So it seems that some are trying to cast doubt over my claim. So be it, but just consider that my actions on night 2 where i pushed hard for cyberbob's lynch are consistent with my claim. i claimed early on where there is a risk involved if there were indeed another cop. but there isn't because i am he.
As far as my two roleblocks are concerned, it was pretty obvious i was cop after i pushed so hard for cyberbob. after i got a guilty on him, i had to make a decision as to whether i would push hard for his lynch so that the results of my investigation would be clear if i should die, or if i should play it lowkey so that i can't survive through another investigation. i'm confident that if i had died and come up cop then everybody would have known why i had pushed so hard for cyberbob. after that it became obvious to scum that i was the cop so they started roleblocking and kept me around as a "lame duck". they turned me into the cop who couldn't investigate especially so that they can then turn around now and cast doubt on my initial claim.
i can't prove it so i guess u all need to ask yourselves is what did i really have to gain as scum by trying to pull this type of gambit at that early stage of the game? all of this to get a townie lynched? sorry but it doesn't add up as we weren't in endgame (actually was very early when i started to go into cop mode and attack cb) when i claimed and there's hardly any benefit from me pushing for a townie lynch since it would make me highly suspect. not to mention the risk that there might be another cop out there.
the bottom line is that i'm a not 100% accurate cop who has an investigation on cyberbob which says that he is a bartender. i've been roleblocked the last days so have no results on my investigations of mirth and aioqwe.
i believe that my investigation of Cyberbob is accurate based on his play and his less than believable claim. there is probably nothing that can happen that would convince me that he is not the proper lynch target for tonight.
also, i would tend to believe aioqwe's claim which seems to logically check out since that golden bullet had to come from somewhere. i'm leaning towards believing MBF but i can't be 100% certain here because i'm still having difficulty understanding how making people lose their ability to vote can benefit the town. i don't like mirth at all and haven't since day one with the whole mason claim lying situation.
still, cyberbob is clearly in my sights for tonight's lynch.
@mod: which of us are still eligible to vote for tonight's lynch?