Mini 1251 - Hitchhiker's Mafia - Game Over

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Post Post #1150 (ISO) » Thu Nov 17, 2011 11:14 pm

Post by imaginality »

Ford Prefect, Arthur, and Zem, the mattress, arrived in the bridge to find only Veet Voojagig and Disaster Area's chief research accountant waiting for them.

"Where's Marvin and the others?" asked Ford.

"'Where are...', you mean," replied the accountant (for even the most rebellious of accountants are still pedants at heart).

"They're in the airlock," added Veet, ushering Ford, Arthur and Zem ahead of him.

The airlock door schvumped open. Ford gasped, and Zem globbered. Globbering is a noise made by a live mattress that is deeply moved by a story of personal tragedy. And there were four in the airlock. Ford and Zem were confronted by a horrible sight, and a horrible smell, and a horrible sound.

The horrible sight was the bodies of Arthur and Constant Mown, who had been placed side-by-side. Arthur's face was a hideous sight. With a large laser hole in the middle, his head looked like a badly-cooked doughnut. It was as hard to look at him as it would normally be to look at a Vogon like Constant Mown. In this case, though, the hole in Constant Mown's head had actually improved his features, if not his functioning.

The horrible smell came from Rob McKenna, or more precisely, from the liquefied brain matter pooled around his corpse. Clearly, one of Grunthos the Flatulent's poetry recitals had had much the same effect on him that it had had on Oolon Colluphid the previous night. This poetry reading, though, would be the final one. Grunthos's small intestine had throttled him to prevent any more suffering, and he was propped against the airlock's outer door, eyes bulging, face purple, and innards outward, adding to the stench.

And the horrible sound came from Marvin. A Kill-O-Zap blast to his head hadn't fried his circuitry completely, but it had all but paralysed him. He twitched, and uttered a low keening sound. "Ooooooooooooonezeeeeeeeeeeeeeeroooooooooneeooooooneeezeeeeeeeeeerooooo..."

The sound Marvin was making was loud but unusual. In contrast, there was something terribly familiar about the quiet sound of a gun being raised behind them. Ford turned, but Arthur turned at the same time, and they knocked each other off their feet. They heard the crackle of the laser blast as it hit Zem, his mattressy body falling on top of them. By the time they'd pushed him aside and struggled to their feet again, the inner door to the airlock was locked. Zeet and the accountant smiled grimly through the window, waved, and turned away.

"So this is it," Arthur said to Ford. "We're going to die."

"Yes," said Ford, "except... no! Wait a minute!" He suddenly lunged across the chamber at something behind Arthur's line of vision. "What's this switch?" he cried.

"What? Where?" cried Arthur, twisting round.

"No, I was only fooling," said Ford, "we are going to die after all."

Arthur remembered Ford saying the same thing on the Vogon spaceship that they'd hitchhiked on when the Earth had been destroyed, and how they'd been saved at the last possible moment. He remembered all the other almost-certainly-terminal situations they'd entered together, and escaped together.

As the airlock's outer door rumbled, then zooped open, sucking them out into space, Arthur thought about how anything was possible, how no situation was entirely hopeless, how Ford had been wrong all those other times he'd said they were going to die. How he might be wrong again.

It was a comforting thought.

For about thirty seconds.


Zeet and the accountant smiled at each other. "We did it!" they grinned. "Now we can destroy the Infinite Improbability Drive once and for all."

They'd spent their nights carefully planning the necessary calculations, and it was a matter of minutes to enter the settings. Soon the adjustments were complete. The
Heart of Gold's
Infinite Improbability Field would transport them instantly to safety on the resort planet of Han Wavel. Thirty minutes later, it would destroy itself completely.


Hotblack Desiato wandered the deserted ship, bewildered. He'd slept in late, and been woken by the sound of the Improbability Drive in action. Now there seemed to be no one on board but him. He wondered if they were still in the ZZ Plural B Delta sector. He wondered if he was allowed to talk yet. He wondered why he was wondering that when there was no one around to talk to any more. He wondered whether spending the last several minutes wondering about what he was wondering about was really the best use of his time.

He wondered why the Improbability Drive was ticking.

It seemed like it was ticking faster than it had been a few minutes ago.

He wondered about that.



On a beach on Han Wavel, an accounting groupie recognised the accountant.

"Hey, smarty!" she greeted him. "You're that Special Theory of Tax Returns guy, aren't you? Wow, I'd
to go over your spreadsheets... say, weren't you working for Disaster Area? Is Hotblack Desiato still playing these days?"

The accountant smiled.

"Hotblack? No, he's not playing any more. But at least he went out with a bang."


Bub Bidderskins -
Rob McKenna, Rain God: Vanilla Townie
, was Recited to Death N3

VisceraEyes -
Grunthos the Flatulent: One-Shot-Vigilante and Suicide Bomber
, was Self-Strangled N3

xvart -
Constant Mown: Modified Bodyguard or Vanilla Townie
, was Kill-O-Zapped N3

Umbrage -
Zem: One-Shot Permanent Watcher
, was Endgamed D4

Ford Prefect: One-Shot Quick-Lyncher-And-Universal-Roleblocker
, was Endgamed D4

Lunitawolf -
Veet Voojagig: Mafia Goon
, won!

medic -
Disaster Area's Chief Research Accountant: Mafia One-Shot Restricted Tree-Stumper
, won!

The Rufflig -
Gag Halfrunt: Mafia Rolecop
, won!

Trillian sat hunched over a clump of instruments reading off figures. Her voice was carried around the Tannoy system of the ship.

"Five to one against and falling..." she said, "four to one against and falling... three to one... two... one... probability factor of one to one... we have normality, I repeat, we have normality." She turned her microphone off - then turned it back on, with a slight smile and continued: "Anything you still can't cope with is therefore your own problem."
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Post Post #1151 (ISO) » Thu Nov 17, 2011 11:21 pm

Post by imaginality »

Role PMs

Spoiler: Rob McKenna: Vanilla Townie
Hi, André, here is your role PM for Hitchhiker's Mafia!

Name: Rob McKenna

Role: Vanilla Townie

Flavour: You are Rob McKenna. You were a lorry driver until You discovered You're a Quasi Supernormal Incremental Precipitation Inducer - or 'Rain God' as the media call You. Since then, You've been living the galactic high life, enjoying Your celebrity status, and You're eager to continue doing so. So You're keen to help catch the villains.

* Attract Rain: You draw rain towards You, because the clouds want to be near You, to love You, to cherish You and to water You. Unfortunately, this is of no use to You on a spaceship.
* Vote: You can cast votes during the day in order to help lynch the villains. You can vote for one player, or for two players. You can also vote to no lynch.

Win Condition: You win when the Heart of Gold is no longer under threat and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

Please post in the game thread to confirm you're ready to play. If you have any questions about your role, please feel free to PM me at any time. Otherwise, thanks for joining this game, have fun - and DON'T PANIC!


Spoiler: Grunthos the Flatulent: One-Shot-Vigilante and Suicide Bomber
Hi, benoni, here is your role PM for Hitchhiker's Mafia!

Name: Grunthos the Flatulent

Role: One Shot Vigilante and Suicide Bomber

Flavour: You are Grunthos the Flatulent, Poetmaster of the Azgoths of Kria. Your poetry is the second-worst in the universe, but you're disappointed by the reception it's received and still hope to win the acclaim you believe you deserve. To do that, though, you're going to have to get through this. So you're keen to help catch the villains.

* Recite: Each night, you may (optionally) target a player to whom you will recite a poem. The epic awfulness of your verse will cause the listener to kill him/her/itself. The second time you recite a poem, it will be so bad, you will die as well as your listener.
- This is a Night action.
- To perform this action, PM me at Night with the name of the player you wish to target.
- If you do not PM me, you will target no one.
- If you target someone who is protected, they will be informed you read a poem to them, but will not know what effect it was intended to have.
* Vote: You can cast votes during the day in order to help lynch the villains. You can vote for one player, or for two players. You can also vote to no lynch.

Win Condition: You win when the Heart of Gold is no longer under threat and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

Please post in the game thread to confirm you're ready to play. If you have any questions about your role, please feel free to PM me at any time. Otherwise, thanks for joining this game, have fun - and DON'T PANIC!


Spoiler: A Hitchhiking Belcerebon: Neighbour 1
Hi, farside22, here is your role PM for Hitchhiker's Mafia!

Name: A Hitchhiking Belcerebon

Role: Neighbour

Flavour: You are a hitchhiking Belcerebon. You and your friend (hasdgfas) were off-planet when Disaster Area played their famous gig, so you both still retain your telepathic abilities. Life off-planet has been good to you so far, and you want to continue exploring the galaxy rather than die on this ship. So you're keen to help catch the villains.

* Telepathic Communication: Unless otherwise stated, you can communicate at any time (including pre-game) with your friend (hasdgfas), in this QuickTopic thread.
* Alignment Not Confirmed: Although you can talk telepathically with hasdgfas when you want to, you do not know his alignment and he does not know yours.
* Vote: You can cast votes during the day in order to help lynch the villains. You can vote for one player, or for two players. You can also vote to no lynch.

Win Condition: You win when the Heart of Gold is no longer under threat and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

Please post in the game thread to confirm you're ready to play. If you have any questions about your role, please feel free to PM me at any time. Otherwise, thanks for joining this game, have fun - and DON'T PANIC!


Spoiler: A Hitchhiking Belcerebon: Neighbour 2
Hi, hasdgfas, here is your role PM for Hitchhiker's Mafia!

Name: A Hitchhiking Belcerebon

Role: Neighbour

Flavour: You are a hitchhiking Belcerebon. You and your friend (farside22) were off-planet when Disaster Area played their famous gig, so you both still retain your telepathic abilities. Life off-planet has been good to you so far, and you want to continue exploring the galaxy rather than die on this ship. So you're keen to help catch the villains.

* Telepathic Communication: Unless otherwise stated, you can communicate at any time (including pre-game) with your friend (farside22), in this QuickTopic thread.
* Alignment Not Confirmed: Although you can talk telepathically with farside22 when you want to, you do not know her alignment and she does not know yours.
* Vote: You can cast votes during the day in order to help lynch the villains. You can vote for one player, or for two players. You can also vote to no lynch.

Win Condition: You win when the Heart of Gold is no longer under threat and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

Please post in the game thread to confirm you're ready to play. If you have any questions about your role, please feel free to PM me at any time. Otherwise, thanks for joining this game, have fun - and DON'T PANIC!


Spoiler: Wowbagger, the Infinitely Prolonged: Restricted Roleblocker
Hi, Isa, here is your role PM for Hitchhiker's Mafia!

Name: Wowbagger, the Infinitely Prolonged

Role: Restricted Roleblocker

Flavour: You are Bowerick Wowbagger, the Infinitely Prolonged. You travel the universe insulting people in alphabetical order, with the intention of one day having insulted every living being in the universe. You're immortal, but that doesn't mean you're tempted by the thought of being left to float in deep space for aeons with no-one to insult. So you're keen to help catch the villains.
Note: Your immortality is flavour text only, and not game-relevant. If the villains target you for a nightkill, you will still be removed from the game (by being thrown out of an airlock).

* Insult: For Night 1, you may visit a player in order to insult that player. Your target will be roleblocked for the night. They will receive a message revealing that they were insulted, but not revealing which player insulted them. For Night 2 and onwards, you may only insult players who have usernames which are later in alphabetical order than the player or players you have previously insulted. Example: If you insult Adam N1 and Debbie N2, you cannot insult Charlie N3.
- This is a multi-shot compulsory Night action.
- To perform this action, PM me at Night with the name of the player you wish to target.
- If you do not PM me, you will target the next available player (if any).
- In case of replacements, the username of the current player is used to determine alphabetical order. This may result in you being able to target the same player twice (e.g. if Adam in the above example is replaced D3 by Erik, you can insult Erik N3).
* Vote: You can cast votes during the day in order to help lynch the villains. You can vote for one player, or for two players. You can also vote to no lynch.

Win Condition: You win when the Heart of Gold is no longer under threat and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

Please post in the game thread to confirm you're ready to play. If you have any questions about your role, please feel free to PM me at any time. Otherwise, thanks for joining this game, have fun - and DON'T PANIC!


Spoiler: Veet Voojagig: Mafia Goon
Hi, Lunitawolf, here is your role PM for Hitchhiker's Mafia!

Name: Veet Voojagig

Role: Mafia Goon

Flavour: You are Veet Voojagig, a quietly brilliant student who's solved the mystery of where biros disappear to, and who's secretly been supplying them to Zaphod Beeblebrox for his second-hand biro business. Lately, Zaphod's threatened to cut out the middle man and use the Infinite Improbability Drive to find the planet of the biros himself. You'd rather keep the secret, and the profits, to yourself. So you've decided to team up with Unknown and The Rufflig to destroy the Infinite Improbability Drive.

* Lend a Pen to the Mod: You may (optionally) lend the Mod a biro. This action has no effect other than revealing your identity (but not your alignment) to the other players.
- This is a one-shot Day action and does not end the Day.
- To lend a pen, say the following phrase in the game thread:
@Mod: Do you need a pen?

- In order for the action to count, the phrase must be spelt correctly and bolded.
* Give a Pen: You may (optionally) give a biro to another player. The other player will be informed they have received a pen but not that it was you who gave it to them. The action has no other effect.
- This is a multi-shot Night action.
- To lend a pen, PM me during the Night phase with the name of your target, or state your target (in bold using the <b></b> tags) in the Mafia QT.
- If you do not submit a target, you will target no one.
* Fakeclaim: You may request a fakeclaim for a specific role (e.g. cop), by posting in the Mafia QT. I will write a role PM for you with appropriate flavour for the role you request. You can request up to two fake claims.
* Villainous Talk: Unless otherwise stated, you may use your Sub-Etha Talk-O-Matic to talk with your fellow villains at any time (including pre-game) in the Mafia QT.
* Villainous Kill: Each night, you and your fellow villains may target one player for elimination. You announce your target, and which of you is going to kill them, in the Mafia QT.
* Vote: You can cast votes during the day in order to help lure the town into mislynching. You can vote for one player, or for two players. You can also vote to no lynch.

Win Condition: You win when your group of villains are the only players alive or nothing can prevent the same.

Please post in the game thread to confirm you're ready to play. If you have any questions about your role, please feel free to PM me at any time. Otherwise, thanks for joining this game, have fun - and DON'T PANIC!


Spoiler: Ford Prefect: One-Shot Quick-Lyncher-and-Universal-Roleblocker
Hi, Lupus Vega, here is your role PM for Hitchhiker's Mafia!

Name: Ford Prefect

Role: One-shot Quick-Lyncher-and-Universal-Roleblocker

Flavour: You are Ford Prefect, roving reporter for The Guide, and all-round frood. You've got a bottle of that ol' Janx spirit in your bag, and you're here to party. But it looks like the villains want to bring the party to a premature and permanent end, and that seems far from hoopy to you. So you're keen to help catch the villains.

* Party: You can entice everyone to party. This will result in the current vote leader being immediately lynched, and the following Night phase skipped (i.e. the villains will not be able to make a kill that night, and no-one else with night actions will be able to perform them either). This action also confirms your identity (but not your alignment) to the other players.
- This is a one-shot Day action.
- It ends the Day, lynching the current vote leader, and it skips the following Night phase.
- If there are no votes cast on anyone at the time you say the phrase, it will result in a No Lynch.
- To perform this action, say the following phrase in the game thread:
Drink up - the world's about to end!

- In order for the action to count, the phrase must be spelt correctly and bolded.
* Vote: You can cast votes during the day in order to help lynch the villains. You can vote for one player, or for two players. You can also vote to no lynch.

Win Condition: You win when the Heart of Gold is no longer under threat and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

Please post in the game thread to confirm you're ready to play. If you have any questions about your role, please feel free to PM me at any time. Otherwise, thanks for joining this game, have fun - and DON'T PANIC!



Mod Note: If this ability is used, the Belcerebons will not be able to use their QT during the following day phase.
Spoiler: Constant Mown: Modified Bodyguard OR Vanilla Townie
Hi, Quaroath, here is your role PM for Hitchhiker's Mafia!

Name: Constant Mown

Role: Modified Bodyguard
Vanilla Townie

Flavour: You are Constant Mown, a Vogon crew member and son of Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz. As there are no other Vogons to impress, you've decided to take this opportunity to indulge your aberrantly un-Vogonic sense of compassion and work with your fellow passengers to save the ship. So you're keen to help catch the villains.

* Recite Poetry: Vogon poetry is the third-worst in the universe. Each night, you must target a player to whom you will recite a poem.
you are a Modified Bodyguard, and your target attempts to perform a night kill, your target will be so enraged by the awfulness of your poetry that he or she will kill you instead of his or her target.
you are a Vanilla Townie, your action has no effect (although in either case, the target will know someone read a poem to them).
- This is a multi-shot compulsory night action.
- To perform this action, PM me at Night with the name of the player you wish to target.
- If you do not PM me, your target will be chosen at random.
- The target will know they were targeted by a poet but will not know which player targeted them, or what effect the poetry had.
* Vote: You can cast votes during the day in order to help lynch the villains. You can vote for one player, or for two players. You can also vote to no lynch.

Win Condition: You win when the Heart of Gold is no longer under threat and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

Please post in the game thread to confirm you're ready to play. If you have any questions about your role, please feel free to PM me at any time. Otherwise, thanks for joining this game, have fun - and DON'T PANIC!



Mod Note: The true role is Modified Bodyguard.
Spoiler: Oolon Colluphid: Thief
Hi, sorgster, here is your role PM for Hitchhiker's Mafia!

Name: Oolon Colluphid

Role: Thief

Flavour: You are Oolon Colluphid, ultra-successful author of blockbuster books such as 'Where God Went Wrong' and 'Some More of God's Greatest Mistakes'. Currently, you're trying to refute the hypothesis that God is omniscient by secretly stealing things at every opportunity. You couldn't care less about the Infinite Improbability Drive - you're just here for the party - but you'd rather like to get out of this alive to continue enjoying your fame and fortune. So you're keen to help catch the villains.

* Steal: Each night, you may (optionally) target a player. You will search that player's room and may find an item which gives you clues as to which character the player is.
- This is a multi-shot optional Night action.
- To perform this action, PM me at Night with the name of the player you wish to target.
- If you do not PM me, you will target no one.
* Vote: You can cast votes during the day in order to help lynch the villains. You can vote for one player, or for two players. You can also vote to no lynch.

Win Condition: You win when the Heart of Gold is no longer under threat and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

Please post in the game thread to confirm you're ready to play. If you have any questions about your role, please feel free to PM me at any time. Otherwise, thanks for joining this game, have fun - and DON'T PANIC!



Mod note: Depending on who he targets, Oolon finds:

Zem - a bedsheet
Veet Voojagig - a biro
Rob McKenna - a raincoat
Wowbagger, the Infinitely Prolonged - an address book
Belcerebon 1 - the Guide
Belcerebon 2 - the Guide
Constant Mown - a poetry book
Ford Prefect - a bottle of ol' Janx spirit (taking this removes Ford's ability, effectively vanilla-ising him)
Grunthos the Flatulent - a poetry book
Hotblack - a guitar (taking this removes Hotblack's ability, effectively vanilla-ising him)
Disaster Area's CRA - a calculator
Gag Halfrunt - a set of Rorschach inkblot prints
Spoiler: Gag Halfrunt: Mafia Rolecop
Hi, The Rufflig, here is your role PM for Hitchhiker's Mafia!

Name: Gag Halfrunt

Role: Mafia Rolecop

Flavour: You are Gag Halfrunt, a psychiatrist and Zaphod Beeblebrox's brain care specialist. Although you thought the destruction of Earth would make it impossible for anyone to know the Ultimate Question, the Infinite Improbability Drive makes everything possible. With the Ultimate Answer - 42 - already known, if people knew the Ultimate Question, psychiatry would become entirely unnecessary. So, in order to protect your profession, you have teamed up with Lunitawolf and Unknown to destroy the Infinite Improbability Drive.

* Psychoanalyse: Each night you can target a player and apply your psychiatric expertise to the myriad of subtle behavioural cues they exhibited during the day, allowing you to correctly deduce the role they have (e.g. Cop, Doc, VT).
- This is a Night action.
- To perform this action, PM me at Night with the name of the player you wish to target, or state your target in bold (using the <b></b> tags) in the Mafia QT.
- If you do not PM me, you will target no one.
- The results of your deductions are always accurate.
- You cannot use your Psychoanalyse ability and perform the Factional Kill on the same night, unless you are the last remaining member of your team.
* Fakeclaim: You may request a fakeclaim for a specific role (e.g. cop), by posting in the Mafia QT. I will write a role PM for you with appropriate flavour for the role you request. You can request up to two fake claims.
* Villainous Talk: Unless otherwise stated, you may use your Sub-Etha Talk-O-Matic to talk with your fellow villains at any time (including pre-game) in the Mafia QT.
* Villainous Kill: Each night, you and your fellow villains may target one player for elimination. You announce your target, and which of you is going to kill them, in the Mafia QT.
* Vote: You can cast votes during the day in order to help lure the town into mislynching. You can vote for one player, or for two players. You can also vote to no lynch.

Win Condition: You win when your group are the only players alive or nothing can prevent the same.

Please post in the game thread to confirm you're ready to play. If you have any questions about your role, please feel free to PM me at any time. Otherwise, thanks for joining this game, have fun - and DON'T PANIC!


Spoiler: Hotblack Desiato: One-Shot Vote Count Resetter
Hi, TheFool, here is your role PM for Hitchhiker's Mafia!

Name: Hotblack Desiato

Role: One-Shot Vote Count Resetter

Flavour: You are Hotblack Desiato, the lead singer of Disaster Area. The year you spent being dead for tax reasons ended just two weeks ago, and you've been making the most of being re-alive - you definitely aren't ready to be dead again quite yet. So you're keen to help catch the villains.

* Play Guitar: You can choose to play your guitar, with its built-in UltraMegaAmp. Playing your guitar momentarily stuns everyone, resetting the current vote count to 0.
- This is a one-shot Day action.
- To play your guitar, say the following phrase in the game thread:
Let's make some noise!

- In order for the action to count, the phrase must be spelt correctly and bolded.
* Vote: You can cast votes during the day in order to help lynch the villains. You can vote for one player, or for two players. You can also vote to no lynch.

Win Condition: You win when the Heart of Gold is no longer under threat and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

Please post in the game thread to confirm you're ready to play. If you have any questions about your role, please feel free to PM me at any time. Otherwise, thanks for joining this game, have fun - and DON'T PANIC!



Mod Note: If this ability is used, the Belcerebons and the Mafia team both permanently lose their daytalk abilities.
Spoiler: Disaster Area's Chief Research Accountant: Mafia One-Shot Restricted Tree-Stumper
Hi, Unknown, here is your role PM for Hitchhiker's Mafia!

Name: Disaster Area's Chief Research Accountant

Role: Mafia One-Shot Restricted Tree-Stumper

Flavour: You are Disaster Area's chief research accountant, and the Professor of Neomathematics at the University of Maximegalon. Your Special Theories of Tax Returns have revolutionised the accounting industry. But accounting needs rules - even if they're bent - and the Heart of Gold's Infinite Improbability Drive breaks every mathematical rule in the book. So you've teamed together with Lunitawolf and The Rufflig to gain control of the ship in order to destroy it.

* Dead for Tax Reasons: At any point during the Day (including Twilight), you may declare Hotblack Desiato dead for tax reasons. If Hotblack Desiato is in the game, performing this action turns him into a Tree-Stump: he loses his vote and any abilities he posseses, but he can still post in thread for the remainder of the game. This action also confirms your identity (but not your alignment) to the other players.
- This is a one-shot Day action.
- To perform this action, say the following phrase in the game thread:
I declare Hotblack Desiato dead for tax reasons.

- In order for the action to count, the phrase must be spelt correctly and bolded.
- If Hotblack Desiato is the current vote leader, this action ends the Day. Otherwise, the Day continues after you have performed this action.
* Fakeclaim: Once in the game, you may request a fakeclaim for a specific role (e.g. cop), by posting in the Mafia QT. I will write a role PM for you with appropriate flavour for the role you request.
* Villainous Talk: Unless otherwise stated, you may use your Sub-Etha Talk-O-Matic to talk with your fellow villains at any time (including pre-game) in the Mafia QT.
* Villainous Kill: Each night, you and your fellow villains may target one player for elimination. You announce your target, and which of you is going to kill them, in the Mafia QT.
* Vote: You can cast votes during the day in order to help lure the town into mislynching. You can vote for one player, or for two players. You can also vote to no lynch.

Win Condition: You win when your group are the only players alive or nothing can prevent the same.

Note: Hotblack Desiato may or may not be in the game.

Please post in the game thread to confirm you're ready to play. If you have any questions about your role, please feel free to PM me at any time. Otherwise, thanks for joining this game, have fun - and DON'T PANIC!



Fake Claims

Requested by medic:

Spoiler: One-Shot-Restricted-Treestumping Miller PM
Name: Disaster Area's chief research accountant

Role: One-Shot-Restricted-Treestumping Miller

Flavour: You are Disaster Area's chief research accountant, and the Professor of Neomathematics at the University of Maximegalon. Your Special Theories of Tax Returns have revolutionised the accounting industry. Disaster Area have got a new tour coming up soon, and you want to be there alive and well - partly to manage their income, but mainly for the accountancy-groupies, who can get pretty wild with a spreadsheet and a bottle of Janx spirit. Being dead on this spaceship isn't part of the plan. So you're keen to help catch the villains.

* Dead for Tax Reasons: At any point during the Day (including Twilight), you may declare Hotblack Desiato dead for tax reasons. If Hotblack Desiato is in the game, performing this action turns him into a Tree-Stump: he loses his vote and any abilities he posseses, but he can still post in thread for the remainder of the game. This action also confirms your identity (but not your alignment) to the other players.
- This is a one-shot Day action.
- To perform this action, say the following phrase in the game thread:
I declare Hotblack Desiato dead for tax reasons.
- In order for the action to count, the phrase must be spelt correctly and bolded.
- If Hotblack Desiato is the current vote leader, this action ends the Day. Otherwise, the Day continues after you have performed this action.
Note: Hotblack Desiato may or may not be in the game.
* Miller: No one trusts an accountant. If an investigative role tries to determine your alignment, they will receive the same result as they would have if they had targeted a mafia-aligned player.
* Vote: You can cast votes during the day in order to help lynch the villains. You can vote for one player, or for two players. You can also vote to no lynch.

Win Condition: You win when the Heart of Gold is no longer under threat and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

Please post in the game thread to confirm you're ready to play. If you have any questions about your role, please feel free to PM me at any time. Otherwise, thanks for joining this game, have fun - and DON'T PANIC!
Requested by Lunitawolf:

Spoiler: Doctor Role PM
Name: Veet Voojagig

Role: Limited Doctor

Flavour: You are Veet Voojagig, a quietly brilliant student who solved the mystery of where biros disappear to. You've applied your genius to developing other inventions based on biro technology, and your new biro has a special fluid in them which can be used as a blood transfusion if needed, as well as writing without ink blotches, of course. You have a prototype with you. This invention could save lives across the galaxy - but no one will know about it unless you can survive this situation! So you're keen to help catch the villains.


* Lend a Pen to the Mod: You may (optionally) lend the Mod a biro. This action has no effect other than revealing your identity (but not your alignment) to the other players.
- This is a one-shot Day action and does not end the Day.
- To lend a pen, say the following phrase in the game thread: @Mod: Do you need a pen?
- In order for the action to count, the phrase must be spelt correctly and bolded.
* Protect: Each night, you may target another player. If that player is targeted, you will be able to protect them from one kill attempt, unless you have already performed a successful protection on a previous night.
- This is a multi-shot Night action but will only succeed once.
- You will not be informed if you have successfully protected someone.
- To lend a pen, PM me during the Night phase with the name of your target, or state your target (in bold using the <b></b> tags) in the Mafia QT.
- If you do not submit a target, you will target no one.
- The player you target will find a (normal) biro in their room the next day.
- If the player is targeted by two killing roles, the player will die despite your protection.
* Vote: You can cast votes during the day in order to help lynch the villains. You can vote for one player, or for two players. You can also vote to no lynch.

Win Condition: You win when the Heart of Gold is no longer under threat and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

Please post in the game thread to confirm you're ready to play. If you have any questions about your role, please feel free to PM me at any time. Otherwise, thanks for joining this game, have fun - and DON'T PANIC!
Spoiler: Inventor Role PM
Name: Veet Voojagig

Role: Confused Inventor

Flavour: You are Veet Voojagig, a quietly brilliant student who solved the mystery of where biros disappear to. You've applied your genius to developing other inventions based on biro technology, and have some of them with you in your luggage, as you were on your way to a product expo. You don't want to die here on this ship when your new inventions could make you rich. So you're keen to help catch the villains.


* Lend a Pen to the Mod: You may (optionally) lend the Mod a biro. This action has no effect other than revealing your identity (but not your alignment) to the other players.
- This is a one-shot Day action and does not end the Day.
- To lend a pen, say the following phrase in the game thread: @Mod: Do you need a pen?
- In order for the action to count, the phrase must be spelt correctly and bolded.
* Share Inventions: Each night, you may give one of your inventions to another player. Unfortunately, your pens got jumbled up in your luggage, and you're not sure which one does what anymore. Some may even be normal biros that do nothing.
- This is a multi-shot Night action.
- To lend a pen, PM me during the Night phase with the name of your target, or state your target (in bold using the <b></b> tags) in the Mafia QT.
- If you do not submit a target, you will target no one.
* Vote: You can cast votes during the day in order to help lynch the villains. You can vote for one player, or for two players. You can also vote to no lynch.

Win Condition: You win when the Heart of Gold is no longer under threat and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

Please post in the game thread to confirm you're ready to play. If you have any questions about your role, please feel free to PM me at any time. Otherwise, thanks for joining this game, have fun - and DON'T PANIC!

Night Actions

D1: GLaDOS uses his power to lynch Isa

N1: Everyone roleblocked

D2: No powers used

Lunitawolf mafia-kills hasdgfas
sorgster steals from hasdgfas
Umbrage watches GLaDOS
VisceraEyes vig-kills sorgster
xvart recites poetry to Umbrage (no effect)

D3: TheFool uses his power to reset the vote count (and removes mafia's daytalk ability)
medic uses his power to tree-stump TheFool

Lunitawolf gives a pen to GLaDOS
medic mafia-kills Umbrage
Umbrage continues to watch GLaDOS
VisceraEyes sucide-kills Bub Bidderskins
xvart recites poetry to medic (and redirects kill onto himself)

Quick Topics

Neighbour QT
Mafia QT
Dead Thread
Last edited by imaginality on Fri Nov 18, 2011 1:13 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post Post #1152 (ISO) » Thu Nov 17, 2011 11:24 pm

Post by GLaDOS »

... Processing ...

Not a fan of games with too many roles. This game falls into that category. Nevertheless, thanks to imaginality for modding.
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Post Post #1153 (ISO) » Thu Nov 17, 2011 11:31 pm

Post by Isa »

Phone post, so a short comment.

But OH WOW. Lunitawolf did great, absolutely great. I tip my hat.
I must say though that the setup was made of swing. We lynch two townies and one scum, with no night 1, and yet lose night 3.

Regardless, good game, and great modding. More later
Lär Känna En Isa

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Post Post #1154 (ISO) » Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:57 am

Post by imaginality »

Setup Thoughts

Why I designed the setup as it is:

1. I wanted the setup to feel 'weird' and 'interesting', so I:
a) designed a low-VT setup to allow me to include flavoursome and unusual roles
b) included a few roles which would force the player to decide carefully how/when to use their abilities (the restricted roleblocker, the restricted watcher, the suicide bomber, the mafia tree-stumper)

2. I didn't want the game to become simply 'follow the power roles' or 'break the game', or to be ultra-swingy (though yes, I was okay with accepting some degree of swinginess as a probably-necessary tradeoff for weirdness), so I:
a) nerfed various roles to some extent (the thief, restricted roleblocker and permanent watcher roles, the neighbours that could lose their daytalk to become effectively VTs)
b) included several weak/pointless roles (the modified bodyguard role, the vote count resetter)
c) balanced out two powerful roles (Ford Prefect and the Mafia Treestumper) - it was highly likely both abilities would be used, with a net effect of 1 vig kill for each side, cancelling out
d) included the double dip voting mechanic (based on my previous experiences with it, it seems to increase game activity and makes the day phases somewhat trickier for scum as they're usually at least one of the possible lynches for much of the day)

3. While the game was intended to be weird, I wanted the setup to punish the town if it focused too much on setup/mod out-guessing rather than scum-hunting, so I:
a) included one but only one major character and one but only one pure VT to punish town if it assumed there were none/multiple of either
b) gave town a roleblocker and scum a killing ability
c) gave town two poetry-reciting roles
d) gave mafia an ability (restricted tree-stumper) that benefited from mass-claim
e) gave mafia a mix of book-villain and non-book-villain characters
f) gave town more power than it might expect to have on their side balance-wise (at least before they know about the mafia treestumping role)

I accept any complaints about swinginess, although I did mention there'd be significant in-game weirdness in the signup queue. As GLaDOS says, this wasn't a game for people who like low-power, VT-ful games. (I personally enjoy both, but feel like a HHGG-themed game with low weirdness and normal roles would have been an opportunity missed.)

I feel the game was sufficiently balanced, though. The mafia were worried about being underpowered, and they probably were if you look just at the powers for each side, but that was balanced by (i) the chances for town to go astray with mod-wifom, and (ii) scum having a chance of getting to lylo with their treestumper (and Hotblack) both alive.

After having seen the game how the game ran, I'd consider varying the set-up to give everyone a one-shot ability, and announce it as such in advance. I think that might encourage activity in thread, since people with PRs might be less inclined to lie low if they know everyone else has a one-shot power too.

I'd also possibly make Grunthos either a one-shot vig or a suicide bomber rather than both. Mind you, I wasn't expecting VisceraEyes to risk using his role tonight, given town were likely to lose if he missed. I included the suicide bomber element mainly to give town an ace up their sleeve in 3v1 mylo, to counter-balance the fact scum could have tried to protect their tree-stumper as an ace up their sleeve for use in lylo.

I like the restricted roleblocker role, and that could easily be included in future games, if less thematically fittingly. I also like the restricted treestumping role, though with that, metawise, it'd probably need to appear maybe ~50% as a town role with town target, ~25% town role with scum target, and ~25% scum role with town target, to prevent it confirming either the target's alignment to the user or the user's alignment to the town. The permanent watcher role, I thought, presented an interesting choice for Umbrage (using it early for more nights of watching, versus waiting until a power role claims) but was something of a missed opportunity, because of how likely it was that GLaDOS would use his power D1. In a more normal game, with fewer PRs, it could be a good variant on the usual watcher role.
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Post Post #1155 (ISO) » Fri Nov 18, 2011 2:33 am

Post by imaginality »

Game Thoughts

On the modding side of thngs - first and foremost, major apologies for making that error in the lynch vote count D2. I have no excuse for that. For this game, I created a nifty Excel spreadsheet that tracks all the votes entirely accurately, but for both that vote count and the other one I got wrong D1 (with less significance), I wasn't at home - I should've waited 'til I got home before posting, or else made sure I triple-checked everything. Thanks, scum team, for choosing to continue.

Secondly, there was a fair amount of in-thread antagonism particularly the second half of D1 and the first half of D2. I let it slide for a while when it seemed to me to be playstyle rather than personal, but in retrospect I probably should have issued a 'chill out' warning sooner than I did, to try to ensure things stayed fun rather than fractious. I think the negative tone to the thread at that time made the atmosphere less fun and contributed somewhat to the number of replacements.

Thirdly, I will probably go back to using explicitly-defined rules for prodding/replacing next game just so players know exactly what's required. On the other hand, I will still keep minimum experience requirements discretional rather than fixed, because I think new players are often more capable of getting up to speed (even with theme games) than they're sometimes given credit for, and I'd rather not deny someone the chance to participate in a theme they're interested in. shaft.ed took a chance on letting me into Monty Python Mafia when I was pretty new to the site and I still appreciate that, and want to extend the same openness to other players in my games.

I hope all the vote counts didn't seem excessive. I wanted to include vote counts in posts and at the top of each page because I know preferences are fairly split as to which people prefer. Oh, and in case anyone was wondering, the quotes in the vote counts were all direct from the books (bar the rugby one) and had no game-info relevance. Just to reduce the chances of people wondering about that, I made sure not to include quotes from any in-game characters until they were either name-confirmed or dead.

On to the gameplay side of things:

Looking at the big picture, this game showed me the importance of time/deadline management, because I don't think town handled that side of things too well. Getting somewhat distracted by name/setup spec soaked up a fair amount of time each day, and it seemed like the deadlines on both D1 and D3 snuck up quicker than the town was ready for. The deadlines were possibly on the short side for a complex setup, admittedly, but I didn't want the game to drag on too long. (A setup change I considered making when I was designing the game was to let TheFool's vote-reset ability extend the deadline by a week, but I was worried that would make it too likely he'd use the ability D1, and I wanted the mafia to have to hunt for him rather than identify him that quickly.)

I was surprised that farside22 and hasdgfas ended up going so hammer-and-tongs at each other. I felt farside22 became guilty of tunnel visioned on that front for a while. Things did improve but they missed the chance to scumhunt together as effectively as they could have. It was good timing on the mafia's part to kill hasdgfas when they did, I think, as from the QT there were signs that farside22 and hasdgfas could have combined together much better on D3.

I was impressed with the mafia play D1. Although Unknown lurked somewhat, Lunitawolf and The Rufflig both played it very well, and there weren't any obvious links to look back on once The Rufflig flipped. Town did start to redirect its attention more effectively D2 and D3, but Lunitawolf definitely seemed to evade most people's suspicions with ease.

I was a little surprised Umbrage targeted GLaDOS N1, partly because GLaDOS was by no means alignment-confirmed in everyone's eyes, and partly because she'd used her power and so the scum weren't as likely to kill her as if she had some other non-one-shot role. @Umbrage: did you target her partly because you thought she'd be likely to be killed on a future night, and hoped to be around to watch that, or did you think she was a likely kill target N2?

I was pretty surprised to see medic managing to squirm out of the noose he put around himself with the treestumping. The miller fakeclaim element turned out to be a good choice to include, and he did play up the 'I'm new here' angle nicely, but I think saying he had a town read on TheFool right before treestumping him was a major error because it conflicted with his "I didn't know who Hotblack was" line. @medic - did you use the treestumping ability deliberately because you were worried you'd be lynched/vigged before you could use it if you tried to save it 'til later, or did you really use it just because?

VisceraEyes's radar was off with his kills. I was really surprised to see him suicide-bomb tonight, knowing it could end the game, after he'd expressed caution in this post. The way I see it, after Pine flipped town, the choices are: suicide-bomb scum = 3 v 1 mylo on D4; kill incorrectly = 2 v 2, don't kill = 4 v 2. There's arguably a better chance of lynching scum in the latter case (33% picking at random vs 25% after a successful suicide-bomb). @VisceraEyes, how sure were you of Bub being scum? How worried were you that you'd be mislynched if you chose not to suicide-bomb?

Also, how much was Bub's VT claim a factor in your choice? I think if I were in this game I'd have had a town read on Bub and Umbrage based on their posts. I'd probably have had a mistaken scum read on farside22/Pine, and a mistaken town read on Lunitawolf.

More thoughts later. Thanks to everyone for playing!
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Post Post #1156 (ISO) » Fri Nov 18, 2011 2:50 am

Post by Umbrage »











I'll explain it to you. You have to get someone else to understand it for you.
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Post Post #1157 (ISO) » Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:28 am

Post by Bub Bidderskins »

Lunita. Arg, I knew it I knew it I knew it but I didn't follow through. ARG!!!
Total: 16/15/1
Town: 10/13/1
Scum: 6/2/0
Other: 0/0/0

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Post Post #1158 (ISO) » Fri Nov 18, 2011 4:21 am

Post by xvart »

gg all. To be honest, this game was maddening to me, but in a good way. I thought the roles were interesting and definitely added a level to the game I haven't experienced in a while; although I think it is interesting to consider the "punish speculation" by creating vastly modified roles and abilities almost encourages setup speculation. :)

Yesterday I decided not to even attempt to bread crumb who I was going to protect because I didn't want the mafia team to use that (if I crumbed a town person/s) and night kill me and then when my role was revealed to spin it as I redirected my target's shot and getting a WIFOM lynch on town. I put a lot of thought into my selection choice because I didn't know if medic was going to submit the shot. I decided that the only useful information that could be received from my death is if I targeted my number one suspect the day before: medic.

Thanks for modding, imaginality. It was a fun game. I'm glad I got to replace in. Thanks for having me.
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Post Post #1159 (ISO) » Fri Nov 18, 2011 4:57 am

Post by The Rufflig »

I said it in the dead topic, but I'll say it here, too. I was bummed out being taken out of the game by mod error. However, it isn't anything personal; I would sign up for one of imaginality's games again. Even professional referees make mistakes even with all the technical support behind them. Imaginality isn't even paid and I don't hold him to a higher standard than the pros.

I do think the town was over-powered though. The town had three additional kills available to it at the cost of 1 townie dying as a result of using them. Two of the kills were absolutely unstoppable by the scum. While, GlaDOS' shot could be influenced somewhat through votes. Against these shots and the permanent watcher - we could do absolutely nothing. The treestump ability, in the end, did come in useful to shorten the game. However, we could just as easily have lost the ability to use the treestump through lynches, nightkills or vig shots. In my opinion, the town had a large advantage over the scum.

My compliments to The Fool for his insight into my scum hunting - he was dead on.
A tip of the hat to Lunitawolf, you played well.
Bub - you scared me when you came in, you had two of us pegged - though I might disagree with your reasoning. ;)
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Post Post #1160 (ISO) » Fri Nov 18, 2011 5:00 am

Post by Umbrage »

I shouldn't have second-guessed myself for medic. ARGH.

I'll explain it to you. You have to get someone else to understand it for you.
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Post Post #1161 (ISO) » Fri Nov 18, 2011 5:44 am

Post by TheFool »

Man, I have to agree with xvart, this game was frustrating, but fun. Told you guys you should have lynched medic :P

Nicely played, scumteam.
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Post Post #1162 (ISO) » Fri Nov 18, 2011 6:39 am

Post by Bub Bidderskins »

The Rufflig wrote:I said it in the dead topic, but I'll say it here, too. I was bummed out being taken out of the game by mod error. However, it isn't anything personal; I would sign up for one of imaginality's games again. Even professional referees make mistakes even with all the technical support behind them. Imaginality isn't even paid and I don't hold him to a higher standard than the pros.

I do think the town was over-powered though. The town had three additional kills available to it at the cost of 1 townie dying as a result of using them. Two of the kills were absolutely unstoppable by the scum. While, GlaDOS' shot could be influenced somewhat through votes. Against these shots and the permanent watcher - we could do absolutely nothing. The treestump ability, in the end, did come in useful to shorten the game. However, we could just as easily have lost the ability to use the treestump through lynches, nightkills or vig shots. In my opinion, the town had a large advantage over the scum.

My compliments to The Fool for his insight into my scum hunting - he was dead on.
A tip of the hat to Lunitawolf, you played well.
Bub - you scared me when you came in, you had two of us pegged - though I might disagree with your reasoning. ;)

Never underestimate the stupidity of the town. Multiple town kills makes the game swingy, not town favored If the town burned all those kills on town (which they did) then it makes your game very easy.
Total: 16/15/1
Town: 10/13/1
Scum: 6/2/0
Other: 0/0/0

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Post Post #1163 (ISO) » Fri Nov 18, 2011 6:59 am

Post by Lunitawolf »

Good game, all, and thanks for modding, Imaginality! I really enjoyed the flavor.

This game was fun but pretty stressful for me. I felt bad going after people I knew weren't scum, and there were times I'd just stare at the screen and have trouble writing anything out because it all felt scummy. And, yeah, Bub, you scared me when you replaced in! :)

Look forward to playing with you all again.
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Post Post #1164 (ISO) » Fri Nov 18, 2011 11:15 am

Post by VisceraEyes »

Honestly, I was only so sure Bub was scum for how he went after Lunita XD

GG guys, sorry about picking wrong (it was between medic and Bub).
In your Viscera Eyes
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Post Post #1165 (ISO) » Fri Nov 18, 2011 11:51 am

Post by sorgster »

@Mod, any ideas on how to improve my play? I'm a pretty atrocious player and I can't even pull up the I'm new card anymore unless I edit my sig.
Scum have won in every non-broken game of mine, it is a bit depressing.

Also, in the very first non newbie game I've played in the mod made a vc error to kill scum day 1. It's not a big deal. I don't think anyone else seriously had a chance of getting lynched that phase.
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Post Post #1166 (ISO) » Fri Nov 18, 2011 1:10 pm

Post by medic »


I was fail but you're the one who removed the vote from me and opted to lynch a townie instead. :P

GG everyone.
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Post Post #1167 (ISO) » Fri Nov 18, 2011 5:23 pm

Post by TheFool »

Isa wrote:Btw, TheFool's patience is enormous. Cred to him.

Hehe, thank you. I left for work thinking "no way that was a power activation, it sounds like a vig and we have enough of those already. Medic's probably just getting into the feel of the game." Then later I got home and said, "What."
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Post Post #1168 (ISO) » Fri Nov 18, 2011 6:03 pm

Post by GLaDOS »

... Processing ...

In the future, please be more careful with the names you give your roles. Claiming the Modified Bodyguard might be a "Vanilla Townie" but giving it any sort of power is simply incorrect. A vanilla townie, by definition, has no abilities whatsoever; a role that targets anybody (and here, the player was even alerted to the fact that they were targeted) is not vanilla, even if it is useless. The same goes with the "Mafia Goon," which apparently could both confirm itself in-thread with a saying, and during the night-phase by giving out pens. That is not a goon; it is a role that has separate abilities, and here, confirms itself. As a corollary, I don't think "attract rain" should have been added to the vanilla townie role PM; an "ability" should not solely be flavor.

I also do not approve of the Restricted Roleblocker role, specifically because the target must go down the alphabet. The problem inherent in this is replacements: suppose "Player A" is roleblocked on Night One, and then "Player B" replaces somebody who would have otherwise not have been targetable... and so on. A player can also get out of being roleblocked if they
have been the next player to be roleblocked, but they replace out and are replaced with somebody earlier in the alphabet. And so forth.

Ultimately, I don't really know if the set-up was balanced. The Town had three extra kills (Quicklyncher, Vigilante, and Suicide Bomber), but using the third kill automatically kills a Townsperson, while the scum also got an extra kill. Personally, I think this is adding too many kills to a small game; in a 13-player game, having only three Days and two Nights is just too short. Towns should, in my opinion, have more time to work things out. Certainly, I do think this game was awfully swingy. Other than the extra kills, the Town didn't have much to work with (since the scum weren't clear-cut characters, even the Thief was not strong, although it in theory could have caught fake-claiming scum) besides the permanent Watcher.

I didn't read
of the flavor, but the flavor I did read was well-done.
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Post Post #1169 (ISO) » Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:17 pm

Post by The Rufflig »

I'll have to disagree that the town didn't have enough time or info to work with. There were quite a number of wagons that the town could have gone back and did a vote count analysis on. For instance, the end of day 2 rival wagon

5 - Umbrage (
, Unknown,
The Rufflig
, VisceraEyes,

I believe that it was noted that this wagon was likely pushed by scum in an attempt to save me. Acting on that belief, Visceral Eyes' shot on night 3 should have been a lot more obvious to him, imo. Feel free to take a gander at the other wagons. Everyone having two votes gave the town a lot of voting patterns and wagons to be analyzed. The scum, naturally, weren't going to analyze the wagons, but the town should have looked at them. It wasn't the scum's fault that the town was too lazy to do so.
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Post Post #1170 (ISO) » Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:29 pm

Post by GLaDOS »

... Processing ...

Perhaps that would be useful to players who put stock in vote count analyses. As it happens, I do not. A game with 13 players that that only has five phases (three Days, and two Nights) should only happen, at best, if there are (i) two scum teams, or (ii) a mafia team of three survives completely intact. The fact that this game had a dead mafiate and had a skipped night is indicative that the game ending on Night Three is simply too short, due to an overabundance of kills.
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Post Post #1171 (ISO) » Sat Nov 19, 2011 3:50 am

Post by hasdgfas »

GLaDOS wrote:... Processing ...

Perhaps that would be useful to players who put stock in vote count analyses. As it happens, I do not. A game with 13 players that that only has five phases (three Days, and two Nights) should only happen, at best, if there are (i) two scum teams, or (ii) a mafia team of three survives completely intact. The fact that this game had a dead mafiate and had a skipped night is indicative that the game ending on Night Three is simply too short, due to an overabundance of kills.

This pretty much exactly. VC analysis is useful to some people, but I really think it's crap for the most part. There are a couple things I'd look at, but as far as reasons for wagons? There's no way to accurately analyze them.

I do agree that there were way too many kills. 3 kills in one night just shouldn't happen in a 13 player game in my eyes. It was a fun game though, I enjoyed it, apart from my neighbor hating me because she thinks it has to be scum/town with neighbors.

Lunita did well, she never really had any suspicion on her. Medic did well at coming in and acting completely lost when he came under suspicion. I'll probably have a bit more to say later, but I will say that it was nice that I got killed by the mafia. It's been a while since that's happened to me.
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Post Post #1172 (ISO) » Sat Nov 19, 2011 5:01 am

Post by farside22 »

Umbrage wrote:I shouldn't have second-guessed myself for medic. ARGH.


1) You know I'm fucking paranoid when I am dealing with an unknow alignment. If you fucking read Toy Story.
2) I was fucking right about Unknow so STFU about being scummy and tunneling, which I do when I think someone is fucking scum
3) you need to calm down and actually read things instead of spout shit till you get your way.
4) I explained everything about why I was suspicious of people. I don't know why you did not understand or see it for yourself.
5) You made this game a nightmare. Your thoughts were completely illogical and no way conducted yourself as town.

That said Wolf and Ruffling were awesome as scum. I never thought Ruffling was scum but I started to suspect Wolf after I left the game.
Too many people contradicted themselves and Cow and I could not agree one anything when we talked.
He thought Sorg was scum and I had Isa. I felt frustrated trying to explain my reasoning and frankly I posted in this game when I could. Just because Umbrage thought I was being lazy was an opinion. I don't have time to rant and rave these days. So most of the time I just post thought and didn't have time for much else.
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Post Post #1173 (ISO) » Sat Nov 19, 2011 5:12 am

Post by farside22 »

The Rufflig wrote:I'll have to disagree that the town didn't have enough time or info to work with. There were quite a number of wagons that the town could have gone back and did a vote count analysis on. For instance, the end of day 2 rival wagon

5 - Umbrage (
, Unknown,
The Rufflig
, VisceraEyes,

I believe that it was noted that this wagon was likely pushed by scum in an attempt to save me. Acting on that belief, Visceral Eyes' shot on night 3 should have been a lot more obvious to him, imo. Feel free to take a gander at the other wagons. Everyone having two votes gave the town a lot of voting patterns and wagons to be analyzed. The scum, naturally, weren't going to analyze the wagons, but the town should have looked at them. It wasn't the scum's fault that the town was too lazy to do so.

I was the one that pointed out the push on Umbrage over scum Ruffling but it got ignored and I Umbrage bitched at me for doing it.
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Post Post #1174 (ISO) » Sat Nov 19, 2011 3:02 pm

Post by The Rufflig »

Well, I think vca is helpful, anyway. I find it is a fairly reliable method for finding scum under many circumstances. I believe it was a missed opportunity for the town.
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