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Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:16 am
by LimMePls
What's the matter, don't want to be on record with what your "deduction" is? Why is that?

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:25 am
by WrathChild
LynchMePls wrote:You know what, I think WC should have to say what he thinks Saint's role is, and how he deduced it as specifically as possible.
LynchMePls wrote:What's the matter, don't want to be on record with what your "deduction" is? Why is that?
How it is deduced "as specifically as possible" involves a Role Claim that you're fishing for.

Now tell me how me asking for Saint to share if he was roleblocked last night is a worse offense than people pushing specifically for Role Claims (Like you).

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:46 am
by A Gaggle of Geese
eh this is uninteresting now.

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:02 am
by Seacore
I'm willing to sacrifice LMP or Saint at this point. But as I declared, I'm looking to gaggle for direction.

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:38 pm
by Kublai Khan
Seacore wrote:But as I declared, I'm looking to gaggle for direction.
Ugh.. Dark times.

Again, this game is waiting on MagnaofIllusion. This time he needs to claim because he's up against the wall and soft-claiming an info role.

In the meanwhile,
Elect LlamaFluff
Elect Seacore
Elect Kublai Khan

I'm still not sold on the need to resurrect today. We only have 2 ressurections and a Watcher with 2 results is not a prime candidate for ressurection. Especially considering that any ressurected power role is perfect fodder from a scum-kill.

I'd much rather hold off ressurecting until tomorrow.

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:15 pm
by Seacore
KK, as WC has pointed out, and I think he's right, the ship has sailed on "IF" we resurrect today. We have already reached the threshold for resurrect votes. Now we have to decide who to sacrifice.

Also, Apoka only has one result, since she was lynched D2.

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:22 pm
by Saint
I was not roleblocked to my knowledge
my role enables me to pick between 3 options at night, one which has a 50% chance to obstruct roleblocking
that is all that I am going to share for now

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:24 pm
by LlamaFluff
Seacore wrote:KK, as WC has pointed out, and I think he's right, the ship has sailed on "IF" we resurrect today. We have already reached the threshold for resurrect votes. Now we have to decide who to sacrifice.
Well... we dont "need" to sacrafice, since if we dont get a majority there it looks like we just dont do it by the game rules. Bringing Apoc back is worth using the first sacrafice though.

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:29 pm
by A Gaggle of Geese
any jah mod meta? :S not convinced he'd put a % role in the game AT ALL.

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:29 pm
by A Gaggle of Geese
also not what i expected him to be.

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:39 pm
by Kublai Khan
LlamaFluff wrote:Bringing Apoc back is worth using the first sacrafice though.

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:45 pm
by LlamaFluff
Kublai Khan wrote:
LlamaFluff wrote:Bringing Apoc back is worth using the first sacrafice though.
Reading rules, he doesnt get an action or can be killed this night, so day four we get one confirmed town with a possible result. If we include partial massclaim of all this softclaiming going around, we might be able to overload scum with clear/semi clear/threatening role players day four.

I agree a bit with Saint softclaim being a little bit of a *twitch* situation, but I am fine waiting to add him to the list of "to claims" tomorrow given that I really dont have a scum read on him.

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:12 pm
by farside22
Kublai Khan wrote:
LlamaFluff wrote:Bringing Apoc back is worth using the first sacrafice though.
Why not? Seriously how long do you want to wait to bring back players that are PR's?

Grrrr I'm still feeling Agar scum. I honestly don't read town.

I'm going to reread a few people, but anyone that pushes a lynch without ressurecting the town PR should be lynched instead.

sacrifice: KK

I don't like this hold off bullshit till X day without a good valid reason right now.

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:13 pm
by Saint
@GG: I know for a fact that there is a % based system in my role PM. I get to pick between 3 things, all of which are % based (50%), and one of which is fairly obsolete. I haven't been using the one I've mentioned thus far. I have been using the third option which I would rather not disclose.

@LF: Delayed rolefishing is still rolefishing. I wouldn't give into it at all if I wasn't under pressure from what I'm considering to be the scumgroup. I was the only one who would stand up to Ythill, but I am suspicious as fucking hell of You/AGar/GG and the backstage troupe excluding Farside.

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:15 pm
by Saint
unsacrifice: MoI
unelect: KK
sacrifice: KK
elect: Farside
Vote: MoI

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:26 pm
by Jahudo
”As near as anyone could figure it out, the exact center of the continental United States was several miles from Lebanon, Kansas on Johnny Grib’s hog farm. He didn’t want millions of tourists coming in and tramping all over and upsetting the hogs, so they put the monument two miles north of town. Certain of the influx of tourists waiting to arrive, they build a motel and blacktopped the road from town. Then they waited.

The tourists did not come. Nobody came.”

Resurrection Vote Count
7 Votes Required

Apokalyptika (9) – A Gaggle of Geese, Llamafluff, farside22, Seacore, OhGodMyLife, Locke Lamora, LynchMePls, AGar, MagnaofIllusion

Not Voting (4):
SGRaaize, Saint, Kublai Khan, WrathChild


Sacrifice Vote Count
7 Votes Required

Saint (4) – WrathChild, AGar, MagnaofIllusion, LynchMePls
Kublai Khan (2) – farside22, Saint
MagnaofIllusion (1) – OhGodMyLife
Seacore (1) – Llamafluff

Not Voting (5):
A Gaggle of Geese, SGRaaize, Seacore, Kublai Khan, Locke Lamora


Lynch Vote Count
7 Votes Required

MagnaofIllusion (5) – A Gaggle of Geese, Llamafluff, farside22, AGar, Saint
AGar (1) – OhGodMyLife
Seacore (1) – LynchMePls
OhGodMyLife (1) – MagnaofIllusion

Not Voting (5):
SGRaaize, WrathChild, Locke Lamora, Kublai Khan, Seacore


Backstage Vote Count:
Top Four Players Go Backstage

A Gaggle of Geese (5) – A Gaggle of Geese, Llamafluff, farside22, Seacore, LynchMePls
Farside22 (6) – A Gaggle of Geese, farside22, LynchMePls, MagnaofIllusion, WrathChild, Saint
Llamafluff (5) – A Gaggle of Geese, Llamafluff, farside22, WrathChild, Kublai Khan
Locke Lamora (4) – Seacore, OhGodMyLife, Saint, Locke Lamora
Seacore (4) – Seacore, Saint, Locke Lamora, Kublai Khan
LynchMePls (3) – Llamafluff, LynchMePls, MagnaofIllusion
Kublai Khan (2) – Locke Lamora, Kublai Khan
OhGodMyLife (1) – OhGodMyLife
AGar (1) – MagnaofIllusion

Not Voting (8):
SGRaaize x3, AGar x3, WrathChild x1, OhGodMyLife x1

Day 3 ends on April 12 at 6:00 PM EST

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 3:54 pm
by Kublai Khan
farside22 wrote:
Kublai Khan wrote:
LlamaFluff wrote:Bringing Apoc back is worth using the first sacrafice though.
Why not? Seriously how long do you want to wait to bring back players that are PR's?

I'm going to reread a few people, but anyone that pushes a lynch without ressurecting the town PR should be lynched instead.

sacrifice: KK

I don't like this hold off bullshit till X day without a good valid reason right now.
The reason is: what the hell are we gaining by burning up one of our ressurections and bringing back a Day 2 lynch watcher? We get 1 watcher result? Of which, I've shown that she probably used to watch LynchMePls and got no result?

No, your job (that goes to farside22 and everyone else) is to convince me that it's worth it.

Also, your job is to explain why you're sacrificing/lynching me for asking a frigging question? And I don't like Day 3 sheep, Saint. I don't like them at all.

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:25 pm
by AGar
Kublai Khan wrote:We get 1 watcher result? Of which, I've shown that she probably used to watch LynchMePls and got no result?
Ok, I know I'm about to fall over from tiredness here and all, but what's the logic here? Seriously, 100% curious - what logic points to LMP watch? I'd definitely have put up a Ythill watch as a tracker N1, with the amount of people jizzing themselves over a townread on him (myself included). While it doesn't give us the scumteam (obv) it might give us our mystery killer, which I'm not sure Apok would've come directly out with but would have come along with had MoI not speedhammered.

And where is MoI? It's fucking Thursday (alright, so Wednesday was the last day so far for normal people, but w/e). Isn't his V/LA generally stuck to weekends?


I need sleep but MoI needs to die. And Apok needs to be living again.

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 1:53 am
by farside22
@KK: How many scum do you think is in this set up? And do you believe there is a second killing group?

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 2:39 am
by farside22
Reason's we should sacrifice KK.

Notice I total believe bringing back a town PR helps the town. I'm not seeing a reason it doesn't help come from KK's post. People are like, oh we should wait till more people die look hella scummy as it means more people die and less town info.
KK wrote: I've played one game (that I can recall) with OhGodMyLife (url=]Mini 786[/url]). He started very similarly by ignoring everything else to vote a hunch then look for who is chainsaw defending. Seems to be his MO. He was town in that game, but I admit I don't have any idea if he does the same thing as scum.
This was his day one read. Day 2 we have this:
Kublai Khan wrote:Okay..

Confused with the cryptic backstage anti-LlamaFluff stuff.

I haven't re-read Day 1 yet, but I did read SGRaaize's summary of Ythill's actions and agree that OhGodMyLife is a strong contender for being Ythill's partner.

Will comment more & vote after re-read. Which I will probably get done early tomorrow.
Note KK's: scum/town list comments about SGR:
WTF is up with that "ATATATA" stuff? I don't agree with any of his reads, but I'm not getting consistently strong scum-motivated reasoning behind his actions. That said, I'm not thrilled with his backpedal on Ythill. Also he has a tendency to go out of his way to over-respond to every slightest accusation in order to try to re-write history.
Mild Scum Read
pot and kettle as well except worse
KK wrote: Sheeping Fate. (Nexus was a "torn on" read for you yesterday)
Willing to sacrifice OGML
Kublai Khan wrote: If OhGodMyLife is volunteering to be sacrificed then he is scum. I'm in favor of sacrificing him to bring back vezokpiraka. If we do the ressurection gimmick, then vezokpiraka won't join us until the start of Day 3, which means we wouldn't be able to get a tracker result until Day 4 (unless he has a pre-mortem result from Night 1).
changes his mind here:
Kublai Khan wrote:Actually, I'd like to read MagnaofIllusion's opinion of Nexus/Fate as well.

Re: the Ressurect/Sacrifice question..

I'm not seeing the benefit of using up one of our two ressurections right away. Vezokpiraka's one tracking result isn't super beneficial unless we've already done a mass claim and she can expose a liar. Plus she's not a terrible active or good scum-hunter. She's be a confirmed townie... but so what?

I think we need to hold off using the mechanic for at least another day to see if there's a better role/player to bring back.

KK wrote:I'm still not sold on the need to resurrect today. We only have 2 ressurections and a Watcher with 2 results is not a prime candidate for ressurection. Especially considering that any ressurected power role is perfect fodder from a scum-kill.
First Apoka had 1 results as he/she was lynched day 2. How do you know who was watched that day and why does it matter? Also did you notice or did it escape your attention there was one less kill last night then the night before?

KK has been hypocritical, he calls OGML town one day and switches the next based on a player he had a scum read on. Then calls OGML for sheeping Fate who was a "torn read"
He also thought people should wait a day to rez, but want's to wait another day with no reason.

He's scum that we should use to bring back our town watcher.

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:46 am
by LimMePls
Saint wrote:I was not roleblocked to my knowledge
my role enables me to pick between 3 options at night, one which has a 50% chance to obstruct roleblocking
that is all that I am going to share for now
@WC: Is this what you "deduced" him to be? If not, what did you deduce? And why was this "so obvious if your paying attention and using logic"?

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 5:22 am
by WrathChild
LynchMePls wrote:
Saint wrote:I was not roleblocked to my knowledge
my role enables me to pick between 3 options at night, one which has a 50% chance to obstruct roleblocking
that is all that I am going to share for now
@WC: Is this what you "deduced" him to be? If not, what did you deduce? And why was this "so obvious if your paying attention and using logic"?
No this is not what I deduced him to be and it smells like BS, and I don't mean Back Stage. Take a moment and think about the only ability of his "3" that he has claimed.

"A 50% chance of obstructing roleblocking"

So if someone tries to roleblock him he has a 50% chance of not getting roleblocked if he uses this ability? Or he has to pick a target he thinks will be roleblocked and they have a 50% chance of not getting roleblocked if they are even roleblocked? Typically when a role involves multiple abilities these multiple abilities are generally of the same power level. If we are to believe this claim Saint has three pretty crappy abilities, or one really bad faked ability, or there are like 6 Roleblockers in this game.

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 5:35 am
by MagnaofIllusion
Since Saint has softclaimed some multi-faceted role without specifics I’ll just claim my role directly –

I am Mr. Ibis (Old God) and a Limited Universal Back-up. Each Night I get a 1-shot use of whatever power the person lynched for the Day had. My power does not work on Sacrifices or Nightkills and has to be used the Night I receive it or it is lost.

N1 I got all the powers of a Vanilla Town … aka zilch.
N2 I got a one use Watch inherited from Apok do to my mistake hammer.

I used it to watch Fate since his suspicions about Apok turned out dead wrong. Who visited him last night? Saint.

So he is either Scum who got delegated to kill Fate, a Serial Killer (and this makes sense if he killed Ythill … going after strong players regardless of perceived alignment), or a stupid Vig.

– Saint is a killing role of some sort and I doubt very much he is Town.

Gaggle wrote:teehee.png magna trying to see if he can out a pr before going down. OH NO WAIT WE HGAVE 137373737 investigative roles instead.
I love that you know exactly what I am going to say.

And why exactly do you know so much about the set-up?
Gaggle wrote:This head was being impuslive >_>
Oh look, Hydras being inconsistent and using the Hydra as an excuse. Where have I seen that before?

Macavitar in Clash of Kings – Scum
MasterSpy in Andrius’s LOTR – Scum (yeah, that was me – full disclosure and all)

The Faraday head is well aware of how that works having Modded Clash of Kings.

KK wrote:Actually, it was your hammer that did that..
Additionally, the entirety of the rest of your catch-up post is horrible. I'm willing to hammer.
Ah, the classic “entire post was horrible” claim without quoting a SINGLE BIT of why. Great use of rhetoric there :roll:

Farside wrote:Have you two had issues in the past that cause the reaction you had?
We’ve played one game together before – Classic Mafia from AGM. I’ve already linked to so look at my ISO if you want to read it.

My problem with Ythill is very similar to my problem with Fate or ReaperCharlie or Ythan – his ego and inability to accept that his way isn’t the only way.

Quite frankly I didn’t vote from him simply because I’m a realist … his Town cred was way to entrenched by the time I replaced to make it a meaningful gesture. He wasn’t getting lynched based on the flack anyone who questioned him got (see the reactions to Saint’s attacks on him).

Saint wrote:I urge someone to simply vote on MoI so you all don't lynch yet another power role
fucking idiots
Self-preservation on display right here. Hammer me before I can provide the insight into why you should be sacrificed.
Saint wrote:That's actually why I voted
hoping scum would hammer MoI really quick, before I could be mis-sacrificed

the fact that has not happened proves to me MoI is scum, as I know I am not
Anyone who believes I am scum needs to go back to the fact I was the only fucking person pressuring Ythill at all.
So your argument is the following? –

1. You are Town.
2. You put me at L-1 after I indicated that I had role-based information on you that caused you to be a viable Sacrifice target.
3. You thought that scum would quickhammer me to prevent you from being Sacrificed?

Sorry, step 3 is where your logic falls apart. Regardless of my alignment if you are Town scum (be it single faction or multi-faction) wouldn't quickhammer so as to get rid of you also. Nice try but your logic if Fail.

As to you not being scum –

1. How do you know there aren’t multiple scum groups again?
2. How does your intereaction with Ythill not slot nicely as distancing?
Saint wrote:my role enables me to pick between 3 options at night, one which has a 50% chance to obstruct roleblocking
that is all that I am going to share for now
1. As has been mentioned % use abilities are not very common.
2. As mentioned above this reeks of a Serial Killer power set. 3 unlimited use powers to choose from each night?

AGar wrote:And where is MoI? It's fucking Thursday (alright, so Wednesday was the last day so far for normal people, but w/e). Isn't his V/LA generally stuck to weekends?
To be blunt AGar – Fuck off.

When you posted this it had been less than 48 hours since my last post. My life has been fucking busy lately. Deal with it.

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 5:42 am
by A Gaggle of Geese
very creative fake claim MOI.

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 5:43 am
by A Gaggle of Geese
A+ actually, almost has me doubting myself.