Spy Mafia
Set up
1) this is a cop role madness game. Also this is going to be a bastard game.
2) atleast 90 percent of the town will consist of investigation roles. This game also relies heavly on sanity mechanics. the sanity used is: sane, insane , paranoid, naive and useless ( random) . No one will know tbier own sanity .
3) this game will be PG 13 in nature.
4) the flavor will be orginal in nature. The flavor however is for entertainment purpose
and do not hold clues or hints in any fashion
5) Flips will only reveals if the player was town or scum, the sanity of the players will be hidden .
This game has not been play tested or tested for balance......Play at your own risk
1) I am the mod thus king.... I reserve the right to enforce the rules as I feel fit. I will however will try my best to be fair , honest and just.
2) please be aware of the site rules( it posted on the site main page) . Site rules will be enforced.
3) I am enforcing the dont be a jerk rule. This means that you may play agressively but you are not allowed to be abusive or play in a way tbat forces other players to quit or want to quit. (See rule 1)
4) unless specified in your PM you are not allowed to talk about this game in any way outside this game.while the game is active.
5 You are not allowed impersonate the mod with the intention to gain any advantage in the game.
6) You will be auto modkill if you do the following
a) post anything that is sexually explicit in nature. This include but limited to videos, pictures, description that is sexual in nature.
b) threating bodily, mental, emotion , sexual harm to another player
c) continuly insulting other players, being abusive, use exsessive foul language or use personal attacks on other players
d) Racial, Sexual, relgious , handicap , or other types of bigoted comment will not be tolarated
e) promoting any activity that is illegal in the United States
7)all players must play to thier wincom...no exception
8) This game is rated PG 13. You are expected not to post anything that would be higher
than PG13. This includes video, pictures or posts
1) all votes must be Bolded ex
Vote Fuzzy logic
]2) votes will count if I can figure out who you are trying to vote for..I however want you
to try to spell a player name correctly.
3) if I get your vote wrong or forgot to mark your vote please let me know Asap
Day/night and Twillight
1) days are 2 weeks long
2) nights are 48 long
3) any player declared lynched but not dead can post during twillight
1) a player must post every 48 hours unless they are VLA . If they do not they will get
2) if a player does not post 24 hours after being prodded they will be replaced out
3) if a players gets three prods they will be replaced out
4) once your slot become open you are not allowed to replace back in
Sample PM