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Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2022 9:02 pm
by Eiralox
felt scum, voted. i have no idea what you're trying to say about Bellaphant's not hammer btw. You going after their 'quintessential scum' post? Where they say they had shitty reads?

And you being irked by bella's not hammer.... what the dune is up with that? thru the nigh i looked at that and really didn't see why scum! Bella would be posting it at all. I'm starting to really want to know what you think about N_M and Enchant end of day as well, cos I really don't get u digging your fangs into someone who wasn;t even on Sol. Your above post bout Bella to me is just a mishmash of weak, tenious logic and i'm not even sure why you raised these point tbh.

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2022 9:04 pm
by Firebringer
weird reframing.

my post speaks for itself. read it again

now can u reply to my question to u

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2022 9:06 pm
by Eiralox
Solway's tone didn;t ping me with it's combativeness, but in the interludes between. i'm all on board with town getting angry at times, it was how Sol operated between those spurts that pinged me, as if trying to portray a certain emotional state to seem town while making sure to create enough room not be ellimed. in hindsight i read way too much into it but whatever, shit happens

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2022 9:09 pm
by Eiralox
In post 1026, Firebringer wrote:weird reframing.

my post speaks for itself. read it again

now can u reply to my question to u
no it doesn't. you're atttacking bella on two posts that seem to have pretty much nothing to do with the gamestate. no idea why you'd focus on those two things instead og casing actual actions. feels very loose and illogical to me what you're saying so no, not on board

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2022 9:09 pm
by Eiralox

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2022 9:13 pm
by Firebringer
In post 1028, Eiralox wrote:
In post 1026, Firebringer wrote:weird reframing.

my post speaks for itself. read it again

now can u reply to my question to u
no it doesn't. you're atttacking bella on two posts that seem to have pretty much nothing to do with the gamestate. no idea why you'd focus on those two things instead og casing actual actions. feels very loose and illogical to me what you're saying so no, not on board
im questioning bella. I might be aggressive in my questioning but ur framing this like I am making some massive case when I am trying to build a read is stupid. How about read my post from the perspective that i am trying to better understand bella while making my thoughts aloud of what i think possible interpretation of posts are from what i read instead of like i am arguing that bella is confirmed scum or some shit u seem to think im doing here.

also congrats i agree with u my logic and reasoning is tenous right now at best. Its kind of why you ask the person questions so u can get a better idea if ur on a good track or not.

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2022 9:24 pm
by Eiralox
i mean if ur voting them and attacking them on minor points that's more casing than readbuilding in my eyes but whatever. i just find it strange that there were 7/8 ppl voting Sol if we count N_M, and so basically 7 alive who were on them. You going left field after someone who didn't vote Sol and who almost hammered but didn't...... I mean if your reasoning was less tenious, i might have been ok with it but damn I just get didn't that post at all and i'll say so./

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2022 9:26 pm
by Firebringer
In post 1027, Eiralox wrote:Solway's tone didn;t ping me with it's combativeness, but in the interludes between. i'm all on board with town getting angry at times, it was how Sol operated between those spurts that pinged me, as if trying to portray a certain emotional state to seem town while making sure to create enough room not be ellimed. in hindsight i read way too much into it but whatever, shit happens
did that have anything to do with the claim or why were those interspliced together with the tone comment.

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2022 9:33 pm
by Eiralox
In post 1032, Firebringer wrote:
In post 1027, Eiralox wrote:Solway's tone didn;t ping me with it's combativeness, but in the interludes between. i'm all on board with town getting angry at times, it was how Sol operated between those spurts that pinged me, as if trying to portray a certain emotional state to seem town while making sure to create enough room not be ellimed. in hindsight i read way too much into it but whatever, shit happens
did that have anything to do with the claim or why were those interspliced together with the tone comment.
yeah if i don't trust a claim i don't trust it, im not gonna write a paragraph on my bad gut.

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2022 9:37 pm
by Firebringer
In post 1031, Eiralox wrote:i mean if ur voting them and attacking them on minor points that's more casing than readbuilding in my eyes but whatever. i just find it strange that there were 7/8 ppl voting Sol if we count N_M, and so basically 7 alive who were on them. You going left field after someone who didn't vote Sol and who almost hammered but didn't...... I mean if your reasoning was less tenious, i might have been ok with it but damn I just get didn't that post at all and i'll say so./
im voting bella because i scumread her, and i have some reasons. But my biggest reason is my instincts scream she is scum but that isn't a case. So i go into the posts that scream to me scum and try to dig into see whats there. If I was building a case I would make it more generalized and probably not ask or even make counter arguments within my own post to see it in more neutral lights.

and I think u missed my point about the hammer post (not like it matters because im not trying to convince u or anyone bella is scum right now) and like looked at the gamestate and this is where u got confused because u telling me im not looking at gamestate which im only looking at in narrow situations where i think its appropriate for my questions/reasoning. My point is never that bella "not hammer" post was scummy because SHE DIDNT HAMMER. it was because of the comment she would have hammered because not posting reads is 'scummy'. I think i even said her asking wasn't scummy because i think that was in line with personality NAI. Maybe your point here is that anyone on the wagon at the end should be looked at more suspiciously for voting on the wagon. Go do that analysis idc. I am looking into specifically bella of what she was thinking/doing at the same not what everyone else is thinking and why they are making votes/not doing on the wagon.

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2022 9:41 pm
by Firebringer
In post 983, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:Solway Firth [7]: Frogsterking [595], Aisa [735], Grib [789], BlueBloodedToffee [843], HighPrincessErinys [844], Eiralox [958], Enchant [962]
if you want to do analysis on this gamestate push on the wagon. I am curious who ur thinking scum on it. Cause from ur perspective and assuming ru town I would have to be assuming scum are in the early voters. Unless u think enchant opportunistically hammered.

I actually don't think analyzing this wagon bears a lot of fruit. I think it was combination of things made it easy to join up which is why it take off and everyone had very similar enough reasons for joining so going into anyone of them will be like picking needles in haystack to figure out who is bullshiting to me.

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2022 9:48 pm
by Firebringer
Analysis of why people voted Solway
Frogster - Poor logic and reasoning "writes long wall posts". What can i even dig into with this one.
Aisa - My constant tunneling sees - Saw solway made a logically weird post (would sheep a scum read of his townread) and opportunistically jumped to join and press there.
Grib - Was having mixed feelings on a few people including Solway and checked VC before voting.
BBT - He was originally townreading then reval after Solway voted him. Then just voted when the wagon was gaining traction
Eira - Tone shifts and not believing claim
Enchant - Just hammered to end day, NAI.

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2022 9:49 pm
by Firebringer
im posting too much and not even making progress in anything. I am going to bed

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2022 10:10 pm
by Eiralox
Ok sleep well, i also have to go.

The main contention i have at this point is that Bella's 'do i hammer?' post was actually town-indicative to me, i don't see why scum would draw that attention to themselves then not go through with the hammer. Bella 'asks do i hammer' fire says 'are u new' and they don't. Why would scum express interest in hammering on wagon they know is town but not to do it? just to draw sus? I get you're in your early stages and wanting to get a feel for bella and so on, but i'll push this point cos we seem to be having wildly different interpretations of it.

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2022 11:51 pm
by Elements
In post 1022, Bellaphant wrote: People who are actually trying to read me, like eir and honestly bbt, are reading me right.
Have you considered that's because they know your alignment?
I am town reading bbt.
Please do tell why
Pointing the tsq nk at him is like level 0 of a read.
No one is scum reading BBT just because of the night kill and saying that is deliberately disingenuous.
The read is 3 fold. Terrible reaction to TSQ's test (and you cannot argue it wasn't bad because it was), the night kills, and wagonomics.
At least half of the wagon on bbt was town at all points. With N_M and enchant in the game it was effectively 6 to lim. Me, Grib, Aisa, and Eiralox were all on the E-1 wagon with 2 confirmed town. The scum team is not Grib, Eiralox, Aisa. I think there was a max of 1 scum on that wagon. At the end of the day there were at least 4 town willing to vote BBT. Scum push that. That's easy momentum to push a mis-lim.

I also think there were at least 2 scum on the SF wagon at the end.

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2022 11:52 pm
by Elements
In post 1010, Firebringer wrote:that moment where my only townread is Elements in this game.
These truly are dark times

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2022 11:53 pm
by Elements
what does snowing mean?

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2022 5:51 am
by Bellaphant
Fire, I don't know how to say what I'm saying any clearer. I spent day one convinced that there must be fair portion of scum in the group of people I find difficult to read, and I've been really clear who they are and why. It's really frustrating to think that the slots that I really struggle to engage with are the ones I need to. I don't know how to make this clearer.

I thought that town! Any slot would give final reads at an impending hammer. Honestly any decent reads there might have made me reconsider. I don't think this is unusual? I'm also super hesitant to hammer: recently (a game frog and nm and a.few other people) were in I hammered with what looked like consensus and scum tried to use it to mislim me. It's also just totally nai for me, I'm just cautious as a person.
Like I said, your read on me feels 100% personality based. Which is funny (not really) because a lot of my reads were two day one and they were shit.

I might be wrong about bbt, but I have also seen him mis limmed as town a lot recently. I did feel like his engagement with me was genuine, but his lack of content today is worrying. I think Eir is town because of our chat about the game being 'unreadable': I said it, they took exception, they said something actually similar, I explained my actual position and we came to a consensus.

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2022 6:05 am
by BlueBloodedToffee
I will have time for this during the weekend. Also, got a week off work now so will be much more active over the next week or so.

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2022 9:50 am
by Aisa
Not much bandwidth for the game today, so you get these miscellaneous points.

1. Power skimmed over most of Eira/Firebringer.
2. Firebringer looks townier by the day. I don't know that he would be this motivated to power solve the game if he were scum and he keeps showing some depth with his posts.
3. I was so jealous that Shea finally shook FB out of his tunnel on me from the grave when I couldn't do it all of Day 1. But FB is tunnelling me again so it's all good hehe <3
could you ISO me and answer my question about what meta you had on Enchant that made you townread him at the time we had that discussion?

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2022 11:18 am
by Frogsterking
I had some things to say that are better left unsaid.
In post 1044, Aisa wrote:@Frog could you ISO me and answer my question about what meta you had on Enchant that made you townread him at the time we had that discussion?

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2022 11:21 am
by Elements
Then why say that you had things to say at all?

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2022 11:21 am
by Elements
Now everyone is going to want to know what it is you shouldn't say!

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2022 11:22 am
by Frogsterking
In post 1046, Elements wrote:Then why say that you had things to say at all?
I'm going to bring it up again later.

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2022 11:36 am
by Cat Scratch Fever