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Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 4:09 am
by eth0s
In post 1124, JacksonVirgo wrote:Can't sleep lol
In post 1123, eth0s wrote:(I acknowledge my overall play here has been subpar as I haven't been able to dedicate much time the last week or so)
You call bs on my AtE or whatever yet you do the same, noice.

In addition, I am confident I've solved the game
The difference is that I am pointing out that I'm aware of it before I get dogged on for it, whereas you assumed that I was supposed to know about all of your IRL things and take them into account when I called your actions scummy. I'm not using it as a defense, in fact it doesn't even matter at all except personal context. Because my point is that the product was potentially underwhelming, but you didn't know that when you voted me.

You just voted me because you knew I was about to scumcase you because I accidentally submitted a piece early. It's pretty fkin obvious.

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 4:11 am
by JacksonVirgo
In post 1108, eth0s wrote:
In post 1104, JacksonVirgo wrote:
In post 1101, eth0s wrote: weirdly overly defensive and could point to JV wanting the bugs nk
You claim I am experienced therefore scum, then say that I was newb and killed someone which would frame me, very big brained.
What? no I'm saying you fit the bill for either of the motivations to kill bugs that have been brought up.

If newb!scum then simply made the kill because you thought it was a good one.

If experienced!scum then made the kill to frame FF.
experienced!scum wouldn't have killed them to begin with if they weren't aiming to frame.
In post 1117, eth0s wrote:I really hate using info like that to break the game but like. It just doesn't make sense that scum could receive game compromising info in this setup. Ducky conftown and JV and unc confscum!
In post 1118, eth0s wrote:
In post 1116, JacksonVirgo wrote:Wow, I try and sleep and you drop that.
You locktown them but don't scumread me and uncrowned. Nice slip
I literally JUST noticed and pointed out that ducky is conftown. you want me to go back and edit my posts. Yeah sorry about your luck but you guys are caught. Nice early vote LOL
In post 1119, eth0s wrote:VOTE: JV ez
You're faking confidence, just like you said I was. Nice exclamation mark in the first, nice capitals and the inclusion of 'LOL' for the second and nice 'ez' for the third.

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 4:13 am
by eth0s
I don't have to fake shit. until FF tells me how ducky isn't conftown I'm cool with lynching you because literally the only team that can exist now is you/unc.

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 4:14 am
by JacksonVirgo
In post 1125, eth0s wrote:
In post 1124, JacksonVirgo wrote:Can't sleep lol
In post 1123, eth0s wrote:(I acknowledge my overall play here has been subpar as I haven't been able to dedicate much time the last week or so)
You call bs on my AtE or whatever yet you do the same, noice.

In addition, I am confident I've solved the game
The difference is that I am pointing out that I'm aware of it before I get dogged on for it, whereas you assumed that I was supposed to know about all of your IRL things and take them into account when I called your actions scummy. I'm not using it as a defense, in fact it doesn't even matter at all except personal context. Because my point is that the product was potentially underwhelming, but you didn't know that when you voted me.

You just voted me because you knew I was about to scumcase you because I accidentally submitted a piece early. It's pretty fkin obvious.
You were using the fact that I was missing some details and was 'faking' the hammer test or whatever when I've literally been rush reading because of how busy I've been and I say this and you call it an shitty scum AtE attempt and as soon as you give a reason for not being active often and I call that out (like you called me out), I am just wrong. Seriously?

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 4:16 am
by JacksonVirgo
This is literally the same shit over again but with you instead of Uncrowned. I don't need this useless stress fighting with lockscum so they can bait a misplay and use that against me to mislynch so I will likely just try and sleep

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 4:16 am
by eth0s
like why would I have to fake any confidence whenever I just realized the person that quickvoted me in LYLO is CONFIRMED SCUM?!

In post 1128, JacksonVirgo wrote:
In post 1125, eth0s wrote:
In post 1124, JacksonVirgo wrote:Can't sleep lol
In post 1123, eth0s wrote:(I acknowledge my overall play here has been subpar as I haven't been able to dedicate much time the last week or so)
You call bs on my AtE or whatever yet you do the same, noice.

In addition, I am confident I've solved the game
The difference is that I am pointing out that I'm aware of it before I get dogged on for it, whereas you assumed that I was supposed to know about all of your IRL things and take them into account when I called your actions scummy. I'm not using it as a defense, in fact it doesn't even matter at all except personal context. Because my point is that the product was potentially underwhelming, but you didn't know that when you voted me.

You just voted me because you knew I was about to scumcase you because I accidentally submitted a piece early. It's pretty fkin obvious.
You were using the fact that I was missing some details and was 'faking' the hammer test or whatever when I've literally been rush reading because of how busy I've been and I say this and you call it an shitty scum AtE attempt and as soon as you give a reason for not being active often and I call that out (like you called me out), I am just wrong. Seriously?
you gave me the reasoning AFTER the fact. Like you said that I was attacking your play knowing that your personal life had been crazy when I did not know that. There's a difference here you're seeming to intentionally overlook.

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 4:17 am
by JacksonVirgo
In post 1130, eth0s wrote:like why would I have to fake any confidence whenever I just realized the person that quickvoted me in LYLO is CONFIRMED SCUM?!

In post 1128, JacksonVirgo wrote:
In post 1125, eth0s wrote:
In post 1124, JacksonVirgo wrote:Can't sleep lol
In post 1123, eth0s wrote:(I acknowledge my overall play here has been subpar as I haven't been able to dedicate much time the last week or so)
You call bs on my AtE or whatever yet you do the same, noice.

In addition, I am confident I've solved the game
The difference is that I am pointing out that I'm aware of it before I get dogged on for it, whereas you assumed that I was supposed to know about all of your IRL things and take them into account when I called your actions scummy. I'm not using it as a defense, in fact it doesn't even matter at all except personal context. Because my point is that the product was potentially underwhelming, but you didn't know that when you voted me.

You just voted me because you knew I was about to scumcase you because I accidentally submitted a piece early. It's pretty fkin obvious.
You were using the fact that I was missing some details and was 'faking' the hammer test or whatever when I've literally been rush reading because of how busy I've been and I say this and you call it an shitty scum AtE attempt and as soon as you give a reason for not being active often and I call that out (like you called me out), I am just wrong. Seriously?
you gave me the reasoning AFTER the fact. Like you said that I was attacking your play knowing that your personal life had been crazy when I did not know that. There's a difference here you're seeming to intentionally overlook.
I believe I've said it multiple times that I will likely not be able to post because of graduation and everything, so if you were reading my ISO properly you would have seen that

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 4:19 am
by eth0s
you should sleep. don't let this game make you lose sleep.

But also don't throw down a quickvote in LYLO if you're not ready to fight about it.

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 4:21 am
by eth0s
In post 1131, JacksonVirgo wrote:
In post 1130, eth0s wrote:like why would I have to fake any confidence whenever I just realized the person that quickvoted me in LYLO is CONFIRMED SCUM?!

In post 1128, JacksonVirgo wrote:
In post 1125, eth0s wrote:
In post 1124, JacksonVirgo wrote:Can't sleep lol
In post 1123, eth0s wrote:(I acknowledge my overall play here has been subpar as I haven't been able to dedicate much time the last week or so)
You call bs on my AtE or whatever yet you do the same, noice.

In addition, I am confident I've solved the game
The difference is that I am pointing out that I'm aware of it before I get dogged on for it, whereas you assumed that I was supposed to know about all of your IRL things and take them into account when I called your actions scummy. I'm not using it as a defense, in fact it doesn't even matter at all except personal context. Because my point is that the product was potentially underwhelming, but you didn't know that when you voted me.

You just voted me because you knew I was about to scumcase you because I accidentally submitted a piece early. It's pretty fkin obvious.
You were using the fact that I was missing some details and was 'faking' the hammer test or whatever when I've literally been rush reading because of how busy I've been and I say this and you call it an shitty scum AtE attempt and as soon as you give a reason for not being active often and I call that out (like you called me out), I am just wrong. Seriously?
you gave me the reasoning AFTER the fact. Like you said that I was attacking your play knowing that your personal life had been crazy when I did not know that. There's a difference here you're seeming to intentionally overlook.
I believe I've said it multiple times that I will likely not be able to post because of graduation and everything, so if you were reading my ISO properly you would have seen that
look. bottom line. I attacked your SCUMMY PLAY. if you are going to use IRL as a defense for scummy play then that's on you. But I didn't say anything about your lack of activity or anything like that. I stated that your fake reaction to the fakehammer and faking not knowing that you hammered is something I would do as scum. That has nothing to do with your personal life and you're implying any bad play by you should be covered by that and that's something I should consciously take into consideration before questioning any of your play. That's why it's bad.

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 4:33 am
by JacksonVirgo
Just realised you voted me before this, so that last vote was useless

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 4:34 am
by JacksonVirgo
You were using the fact which I didn't see that it wasn't hammered, I didn't realise that there were already three votes on fuz and (I forget the last one) and I gave you the reasoning behind that and you threw that away, mainly because you're trying to make me look as scummy as possible I bet.

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 4:53 am
by eth0s
i'm confused.

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 10:50 am
by the worst
*glows, radiating towniness*
hope your formal went well, JV.

I need my favourite fish here rn. just posting for posterity/hammertesting mostly.

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 2:21 pm
by Formerfish
I'm here.

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 2:21 pm
by Micc
Votecount 3.02
eth0s (1) -
JacksonVirgo (1) -

Not Voting (3) -
Uncrowned, the worst, Formerfish

With 5 players alive it takes 3 votes to lynch.

The deadline for Day 3 is in (expired on 2019-11-18 23:50:00).

Prodding Uncrowned.

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 2:30 pm
by Uncrowned
Hi, sorry. Received prod. Been out.

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 3:16 pm
by the worst
What did you think of eth0s/jv last page in particular fishy?

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 3:22 pm
by Formerfish
In post 1141, the worst wrote:What did you think of eth0s/jv last page in particular fishy?
I lied. I'm beat and going to bed. I'll check this out tomorrow. Sorry ducky.

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 3:44 pm
by the worst
It's OK :{
I'll be busy tonight/tomorrow

Given he'd already dived jv's ISO apparently? and come to a net scumlean I found his rxn to being voted by JV kinda disingenuous, the entitlement to be unvoted didn't really feel like it came from a mindset of someone who's earnestly leaning scum on JV and it took like.. ages for him to unvote

given he worked backwards to me and came out at "JV scum, Uncr nullscum, tw obvtown" is kinda like, convenient, but not necessarily scum indicative. in fairness I can relate to being uncertain on Uncrowned, I think he's a tough read

I kinda think he's approached this as scum
don't really think JV/uncr or jv/eth0s read as s/s this phase
the like audacity and confidence in JV's responses don't feel fake and dont feel like they're aligned; JV feels unapologetic for all of their play and like it fully entitles them to be townread

I'm coming out at JV > Uncr > Eth0s again
kinda wanted jv/uncr crossvotr rather than jv/eth0s
JV doing the crossvote which makes them look townier/unaligned while talking about that itt takes unreal confidence as scum, esp. when the more core town are holding their cards close

I don't feel bad about this read at all. I'm kinda annoyed nobody has tried to push me this phase. I have a sneaking suspicion there's probably some lingering paranoia in your mind about me, post-teacher flip.

The main thing I want a check on is if you think JV has a scumbuddy in this phase. They and I are reading roughly the same conclusions and they feel alienated by uncr/eth0s who haven't felt as earnest this phase.

Sorry to handball back to you - you have one more slot to sort than the rest of us - kinda just need to know where you're at and if there's some way we can smooth our brains together here. (without me diving and eating you obviously)

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 3:55 pm
by JacksonVirgo
@ducky, I am looking at every possibility including you being scum but I don't see it right now especially when you're being globally townread (not sure how FF feels about you but the way they address you makes me feel they do as well)

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 3:51 am
by Formerfish
Reading off and on during the day. I wanna do a vca because I think with 4 dead townies we should be able to see some shit there.

I wanna reread the whole thread when I get done catching up because e it seems like there are clear lines being drawn right now and I wonder how far back those lines go.

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 4:20 am
by the worst
JV/Uncr kinda identitied each other mutually in different ways early but it hasn't really emerged til now - if they're s/s it was very well played esp. for comparative forum mafia newbies who missed a mason crumb - I would like a reality check on this if you have the time (higher priorities) but don't really think it's super urgent compared to just sorting folks

As for the {uncreth0s, jackseth0s} scumteams v much today - yday teacher tinfoiled a worstsonvirgo scumteam and like jv/uncr still had each other null/south but also had each other as Fuz partners. :#

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 1:46 pm
by the worst
I'm voting eth0s tonight if there's no changes. Less than 12 hours from now. only ~50 hours left in the phase

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 5:09 pm
by JacksonVirgo
In post 1145, Formerfish wrote:Reading off and on during the day. I wanna do a vca because I think with 4 dead townies we should be able to see some shit there.

I wanna reread the whole thread when I get done catching up because e it seems like there are clear lines being drawn right now and I wonder how far back those lines go.
How brave, reading through it
again seems tedious as crappers

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 5:13 pm
by JacksonVirgo
I will check this regularly but I won't be adding much else unless something new pops up because I am fairly sure you all know where I stand