This was the original setup, with my notes included, if you have questions about what I meant, ask, I knew what I meant
3 Scum/Bartenders: - DK(DayKill) is sent in by one person, whoever sends in the PM makes the kill.
1 Scum Roleblocker
Flavor: Offers free drinks to his target. The target will then spend their day drinking because he loves drinking. However, there are no effects for getting drunk.
1 Day Mason (With the SK)
Note: Doesn't know mason partner is an SK
1 Day Mason (with townie)
1 SK (Day Mason with Scum) w/ OS NK Immune Note: Doesn't know partner is Scum
Flavor: Kills with flamethrowers, igniting people that drank alchohol. This doesn't work if the person was targetted the day before by the Leader of AA, meaning that they don't have any alchohol in their system to be ignited with.
8 Town/Alchoholics:
2 Masons
Note: Neither are confirmed, and they talk during night unlike the other mason pairs
1 Day Mason with Scum
Note: Doesn't know partner is Scum
1 Sane Cop
Flavor: Is from the State Department of Labor, can check each day the job that a person has.
Note: Not guaranteed Sane, as government documents are not always correct as we all know.
1 Doctor
Flavor: Is a doctor. Doc can't protect SK kills, only scum ones.
1 Leader of the AA - Chooses one person every day. That person then will not be able to vote the next night.
Note: The player is told they strip someone of their vote for a night, that the ability will prevent from the SK the next day.
Flavor: Is the Head of the Local Alcholics Anonymous. He scares a person so much with his threats about getting drunk that they are afraid to drink. Without drinking, they know better not to accuse anyone of being a bartender, and thus can not vote.
1 Jack of All Trades - Chooses to use any of the following actions, but each is only a one-shot ability: Track, Protect from all Kills, Vig, Hide, RB.
Flavor: Has a tendency to grab a random object every Night and takes it with him for the next day. When he has the item with him, why shouldn't he use it?
1 I'm not sure what to call this - Every day may have the mod PM some other player with anything he wants to say anonomously to that player. May also have the mod announce something in the thread instead of saying it to 1 player.
Flavor: Tells people things, but they are too drunk too remember who said it.
Flavor for the Masons: They are really good friends with each other during the day, but never really see each other in person. They also don't know what the other does every night.
Notes: Overall, this seems like it is skewered towards the Scum due to the confusion that will be caused by 6 masons. I was also thinking putting a possible town killing role in the spot of the Insomniac office worker, but I don't want to fill the game with killing roles.
Note Note: Replaced Insomniac with JOAT, has OS Vig along with other roles.
Basically, the game was really hard to tell because of all the confusion going on. I also had a few neat side-effects and interactions, none of which got to play. Such as Mikeburnfire's ability would be a doctor for the SK kills, but the day after. I also would have liked to see The Fonz's ability used more, as that was something that could be fun to use as well as a homage to one of the first games of mafia I played online, Gossip Mafia on GL.
The masons were interesting, and if I did this again I would make it so all of the masons had different wording in their PMs, not having them all be as friends. Would have added to the confusion. I am wondering though how much the Mason pairs all talked to each other. Originally there were 2 pairs, 1 both town and 1 with a scum, but I really wanted to see the interaction if scum and SK were Masoned together. The other confusion that may have hurt was purposely not confirming soupfly, I wanted to make sure he had a reason to doubt his action. Espcially because this could have been guessing, and the only results he got were guilty ones
Day Actions:
Day 1:
Aioqwe tracks The Fonz (No action)
Cyberbob Roleblocks The Fonz
Mikeburnfire targets Qman
Hypatia kills Qman
Mirth kills Nemesis
Nemesis protects The Fonz
Soupfly investigates Cyberbob(Bartender)
The Fonz fails to submit an action
Day 2:
Aioqwe kills mathcam
Cyberbob roleblocks soupfly
Mikeburnfire targets Iammars
Hypatia kills The Fonz
Mirth kills The Fonz
Soupfly investigates Mirth (Roleblocked)
The Fonz sends the following message to Iammars:
[quote]A town player was roleblocked on day one. Bear this in mind.[/quote[
Day 3:
Aioqwe goes to work, hiding himself from being the target of any abilities
Cyberbob kills Iammars
Cyberbob Roleblocks soupfly
Mikeburnfire targets Mirth
Soupfly investigates aioqwe(Roleblocked, and aioqwe could not be targetted)
Day 4:
Aioqwe protects Mirth from kills
Mikeburnfire does nothing
Mirth kills Mikeburnfire
Soupfly investigates Mirth (Bartender)
Day 5:
Mirth endgames aioqwe