Thok wrote:Do you think I should have ignored the possibility of a quicklynch?
No, I didn't say that. I, in fact, said the opposite.
Thok wrote:If I was thinking about the possibility of a quicklynch, when would I have considered it safe to vote LML? How far is that from when I actually did vote LML?
It was a personal gut note. It is not any more significant than that.
Thok wrote:Why do you think I'm likely scum?
I basically feel that after the initial voting stages of Day 1, you have stopped really pressuring people. You have contributed a lot, but there are few votes and few focussed attempts at pursuing your suspicions. Your M-M vote came after a quick change of mind, late in the day, and you later pursued LML for hammering on it. I liked your push on Glork Day 2, but, other than that, you were fairly absent towards the end of Day 1 and you took a really long time to commit to anything Day 3.
Your contributions are really good. Your arguments are often convincing and original, but I don't get the feeling you're hunting scum as much as you could. Even today, the target you went after seemed to be directed more by OMGUS than your earlier suspicions. I consider that to be a significant tell when it comes to more experienced players. You have the talent to put up convincing arguments, but, along the way, because it's not your main concern, you're forgetting to hunt scum.
Thok wrote:What do you think of EmpTyger's end of the day behavior with repsect to me day 1 (and don't just say WIFOM)?
Emp pulled two stunts, calling Skruffs a cop and calling you vanilla town. That implies some planning. I actually don't find it all too unlikely that Emp would have picked a scum buddy and a townie. It is what I would have done.
Thok wrote:What do you think of my deadline behavior on day 3?
It didn't worry me too much, actually. The modkill thing speaks in your favour rather than against you and I thought the SV vote was justified.
Thok wrote:You claimed earlier that I have been talking much and not voting; when do you feel I should have voted when I didn't?
Pretty much indicated above.
Thok wrote:Do you think it is relevant whether this game is mountainous or not? Do you have an opinion on this topic (I don't want to know what your opinion is, I want to know if you've thought about this topic, as I believe that you've never really discussed the set-up in the thread.)
I have to admit I saw it as a distracting discussion for most of the game, but I do think it's relevant.
I don't know actually how it would work out, though. 2 in 12 seems a bit difficult. I've tried not to look at pairings as much as I normally do and I don't get the feeling there are very strong scum links in this game, but that's about it.
Thok wrote:Why should we believe you are protown? Note that you were the first person to put pressure on Erg0 day 2 (with an FOS, Glork voted him a bit later), the first person to put pressure on SV day 3, and had that weird flipflop on PJ day 1.
Yeah, I made some bad calls. I voted Erg0 because I really wasn't content with the building M-M wagon. SV I still think dug her own grave. The flip on PJ only brought me into trouble and, eventually, the wagon to a standstill. In hindsight, it was probably too whimsical of me, but I genuinely thought he was lying.
My Emp vote late Day 1 did make him the leading wagon, if I recall correctly, and I think that, when I did push for lynches, I was open about it. I would also like to think that even my bad calls were well-considered.
Thok wrote:Also, talk to me a little about
post 471 and the following discussion between you and EmpTyger.
I wanted to see how sincere he was. He was being incredibly illogical and stroppy and I was unsure of whether it was put on. In my experience, cornered townies can generally show some sense and humanity if you approach them differently, by appealing to their sense of empathy or something. His response was part of the reason I later said I was very pleased with my vote.