against site rules.

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 7:50 am
by PookyTheMagicalBear
In post 1036, Lady Lambdadelta wrote:I do, but it's neither here nor there.

I don't wanna bother trying to sort you while you're being helpful, and once I die others can sort you.
another life! :3

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 7:51 am
by Lady Lambdadelta
In post 1040, Noraa wrote:scum will not kill you anyways. You are tunneling town hard and have been the one swaying this entire game with your stubbornness. Why tf would they kill you?
If you are town, and you think that me misreading you makes me a bad player who will never be right.

And you can't understand how my playstyle is scary for scum.

Or how multiple people who knew me going into this game said "they should have just shot LLD N0".

Then I can't help you. If you're town, I'm sorry I was wrong. But I'm not sorry for killing you.

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 7:53 am
by Lady Lambdadelta
Like it would be different if you thought I was scum.

But you've clearly expressed a hard town read on me.

If I had convinced you that I was scum, I'd eat my shame bullet and we'd die a dance together.

But that's not what's happening. What's happening is one of two things

1) If you're scum, you're trying to justify shooting me so I am less certain you are scum once you do kill me. If you are scum, we're all gucci. I understand the play, it's good. Which is why I'm ignoring this world for the moment.

2) If you're town, you're justifying shooting me to feed your own emotional state, while admitting you know I'm town, and admitting this hurts your win condition.


Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 7:55 am
by PookyTheMagicalBear
she's basically admitting she's scum at this point

the question now is do we pivot off her and come back to her for the 3rd scroll or hard push this thru come hell or high water

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 7:56 am
by Lady Lambdadelta
In post 1042, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:
In post 1036, Lady Lambdadelta wrote:I do, but it's neither here nor there.

I don't wanna bother trying to sort you while you're being helpful, and once I die others can sort you.
another life! :3

It's been fun playing with you again either way. <3

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 7:56 am
by Noraa
I'm not engaging you anymore. It's a huge waste of my time and you don't even have any new arguments. basically a robot going "NORAA IS SCUMNORAA IS SCUMNORAA IS SCUMNORAA IS SCUM"

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 7:56 am
push it through, advance the game. not even a question

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 7:56 am
by Noraa
give me the scroll then.