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Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 6:38 am
by pirate mollie
Kmd4390 wrote:Uct, that the pet theory mollie keeps bringing up is wrong.
She seems to be a good scumhunter and can probably help this town once we have a town flip from me or NS
. If we lynch NS today like I originally proposed, there's still a chance he flips scum in which case I die anyway under my proposal.

Think about it:
-Lynch NS
---He flips scum. There's still the distraction of the theory.
---He flips town. Problem solved as far as the theory, but we lost a lynch.
-Lynch me
---I'll flip town and this BS is behind us and the game can go on. NS can still be lynched, but for his play, not the theory

so you are saying that you and nobody special are more expendable than I am? lol and you came to this conclusion how?

what is the basis that you think that I am a good scum hunter? maenara read my posts in iso and she is a nitpicker and doesn't think that I have done any scumhunting in this game. I disagree but I think it is cos she does not know what she is looking at wtr's to me and as far as scumhunting tools. that you have been treating me like a good player right from the start makes me think that a) you do or b) you know my alignment. you don't know me so A makes no sense so I am going with B.

I only have 2 completed games and town lost so your self emo vote definitely makes no sense except from a scum manipulation POV. you, a 4 year vet with an impressive wiki page sacrificing yourself in order to disprove my pet theory-----> do you see why I have a problem with this? this makes no sense from a town perspective. it looks like you are doing a last ditch effort of cosying up and aTe.

town motivated posts>>>town play>>>town read>>>see how the greater than symbol points away from you?

there have also been a shit load of associative tells between you and majiffy. I have majiffy down as a scum read based on meta which I know he hates but your flip will confirm it if you are scum. your flip will actually also clear up a lot of things so thanks for helping us out with your self-vote.

I asked if you were a science major cos of the way you process things. you remind me of my first mafia mentor years ago except you are not a paleontologist professor at calgary who spams my comments section with omg shut up, what is wrong with you, stfu diva, stop melting down already or start bizarre drunken staff discussions at 2am through pm. you are also not an arrogant asshole (but I like him anyway and he is fun to fight with).

if you are town then I am wrong about all of this obviously. I just don't think I am. my vote will be on you at the end of the day I am trying to just allow for more town cohesion to form but it looks like they may possibly resort to eating their own. in short, you and majiffy tripped yourselves up from the get go with fe and one of you needs to be lynched for it and I think it should be you cos you will provide the most info.

I think the current bw on penguin while has solid basis with what the director has provided is essentially as good as the on one last so----> not so good. some of you need to remove your votes.

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 6:50 am
by pirate mollie

Nachomamma8 wrote:
Nobody Special wrote:A plethora of reasons, many of which are nonpublic for the moment.

Besides, you're
scum. Right?

You can give me two reasons.
Also I'm very rarely scum. I feel like we've played a lot of games together, and you've been scum in like 90% of them and I've been town like 80% of them...

did you just use a gambler's fallacy here? LOLOLOLOL

so what changed since this train of thought?

Nachomamma8 wrote:was he trying to protect kmd?

also this one:

Nachomamma8 wrote:The Majiffy wagon is really, really stupid.
Also not convinced with NS. If he was trying to defend his buddy, I really don't think he'd try to lynch me, of all people. No one (except for bork, but bork is crazy) was talking about the scumread on me, so it wasn't exactly opportunistic. And he didn't vote Fizz, which would have been a hell of a lot more telling to me. So yeah, calling him town.

Don't really like Lastsurvivor right now, and might sheep Majiffy onto kmd. Might.

the only difference I see is who is in the lynch lead and you are going for soft saves. gentle steering.

Nachomamma8 wrote:
pirate mollie wrote:I never underestimate how players can make such dumb mistakes it is usually town that does this but I have seen scum make some doozies like vote for dead players and shit. I have also seen newb scum do exactly what I am theorizing that fe did not once but twice. his read on majiffy looked like pure panic and again what was he panicking over if majiffy was not on his team.

over getting himself lynched and lurking too much?
what do you think that wall was? a panic wall.
and the interactions with majiffy are just... no. they aren't scumpartners responding to each other. it is fe trying to convince someone that he thinks is the town leader that he is scum. i mean, look in contrast to his interactions with kmd. he sees kmd defending him, he defends kmd back for "going against the grain" and it is the only read he puts effort into actually explaining. meanwhile, majiffy interactions are mostly fe responding to 'jiffy, and they are pretty much the exact same as his interactions with you when he questions you. when kmd questions him, he gives a short answer because he's like "oh it's my scumpartner no need to convince him and i don't want to get caught with this :("/
i also don't like cases based solely on interactions
, and i see nothing else from 'jiffy that makes him scum
nothing else at all

call bs on the part wrt the bold. what is super funny about this one is how you are saying you do not like cases built solely on interactions but that is exactly what you are doing with your 180 on majiffy. LOL

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 6:59 am
by Kmd4390
Meh. I still think we will find scum in uct/ns/bork. I haven't really addressed penguin because that's been a solid town read for me and everyone had seemed to agree up until now.

Mollie, I actually would never survive as a science major. I took the bare minimum for science classes in both high school and college.

Let me spill the beans on my majiffy read. I do think there is a chance he's scum. I've been putting this off because (was it director?) said that majiffy loves to bus as scum (I used to be the same way lol). If that's the case and he already brought us Fe, I was kind of hoping he would lead us to another scum and then we could lynch him for the win. That's part of what made me so excited when he was supporting my LastWagon. But then Last flipped town and for the second day in a row, I was dead wrong which is really weird for me. And at the same time, another game just ended where I was dead wrong. Like this is to the point where I feel like I need to change my whole approach to mafia again, which does happen as the game evolves. Anyone who has been around a few years will understand. For example, nacho isn't the same player he was when he first came to the site.

But anyway, back to Majiffy. Is he scum who bussed Day 1, saw it wasn't working, and ran a bussing-style lynch on a townie? Or is he town who just got it right Day 1? Honestly, his play looks town other than that and it's hard to lynch someone for a bussing meta because if he's a good scumhunter, it just means his bussing meta will screw him in his better town games.

But yeah, I've been hesitant to share all of this just in case he was scum who decided to bus.

I don't know. Part of me wants the game over with so I can evaluate the changes the game has gone through. There has to be a reason for this slump.

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 7:43 am
by pirate mollie
Kmd4390 wrote:Meh. I still think we will find scum in uct/ns/bork. I haven't really addressed penguin because that's been a solid town read for me and everyone had seemed to agree up until now.

Mollie, I actually would never survive as a science major. I took the bare minimum for science classes in both high school and college.

Let me spill the beans on my majiffy read. I do think there is a chance he's scum. I've been putting this off because (was it director?) said that majiffy loves to bus as scum (I used to be the same way lol). If that's the case and he already brought us Fe, I was kind of hoping he would lead us to another scum and then we could lynch him for the win. That's part of what made me so excited when he was supporting my LastWagon. But then Last flipped town and for the second day in a row, I was dead wrong which is really weird for me. And at the same time, another game just ended where I was dead wrong. Like this is to the point where I feel like I need to change my whole approach to mafia again, which does happen as the game evolves. Anyone who has been around a few years will understand. For example, nacho isn't the same player he was when he first came to the site.

But anyway, back to Majiffy.
Is he scum who bussed Day 1, saw it wasn't working, and ran a bussing-style lynch on a townie? Or is he town who just got it right Day 1
? Honestly, his play looks town other than that and it's hard to lynch someone for a bussing meta because if he's a good scumhunter, it just means his bussing meta will screw him in his better town games.

But yeah, I've been hesitant to share all of this just in case he was scum who decided to bus.

I don't know. Part of me wants the game over with so I can evaluate the changes the game has gone through. There has to be a reason for this slump.

wow you still managed to dodge my questions with all of these words.

wrt the bold: those 2 sentences do not parse, fe flipped scum so where is the motivation for majiffy being scum with running a bussing style lynch on a town player who did not actually turn out to be town????? that scenario did not even take place so why are are you even introducing it.

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 8:49 am
by Kmd4390
I meant on Last, not Fe.

What questions did I miss?

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 8:51 am
by uctriton00
Bork why am I included in your list in #1073?

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 8:59 am
by uctriton00
pirate mollie wrote:your flip will actually also clear up a lot of things so thanks for helping us out with your self-vote.

Earlier in the game KMD was getting mad about info lynches. He kept saying "do you think I'm scum" and I said "you're the best lynch" and you said "that doesn't answer my question".

But when pirate mollie brings it up, KMD doesn't get all defensive. Why?

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 9:37 am
by buldermar
pirate mollie wrote:did you just use a gambler's fallacy here? LOLOLOLOL
No he didn't, that would be an interpretation. He made no such interpretation, he merely stated stats which, for all we know, could be accurate.

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 9:55 am
by borkjerfkin
uctriton00 wrote:Bork why am I included in your list in #1073?

It's a gut thing mostly based on your brief interaction with me around ~440. Not much has changed about my opinion of you since then. I've been going back and forth on whether or not asking about this is a towntell or not and I think that self aware scum might do it too so I'm calling it null.

Mollie that gambler's fallacy stuff from Nacho is tongue-in-cheek (and is an appropriate response as any to the original silly question from NS anyway). I find it odd you're calling attention to it.

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 10:29 am
by Kmd4390
Uct, "also". Mollie isn't voting solely for info in that post.

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 11:19 am
by Majiffy
Is there a case on Penguin? I haven't seen anything convincing yet.

I'd like to lynch KMD or Utc.

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 6:15 pm
by the director
Majiffy wrote:Is there a case on Penguin? I haven't seen anything convincing yet.

I'd like to lynch KMD or Utc.

There is a case, she is gliding her way through the game and I'd like to see how she reacts to being at L-1. Her posts are terribad, her excuses even worse, and humor me, just jump on board and get her to L-1.

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 6:25 pm
by Kmd4390
Penguin lynch is a horrible idea.

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 6:36 pm
by the director
Not from where I am standing browski.

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 6:53 pm
by Kmd4390

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 7:11 pm
by the director
I am comfortable lynching you or her, it makes no difference to me. Which would you rather prefer?

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 7:22 pm
by Kmd4390
Why is penguin scum? I don't see it.

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 7:27 pm
by uctriton00
I actually like a penguin lynch too.

The posting style looks the same in her scum game ( ... start=1000) as it does now. Infrequent wall posting I call it.

Vote: Penguin

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 7:56 pm
by the director
rise rise rise

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 8:04 pm
by the director
It is simple, vote Penguin and accept it. I so want her at L-1. The show will be so much fun.

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 8:08 pm
by Kmd4390

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 8:31 pm
by Majiffy

Just to make sure this is in the right place.

the director wrote:There is a case, she is gliding her way through the game and I'd like to see how she reacts to being at L-1. Her posts are terribad, her excuses even worse, and humor me, just jump on board and get her to L-1.

Yes because town never glides through the game making terrible posts and excuses.


Got a real case?

uctriton00 wrote:The posting style looks the same in her scum game ( ... start=1000) as it does now. Infrequent wall posting I call it.

And yet you conveniently left out any town games.

If you're going to do meta, at least show me 3+ scum and 3+ town games that show clearly defined differences that are alignment-dependent.

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 8:32 pm
by Majiffy
KMD bus your buddy and join me on the Utc wagon.

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 2:58 am
by Maenara
Right. So, I still don't like the wall-post of dooms from Penguin, but given that Mastin actually exists on this site, I suppose that can hardly be used as an argument against people. So, since I can't sheep KMD, and my reads are still borked, imma sheep Majiffy instead and follow the flowchart.

No, just kidding. No, seriously, though, I'll sheep him, but it's 'cause I agree on several points. I have bugger all ideas about KMD, but I'm going to accept Mollie, Director, and Bork as town for the moment, which leaves somewhat fewer targets. Of those, UCT simply is the most appealing - There's not a whole lot of activity, selective citing, and, well, his defense of me was abysmal.

I most humbly present to y'all the following quote:

uctriton00 wrote:Not voting Maenara today. He reminds me of me when I'm town., I don't remind you of you in this game?


Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 3:10 am
by borkjerfkin
Majiffy wrote:KMD bus your buddy and join me on the Utc wagon.

uh why even start the uct wagon if you think kmd is bussing?