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Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2019 11:48 pm
by gobbledygook
It’s a common monster in DND apparently. I don’t know anything beyond that. Why didn’t you send me a letter last night?
Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2019 11:48 pm
by RCEnigma
I sent it to EP.
Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2019 11:49 pm
by gobbledygook
Oh that’s fair. Who was it on?
Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2019 11:50 pm
by RCEnigma
ML and Elements you both leave the game if you fulfill your wincon right?
Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2019 11:50 pm
by RCEnigma
Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2019 12:19 am
by Miss Lane
If I'm not the serial killer I leave the game if there are less than ten players left alive with orcus.
Also I'm v/la until the 3 of Jan at least
Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2019 1:25 am
by KidAmn
I jailed Pine.
Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2019 2:06 am
by EspressoPatronum
In post 11485, davesaz wrote:Hope your son does well.
Has there been discussion on what the bar being closed means?
Ceph claimed he was the barkeep, so maybe he has the answer.
Likewise the two dudes fighting to a draw on multiple nights?
KidAmn jailed Elements two nights in a row. Looks like it was flavoured as them fighting.
Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2019 2:09 am
by EspressoPatronum
My vote is on DEB. I'm waiting to make it official bcz of potential vote manipulation. I don't want him hammered too quickly.
I think MM1 had a hammerer. It looks like this game does as well.
Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2019 2:17 am
by KidAmn
The bulky axe-wielding brute is definitely me, looking at my flavour (not familiar with the character but I don't watch any of these YouTube D&D group things). Not sure if the bar being shut means Pine is the owner though.
Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2019 2:48 am
by EspressoPatronum
Bingle is scum.
Nualia Tobyn (the Aasimar woman) is a well-armoured woman with white hair. This was pisskop's rolecop character. Bingle claimed motivated N1, but we know from the N1 flavour that a well-armoured, white-haired woman was motivated.
We have a guilty on Pine from KidAmn's JK. It makes sense that scum would give their motivation to their rolecop (pisskop the white-haired woman) and have another one of them fakeclaim it.
Bingle also claimed FBI on Elements the same night that Elements was jailed by KidAmn and attacked by Zoraster (scum).
Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2019 3:24 am
by KidAmn
While likely, this isn't certain. I could have just as easily blocked a knife meant for him as stopped him pulling one on another.
Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2019 3:27 am
by EspressoPatronum
In post 11511, KidAmn wrote:
While likely, this isn't certain. I could have just as easily blocked a knife meant for him as stopped him pulling one on another.
Ah true. Good call.
In any case, the motivated claim on N1 is sus.
Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2019 3:52 am
by Bingle
In post 11510, EspressoPatronum wrote:Bingle is scum.
Nualia Tobyn (the Aasimar woman) is a well-armoured woman with white hair. This was pisskop's rolecop character. Bingle claimed motivated N1, but we know from the N1 flavour that a well-armoured, white-haired woman was motivated.
We have a guilty on Pine from KidAmn's JK. It makes sense that scum would give their motivation to their rolecop (pisskop the white-haired woman) and have another one of them fakeclaim it.
Bingle also claimed FBI on Elements the same night that Elements was jailed by KidAmn and attacked by Zoraster (scum).
This would make more sense if I hadn’t flavorclaimed days ago, white haired elves were uncommon, or there was any utility to doing any of this.
Still waiting on night results. EP’s scramble to cast shade at me is pretty lulzy. It’s kinda like pks.
Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2019 4:10 am
by EspressoPatronum
@Bingle I'm voting for the CL today anyway, so I'm not sure why you think me calling you scum is a scramble.
If you're standing by the white-haired elf claim, then please explain this from your FBI night flavour:
"A third man -- this one much older -- knew what he saw. He had all the information he'd need."
We know the people fighting were KidAmn and Elements. The person watching wasn't me. I don't think it was UT with a cult guilty on KidAmn.or else he'd have told us. It's also not BB.
That leaves you, the apparent FBI investigator... both a white-haired, female elf and an old man.
Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2019 4:16 am
by gobbledygook
It is possible that Bingle was just claiming pisskop’s results.
Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2019 4:37 am
by gobbledygook
I am curious why mafia didn’t kill me. I’m also so very sad about it. I thought I would be done with this game.
Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2019 4:40 am
by Almost50
Why the freak would you announce that?
Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2019 4:42 am
by Almost50
I agree. I maintain it's DEB
Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2019 4:44 am
by Almost50
In post 11495, BBmolla wrote:I'm vanillaized btw, didn't want to reveal yesterday to hope I could draw a NK
How? Do you know HOW you got vanillaized?
Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2019 4:45 am
by gobbledygook
Because I knew people weren’t going to trust me with how much some people believe me to be cult. So I decided just put all the info out there. I’m also not macho. I just didn’t want to play in this game anymore.
Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2019 4:46 am
by gobbledygook
I feel super vindicated with the Gamma flip and it has given me renewed fight. Raur is scum and if he is Bungle is his buddy.
Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2019 5:07 am
by Almost50
So, we agree -at least- that Rauther, Bingle & Pone aren't the CL. If we take your word for it dave isn't either. Elements & ML are not it. You are not it and I'm not it either.
I dunno how you people missed this, but Ceph claimed to be the barkeeper, so if the bar was closed it likely means he was blocked (penfing confirmation), and the cult still gained another member so it's not Ceph,
EP didn't mention the PM he should have got from RCE (red herring) but it makes me more inclined to believe RCE isn't the CL (they would have organized it better if he was)
PB is IC, BBM was vanillaized (red herring) so is not the CL too. KidAmn is confirmed JK (by virtue of having blocked Elements twice), and EP did shoot PK so his role is semi-confirmed (I dunno if he has more to it and I don't care).
That leaves me with DEB (unconfirmed role and top suspect from my PoV), UT (Cult Cop who -to my knowledge- didn't get a single guilty (correct me on this if my memory is cheating me, as I'm doing this from memory), and xefolf (Cult counter ism't something you can verify until the game is officially over)
Note that UT cleared xefolf, so the two are either both cult or both not cult (actually that should make xefolf more likely the CL than UT)
Sp, it's like DEB >> xefolf >> UT for me
Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2019 5:15 am
by gobbledygook
Still annoyed we didn’t go after DEB yesterday when he was so clearly the better option than Chennisden. But Bungle mEcHaNiCaL sOlVe
Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2019 5:27 am
by Bingle
In post 9546, Bingle wrote:I'm Delilah "Chastity" Fenton, specifically noted to come from a homebrew. From the picture, I'm likely an elf (although the long white/silver hair covers my ears so I might be a human) and probably either a paladin or and inquisitor. Full plate, bigass sword.
Yo. Already full claimed my flavor.