Page 45 of 167

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2020 11:45 am
by Morning Tweet
VC 1.7
Bat Fact #08:
Over 300 species of fruit depend on bats for pollination. Without bats, we wouldn't have mangoes, bananas, and guavas.
They also help spread the seeds for nuts, figs, and cacao (used in chocolate).

[5] Saudade:
MiniMegabyte, NorwegianboyEE, duppin, JacksonVirgo, Mundivore
[3] Redados:
UNOwen, Noraa, Tayl0r Swift
[2] Noraa:
bugspray, Redados
[1] shellyc:
Odd Day Jester
[1] Tayl0r Swift:
[1] MiniMegabyte:

[0] Not Voting:

With 13 still flying around the place, it takes 7 votes to ground someone.

The Day 1 deadline is in:
(expired on 2020-10-03 14:30:00)

Mod Notes:
JacksonVirgo and MiniMegabyte are being replaced.

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2020 12:09 pm
by Mundivore
In post 1054, Tayl0r Swift wrote:
In post 1032, Mundivore wrote:Hrm. I'm tired of all the fluff.

It feels like there hasn't been any really consequential scumhunting at all in these entire forty-two pages. Nobody has made behavior with actual
. I don't know if I can confidently eliminate even a single pair of scumbuddies with any degree of confidence.

Things won't happen unless town starts voting for people. I've been part of the problem, but it's easy enough to fix.

VOTE: Saudade to E-2.

I actually don't like this wagon. I like Saudade for town. However, either this entices scum out to put more votes on people, or I get shown a more compelling wagon, right? But somebody really needs to start taking risks for us to actually
you have no scumreads?
I have scumreads. But they're so weak that they're mostly meaningless. The only concretely scummy things that've been done this entire game are Jester's self-voting and me voting against my own interests. In a thread this bloated, it's so tremendously hard for things to be scummy without genuine consequences attached. Voting is the sole engine which drives this game. Until there is more voting, we don't get information.
In post 1052, duppin wrote:
In post 1032, Mundivore wrote:Hrm. I'm tired of all the fluff.

It feels like there hasn't been any really consequential scumhunting at all in these entire forty-two pages. Nobody has made behavior with actual
. I don't know if I can confidently eliminate even a single pair of scumbuddies with any degree of confidence.

Things won't happen unless town starts voting for people. I've been part of the problem, but it's easy enough to fix.

VOTE: Saudade to E-2.

I actually don't like this wagon. I like Saudade for town. However, either this entices scum out to put more votes on people, or I get shown a more compelling wagon, right? But somebody really needs to start taking risks for us to actually
why do you like saudade for town?
If I'm going to be honest? It's simply because I don't understand the cases against them, and because nothing they've said pinged my scum radar. I've not gotten a gut 'ping' against them, and with the amount of output this thread is creating, keeping up with it is all I can do. Rereads are prohibitive with how long this thread is. If you still feel like your case is strong, and can succinctly summarize it or easily reach a link back to the primary context, I'd appreciate it.
In post 1064, UNOwen wrote:
In post 1032, Mundivore wrote:Hrm. I'm tired of all the fluff.

It feels like there hasn't been any really consequential scumhunting at all in these entire forty-two pages. Nobody has made behavior with actual
. I don't know if I can confidently eliminate even a single pair of scumbuddies with any degree of confidence.

Things won't happen unless town starts voting for people. I've been part of the problem, but it's easy enough to fix.

VOTE: Saudade to E-2.

I actually don't like this wagon. I like Saudade for town. However, either this entices scum out to put more votes on people, or I get shown a more compelling wagon, right? But somebody really needs to start taking risks for us to actually
The motivation and frustration with game state is good but the vote is not. Why vote against vla player you town lean and not support small time but existing Redados wagon? Competing wagons should in theory create a higher information game state than one dominant wagon and a bunch of isolated votes.
The redados wagon, I'm interested in, actually. In fact, VOTE: Redados to E-3. I think it's just Red's "resting pocket face" that experienced when he was VT in Doggos, but I still want to see more activity out of him.

I just wanted votes on the biggest wagon, partially because questionable play might keep me alive versus NKs, and partially to cause things like the below to happen:
In post 1065, Tayl0r Swift wrote:a vote count would be great.

that said afaik the jester wagon is not really viable, and now that ive slept i do think redados probably has more scum equity than jester, so

VOTE: redados

still willing to go saudade, but not until saudade is in the thread and posting.
Tayl0r Swift is now a likely scumbuddy if saudade flips scum (supports the competing wagon). Tayl0r Swift is essentially confirmed town if Redados flips scum.

I'm not going to claim that my prodding alone caused Tayl0r to vote, but I'd like to think it was an influence.


I plan to move to Redados wagon unless somebody on saudade wagon gives me good reason to stay.

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2020 12:14 pm
by Noraa
Saudade already told us why his posts might be a bit strange lately so we shouldn't push there ... at least until day 2.
Redados on the other hand has zero excuse. He just is scummy.

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2020 12:16 pm
by NorwegianboyEE
In post 1101, Mundivore wrote:Tayl0r Swift is now a likely scumbuddy if saudade flips scum (supports the competing wagon). Tayl0r Swift is essentially confirmed town if Redados flips scum.
This seems a bit too lenient? Because bussing exists and if scum views Redados an an vanity wagon then they might vote there to switch back later. Or maybe it’s even TvT wagons.

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2020 12:20 pm
by Noraa
In post 1103, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 1101, Mundivore wrote:Tayl0r Swift is now a likely scumbuddy if saudade flips scum (supports the competing wagon). Tayl0r Swift is essentially confirmed town if Redados flips scum.
This seems a bit too lenient? Because bussing exists and if scum views Redados an an vanity wagon then they might vote there to switch back later. Or maybe it’s even TvT wagons.
I think Mundivore's making a somewhat good point. It might be a bit lenient but it definitely is +town points for him bc he def is thinking from a town perspective. Or he's a really good liar and since I've only played with town!Mundivore, I'm not sure.

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2020 1:29 pm
by Redados
Hey y’all, I’m still here and planning to do a catch up tomorrow cause it looks like I’ve missed a lot. Don’t have time today. I will reread the whole game.


Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2020 1:53 pm
by Noraa
In post 1105, Redados wrote:Hey y’all, I’m still here and planning to do a catch up tomorrow cause it looks like I’ve missed a lot. Don’t have time today. I will reread the whole game.

votes with no reason
unvotes with no reason

VOTE: Redados

Scum aint being so slick

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2020 2:18 pm
by shellyc
In post 1067, Noraa wrote:I have fishy vibes on Taylor rn.
ive been onto grendel for the whole game

but if jackson / taylor isnt happening I think redados is a decent compromise wagon, but I dont get saude at all

mundivore just voted for a wagon he didnt believe in for ?? reason

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2020 2:21 pm
by shellyc
ok, will move vote to somewhere Actually Useful since jack will not happen today
VOTE: Redados to E-2

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2020 2:23 pm
by shellyc
is anyone getting stronger and stronger scumpings on noraa

and can someone actually case saude for once instead of "oh hes been inactive" + "META"

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2020 2:25 pm
by shellyc
In post 1073, UNOwen wrote:Trying to push something so blatantly dishonest is such a poor plan that I would probably assume either you were pulling some sort of reaction test or you had completely misread my post in some way. Only if the push was sustained would I then go on to view it as scum-motivated.
does this mean you think my push on jacksonvirgo is incorrect
i kinda vibe with much of uno's ISO, thought processes are pretty good

I like my TRs to be {jester, UNO, norway, duppin} aorn

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2020 2:55 pm
by Noraa
In post 1109, shellyc wrote:is anyone getting stronger and stronger scumpings on noraa

and can someone actually case saude for once instead of "oh hes been inactive" + "META"
You say this right after you jump on a wagon I started. If you're so certain I'm scum, why are you on a wagon I started instead of starting a wagon on me? Shelly ur just flipflopping like hell. You start planning a Jackson lim all the while sussing Grendel and me. That fails so you jump to Grendel while continuing to sus Jackson and me. That fails so you jump to Redados and continue to fucking sus me. since ur so sus of me, why don't you directly come at me? Why do you keep Fosing me while voting everyone else? Is it because you're setting me up as limbait? EXPLAIN

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2020 3:00 pm
by shellyc
because noraa isn't happening today probably

I could waste energy scumcasing you but people will just ignore it as I have godawful casing skills
I want to use my vote somewhere decent
scumpings = doubs, tbh I think edados > you in terms of scumminess aorn

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2020 3:01 pm
by shellyc
[non-serious explanation]
Noraa this is not ok. Every game I play with you, you come tell me ur gonna SR me bc of my playstyle. if uk that it's 100% biased and not reliable, then y tf r u bringing it up? I don't think this is AI since it has happened more than once but dude can you cut it out? You told us a few posts ago that you played three games with shelly and two she was scum and the other you got a day one lim on town!shelly. Do you not see a problem here? You need to look at each game separately while referencing what you need to reference, not carry a bias/grudge from game to game and literally start each game off by telling everyone u SR me or shelly bc of our playstyle. It's not cool, its not helpful, and I don't think the people you do it to appreciate it. Can you stop?

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2020 3:02 pm
by Noraa
I no like u hmph >:(

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2020 4:14 pm
by shellyc
Noraa - Scummy overall, fence-sitting play and unwilling to take hard stances or provide much game advancing content, constant spammy + fluffy posts (though they tunnelled someone in Newbie 2028 as scum??)
Mundivore - Vibe with the attempt to push the game, gut leans town there but trajectory from saude to redados kinda pings? Null
bugspray - Attempt to push noraa feels very genuine solving, real effort to push us out of RVS. Town but need to see more
JacksonVirgo - I stand by my case but ive been mulling over this. I'm kinda conflicted here since i might consider a town!jackson who thinks im town bullshitting and will reconsider over the next few days especially when the replacement comes in.
duppin - early UTR doesn't read scum-driven so im willing to townpass this. Town + clear thought processes
MiniMegabyte - If saude is red this is almost lockgreen, but overall they display authentic town paranoia so im townlean here
Tayl0r Swift replaces Grendel - Grendel plays the rational mediator in the shelly vs world conflict, tries to shade everyone, and their actions dont line up with their thoughts. taylor v noraa doesn't really seem like scum theatre so this had me rethinking but gut leans scum.
Odd Day Jester - I'm starting to get heavy townpings on their attempts to lead and solve. they arent afraid with going against the grain and are actually attempting to further a town agenda
Saudade - idk i dont really vibe with the meta scumcase on them but its true that they have been less active but I don't scumread people for RL reasons. I want to see an actual case here because this is a big null
Redados - Scummy, upon reread their ISO fence-sitting really pings me as real scummy BUT Noraa + Taylor are on this wagon so if a red redados flip will retink the two
UNOwen - I vibe with their thought processes, clear logic, and they overall seem to really want to solve in their posting
NorwegianboyEE - Gut reads town here. interaction with jackson warrants a reread later but im townlean here since their ISO looks decent

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2020 4:15 pm
by shellyc
@norway I want a read on redados asap.
also a general readslist wouldnt hurt

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2020 4:18 pm
by Noraa
Your readlist looks awfully like mine and if I were u I would be pointing my finger all over the place with accusations right about now

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2020 4:23 pm
by shellyc
Dream as if you'll live as Noraa, live as if you'll die as Shelly.

I TR both norway + bugs and you TR grendel

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2020 4:25 pm
by Noraa
No I TR grendel but SR Taylor and since Taylor is the one currently in the slot, then my TR on Grendel means nothing

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2020 4:25 pm
by Noraa
Also its "like" not "as"

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2020 4:29 pm
by shellyc
Can you explain your trajectory in the slot

because grendel + taylor recieved the same role PM
idk why you ignore your grendel read

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2020 4:31 pm
by Noraa
Grendel literally posted like a hot ten posts. And during those ten posts, I had a pretty null and sorta leaning town read on them. However Taylor did not at all match these reads.

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2020 4:32 pm
by shellyc
make a big ugly quote wall and tell me where tf grendel's posts indicated a town mindset

because I think taylor townier than grendel's play tbh, also considering taylor's super bad at obvtowning (no offence, and im also super bad at it)

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2020 4:35 pm
by Noraa
In post 1123, shellyc wrote:make a big ugly quote wall and tell me where tf grendel's posts indicated a town mindset

because I think taylor townier than grendel's play tbh, also considering taylor's super bad at obvtowning (no offence, and im also super bad at it)
hm ur pocketing. this reminds me of me pocketing plus in doggos but alright I will make the wall if I feel like it in a bit