Xvart ISO Reread
ISO 0 - RVS / Initial vote on Rikana, accepts LLD’s claim post restriction with no hesitation.
ISO 2 – Attacks Rikana for back-peddaling on Yami / KK (who we know from game events couldn’t possibly have been a partner to xvart / RC)
Calls CSL’s vote Yami. FoS: Rikana as classic “Vote Town, FoS Partner”. Relevant for later.
“The way Nurez, CSL, and Rikana are all dancing around the Yami wagon seems very much like people stirring up trouble for the sake of distraction.” Lumps CSL (Jester, not Mafia), Neruz and Rikana together.
ISO 3 – Despite all the stances on Rikana being scum he votes Reaper for a ‘faked post restriction’ (which we know it was). In context this vote pulled Reaper even with CSL at 6 votes apiece. This is his first mention of RC’s post restriction and is in contrast to how readily he accepted LLD’s. In hindsight – bussing a disliked partner with perfect inside knowledge.
Day 1 ends there.
ISO 4 – Immediately comes flying at Reaper again. I’m guessing he was looking to capitalize on Town cred by strongly bussing and it backfired.
ISO 5 wrote: The only person at this point I would consider voting is Rikana, for the reasons I mentioned yesterday. Voting YamiChan to give pressure and then saying later saying she doesn't need pressure because she'll obviously flail. It appears to me that he was just trying to get her into a spot where she would flail (knowing she would flail) to derail D1.
More soft accustations at Rikana.
ISO 6 / 7 / 8 – Jousting with CoolDog about RC and his ‘restriction’.
ISO 9 – Self hammer.
Reaper ISO re-read
In reading this he spends a good amount of time referencing other posts, especially Day 1. So I’m not going to get into every little spam post. And am not going to reference posts towards dead and flipped players.
ISO 0 – Votes Juls in RVS.
ISO 5 – Acknowldeges Juls catch of his ‘claimed’ post restriction.
ISO 37 – Uses Sath’s sudden post restriction as support for his own.
ISO 97 – Calls Neruz scum and votes for him.
ISO 109 – Disagrees with Spyrex that I am scum.
ISO 110- Backs off Neruz vote when Neruz points out the “Mafia kill flavor”
ISO 126 / 127– Questions Inhim’s “Do I get Town or scum cred for hammering claimed scum xvart” post.
So looking at these ISOs –
I can really see Rikana as being a partner that xvart was distancing from (not actively trying to get him lynched but establishing that he was scummy in xvart’s eyes) while he actively bussed Reaper.
Reaper’s ISO is a mish-mash. I’m suspicious of Sath’s Post Restriction that suddenly crept up at just the right time to bolster RC’s Day1. Neruz and inhim are more likely to be Town based on RC’s interactions with them.
"I am a leaf on the wind ... watch how I soar!"
Pretty much Geriatric game restricted at this point ... unless there are players I REALLY want to play with.