Page 48 of 49

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 10:37 am
by VP Baltar
I'd like a serious answer please. You've been way off this game for all intents and purposes. It's hard for me to see you as town when Nacho, though wrong at times, has actually been scumhunting and has hit correctly at times. It's tough to believe someone with your experience level can't find a single scum in a game full of mostly inexperienced players.

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 12:14 pm
by VP Baltar
Ok, I've reread the entire game while I was traveling. This post isn't likely to end with a vote, since I want some questions answered first. I will say tip my hand slightly though and say that I have a hard time seeing how Empking isn't the last scum. We'll see how I feel after you guys answer some stuff/I point out some things that stand out to me. I'll break this up by player pros and cons so hopefully it can be organized.


-His claim makes sense in the setup.
-From the early go, Nacho is asking questions and taking initiative. His posts show independent thought, which tends to be townish.
-Nacho votes RestFermata out of leftfield in #208, which I don't really care for. That being said, his presence would mean all three scum were on the same wagon, which is pretty high risk for a low reward of Rest's lynch at that time. I don't think Nacho would be a part of that really. Once thing I would like explained Nacho, is why you moved your vote off of Rest there and onto PV? I'd like to know more about your thought process there.
-Nacho calls out HD to explain why he thinks EMP and PV are scum in #384. Ballsy move if scum because HD has shown he has very thin reasoning for voting either. Most of his actual cases have been on Rest.

-Nachos was on the early SK wagon that Fourtrouble points out must contain at least one scum. That being said, he had original reasoning for being there.
-Nacho's #367 vote of TOWK is weak as hell and also out of line with his stance of HD-scum, who would have been an easier lynch rather than starting a new wagon. On the surface, it could appear like a counter wagon to both PereV and HD, who were topping the vote counts.
- Nacho gives a pretty hardcore defense of PV on Day 1. I went back and forth on this one because it could almost be seen as a protown point in his favor considering how freaking shortsighted that'd be as scum. At the end of the day though, it's still defending a scum player and I can't in the spirit of being unbiased mark that as protown. Additionally, the reasoning of the defense is somewhat weak upon inspection:
Nacho wrote:This seems like the town meta that I've lynched before, but give a moment to see if he can't do these same things as scum.
It's an easy meta out.


-HD post #938 is still irrationally wanting to lynch Empking for no given reason. He never questions (or gives a reason why) Iecerint is town. I list this point as a pro simply because that's what I've read it all game. So, I have to admit that's how it feels on some level. That being said, I also have it listed below as a con because the level of irrational hate for Empking he gave could very easily be bussing of the most extreme kind.

-Follows easily onto the SK wagon early in the game. Fourtrouble makes a decent point about someone having to be scum on that wagon and elaborates why Empking is that person. Hindsight indicates he may have been correct in that assessment.
-Post 163 has both of our dead scum prodded for lurking. It's feasible their team strategy was to lurk, which fits with Empking's play more than Nacho's.
-HD tunneled the farq out of Empking. Like, beyond rationality. This is tough to read and may have contributed to me thinking Emp was town for so long. The thing that turns it for me into a mark against Empking is the day after we lynched Iecerint. HD went from an all game tunnel on Empking to suddenly thinking we should lynch RestFermata. Why does HD suddenly want to lynch RestFermata after coming out of night? I think Emp chewed his ass over night about pushing his lynch all day and he had to change course. HD never explains this flop and I can't see anything in his posting that explains it. If Empking were town, why would he risk such a continuity error?
-Emp #280 looks like indirectly defending PV by asking for a case on him. This is the same crap logic PV took to defend himself. That being said, it's conjecture to say that was the motivation for Emp there. Still, I don't care for it in hindsight.

Other notes that don't fit into these categories:
@Nacho - Why'd you immediately switch to HD as your prime choice after Iec's lynch? I'd like your logic here.
@Emp - Why'd you want to hammer HD in post #1084 after you had been ignoring him up to that point in favor of Levi? Can you explain this sudden change of heart?

Essential question to all of this is would HD bus both buddies hard on Day 1 with sham reasoning? It’s possible given his play toward PV. I don’t think he ever truly understood that wagon. I mean, it's hard to see why a scum would try to screw his team so badly, but I guess this level of wifom is the reason.

Those are my thoughts. I eagerly await your responses.

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 1:49 pm
by Nachomamma8
Clearing my head, one last reread.

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 2:13 pm
by Nachomamma8
In post 1176, VP Baltar wrote:Once thing I would like explained Nacho, is why you moved your vote off of Rest there and onto PV?
I liked #213 initially for the reasons I explained in my #239, and then her following two posts were fairly town and I didn't want my vote on her anymore. The PV vote itself was mostly because of his streak of coasty shit posts when there really wasn't any content to analyze and because I was trusting the DDD/you block for a little while.
In post 1176, VP Baltar wrote:@Nacho - Why'd you immediately switch to HD as your prime choice after Iec's lynch? I'd like your logic here.
I did a tiny little bit of rereading after the night and convinced myself of HD scum pretty strongly. His day opening posts also set off bells fucking everywhere since the scum team was running out of viable mislynches, I figured, and ThAd was so unbelievably town at that point of time that the attack felt off. I've played with him a few times and he's usually a pretty transparent townie, but I never really got that from him this game. Iecerint's flip also sort of said "okay, your turn to catch scum" to me, and I felt pretty good about HD, so I went for it.

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 2:20 pm
by Nachomamma8
NK analysis points hard towards Empking, I think. VPB would have been protected the first night if anyone, so the jason kill makes no fucking sense from scum VPB's perspective. He could've shot DDD and easily gotten away with it, or even maybe me, but he didn't.

HD's interactions with VPB seem a little too suck-up-y to be scum-scum interactions. I was playing around a lot with VPBscum earlier based on VPB leading the team to bus Peregrine, but cooling down so hard on the day when the scum team needed him most (after the Iecerint lynch) was bad fucking timing for VPB-scum. I don't see why he would leave his buddy out to dry when he easily could've swung the lynch somewhere else; Empking was mislynchable as fuck and he definitely could've paid some attention to that and given it traction. I also made the observation about HD and Empking going after two obvtown that day as if they were trying to go after mislynches, and the fact that HD didn't go for leviathan with Empking is a bit weird. Instead he decided to counterclaim RF and that was weird as fuck.

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 2:37 pm
by Nachomamma8
I got a little paranoid when VPB called me a survivor, but that doesn't really seem like a scum move at all and most of my reasons for thinking he is scum are stupid. They don't really mesh with his play this game; from his early push on DDD to figure him out to his early push on PV that was feeling him out followed by a longer, more confident case later, to dismissing our stupid reasons for thinking Peregrine town, to the tiny little nudges of paranoia on me, to the encoder question, to the Iec push, to fucking everything. If VPB's scum, he played a scum game that was essentially close to perfect.

Meanwhile, it's not that hard to see Emp-scum at all. There's no votes on scum, he hints to HD not to attack him a couple of times, he soft-defends PV, he went from having me as a strong town read to a null read for pretty much no reason whatsoever, he started posturing for this day in his #1100 and then soon dropped it after FT was like "fuck you, you are going to flip scum", and his play today is lazy as fuck and almost like scum who's given up. He seemed surer than he's acting like when he was calling me town for setup speculation, but it feels like he's lying back and waiting to vote VPB because I can get paranoid at times, but he definitely doesn't want to make the first move and confirm VPB as town so VPB starts looking exclusively at him.

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 2:37 pm
by Nachomamma8
So I'm going to give it like one more day, maybe a few more hours. But most likely I'm going to vote Empking.

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 7:39 pm
by VP Baltar
fuck it then nacho, let's roll with this. If you're scum, then good game bro, you fooled me.
vote: empking

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 7:40 pm
by VP Baltar
also, I'm drunk as shit, but this just feels right. my reread didn't really show anything but empking scum. I can't even lie to myself about that.

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 7:41 pm
by Nachomamma8

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 7:41 pm
by Nachomamma8
I'm drunk as shit too

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 7:42 pm
by Nachomamma8
i could never vote you. i tried so hard to vote you because i was afraid but you were just so fucking town the whole game.
too fucking town.

Vote: empking

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 12:55 am
by Sotty7
Final vote count of Day six

Empking: 2 (Nachomamma8, VP Baltar)

Not voting: 1 (Empking)

Empking has been lynched, mod scene up coming.

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 1:09 am
by Sotty7
Well isn't this a surprise? Two of you, working together... I'm not sure if I like it. I mean, this is DARK SOULS after all. What happened to the distrust and the death? I guess I am somewhat disappointed that you didn't eventually turn on each other. Especially since one of you is lying....

Did your heart stop right there? Did it make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up? Good.... Just a shame I was lying... Got to get my excitement some how right...?


Empking was lynched. He was
Rhea of Thorolund: Instigator
member of the
Dark souls mafia.

The death of Rhea of Thorolund


The game is over. Town has won! Congratulations!

Role PMs up coming.

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 1:38 am
by Sotty7
Rhea of Thorolund

Welcome to the game .....! You are
Rhea of Thorolund: Instigator
, member of the
Dark Souls mafia.


Rhea of Thorolund is a maiden on a mission. A memeber of the Way of the White, Rhea ccompanied by her two bodyguards Vince and Nico, as she sets out to claim the rite of Kindling as her own. In her way stands many hallowed men and of course, many, many demons. Though the strength of prayer, Rhea knows that her and her kind will overcome all that must be defeated for only then can light return to the world.
  • You are part of Dark Souls mafia with ---- and xxxx
  • Active ability: Prayer

    + Each day you may attempt to blend in by voting.
  • Active ability: Wrath of the Gods. One cast.

    +One time in the game you may PM me a name and for that entire game day, the player will need one less vote to be lynched.
    + This will be made public, but your identity will be shrouded.
    + You may not use this power the same day as
    Great heal.

    + You cannot use this power if there is already half the amount of votes needed to lynch on that player.
    + You can PM me in the day or the night before to activate this power.

  • Active ability: Great heal. One cast

    + One time in the game you may PM me a name and for that entire game day the player will need one more vote to be lynched.
    + This will be made public but your identity will be shrouded.
    + You may not use this power the same day as
    Wrath of the Gods.

    + You cannot use this power if there is already half the amount of votes needed to lynch on that player.
    + You can PM me in the day or the night before.
  • Hereis your mafia quicktopic. Feel free to post as much or as little as you like there.
  • Your fake claim is
    Gravelord Nito
    The following is your fake role PM:

    Spoiler: Nito fake claim
    Welcome to the game ....! You are
    Gravelord Nito
    , a member of the
    Dark Souls town


    Gravelord Nito is the first of the undead and God of death and disease. He was one of the four who found the lord souls and helped defeat the Everlasting dragons. Nito has full command of the dead and will use skeletons to help protect him from the fleshy invaders. After all he has been though, Nito isn't about to lie down and allow he soul to be stolen.
    • Active ability: Shockwave

      + Each day you may attempt to weed out the invaders with your vote.
    • You win when all of the mafia members are dead.

  • You win when you and your buddies make up half the town or nothing can prevent this from happening.
Human Destroyer
Siegmeyer of Catarina

Welcome to the game...! You are
Siegmeyer of Catarina: Posioner
, member of the
Dark Souls mafia.


Siegmeyer is a knight of Catarina and came to Lordran looking for adventure and excitement and boy did he find both. Siegmeyer is a cautious yet brave warrior who lets to apply thought to his adventures as much as his brute strength. Some might call him bumbling or ungraceful, but those who underestimate this lovable knight are often afforded much time to rue their mistake. Make no mistake, Siegmeyer is here to break the curse of the undead and claim as many Lords souls as possible along the way.
  • You are part of Dark Souls mafia with ---- and xxxx
  • Active ability: Onion Knight.

    + Each day you may attempt to blend in by voting with the rest of the town.
  • Active ability: mmm Hrmmmm. One cast

    + Because of your near death experience with poison, one time in the game you use this first hand knowledge and select to poison your chosen target and instead of dying that night, their death will be delayed till the next night.
    + This is a kill for your group and may only be performed by you.
  • You win when you and your buddies make up half the town or nothing can prevent this from happening.
  • Hereis your mafia quicktopic. Feel free to post as much or as little as you like there.
  • Your fake claim is
    Knight Artorias
    and the following is your fake role PM:

    Spoiler: Knight Artorias fake claim
    Welcome to the game .....! You are
    Knight Artorias
    a member of the
    Dark Souls town.


    Knight Artorias was once a proud and honored Knight. Becoming one of Four Knights commanding Gwyn's army he made it a personal quest to destroy the Darkwraiths. Artorias discovered a way to walk the abyss which allowed him to take the fight directly to the heart of his enemies. However this power soon became his burden and he was quickly swallowed up by the abyss, which corrupted not only his mind, but his very soul. Knight Artorias might be as cursed as the undead, but he will not go down with a fight.
    • Active ability: Oozing Darkness

      +Each day you may attempt to weed out the invaders with your vote.
    • You win when all of the mafia members are dead.
Solaire of Astora

Welcome to the game.....! You are
Solaire of Astora: Encoder
, member of the
Dark Souls mafia.


Solaire is a cheerful and extremely strong warrior who came to Lordran in search of his own sun. Throughout Solaire offers his assistance and often words of wisdom to the chosen undead as they trek though the world. Solaire is always on hand when he is needed the most, providing some jolly co-operation to take down some of the toughest aberrations in Lordran. There is speculation that Solaire is in fact the first born of Lord Gywn but if you were to ask this kind hearted Knight he would offer you no answer. He is just focused on finding his very own sunlight and providing all the help he can to others along the way.
  • You are part of the Dark souls mafia with xxx and -----
  • Active ability: Warrior of sunlight.

    + Each day you may attempt to blend in by voting with the rest of the town.
  • Passive ability: Jolly co-operation!

    + While you live you and your team will be able to talk during the day as well as at night.
    + Should you ever die during the game the quick topic will be closed during the day.
  • You win when you and your buddies make up half the town or nothing can prevent this from happening.
  • Hereis your mafia quicktopic. Feel free to post as much or as little as you like there.
  • Your fake claim is
    Taurus demon
    and the following is your fake role pm:
Spoiler: Taurus demon fake claim
Welcome to the game.....! You are the
Taurus demon
, a member of the
Dark Souls town.


The Taurus demon is a large demon found in the undead burg. Something can be said of it's wit as it will stage an ambush along a very narrow bridge were it would be easy for it to knock it's prey off and to their deaths. The Taurus is a big early challenge to the undead who hunt the souls. It is seen as the first line of defense, turning away many would be warriors.
  • Active ability: Ambush.

    +Each day you may attempt to weed out the invaders with your vote.
  • You win when all of the mafia members are dead.
Capra demon

Welcome to the game....! You are the
Capra demon: Tracker/Watche
r and a member of the
Dark Souls town


The Capra demon is one of the most difficult demons to over come. The small space combined with Capra's extended reach is made even worse by the fact he is always accompanied by two savage dogs. Capra holds the key to Depths, but is not easily overcome providing a lot of frustration and of course death to those willing to try.
  • Active ability: Carnage

    +Each day you may attempt to weed out the invaders with your vote.
  • Active ability: First dog

    + One time during the game you may select a player to watch. You will receive a PM stating the names of any players that might have visited them in the night.
  • Active ability: Second dog

    +One time during the game you may select a player to track. You will receive a PM stating who that player visited in the night, if anyone.
  • You win when all of the mafia members are dead.
Dragon Slayer Ornstein

Welcome to the game......! You are
Dragon Slayer Ornstein
, member of the
Dark Souls town


Ornstein is the captain of the Four Knights of Gywn, and his dragonslayer spear is what helped him earn his nickname. Ornstein is fast and agile able to out maneuver all those who cross his path and often helps bring misery to all those who do dare to step into his lair. Teaming up with his long time partner Executioner Smough, the two of them make possibly the hardest challenge in all the world.
  • Active ability: Lighting bolt

    + Each day you may attempt to weed out the invaders with your vote.
  • You win when all of the mafia members are dead.
If Smough is nightkilled wrote:Something terrible has happened.... Your partner in crime Executioner Smough
(Debonair Danny DiPietro)
has been killed over night! You can't believe someone would ever DARE do such a thing. The rage... You feel it building... Bubbling. THIS CANNOT GO UNPUNISHED!!
  • Active ability: RAGE
    + If Executioner Smough is ever night killed you may target one player for a vengeful kill.
    + You will have twenty four hours after the end of night to submit this kill to me or it will be fortified.
Debonair Danny DiPietro
Executioner Smough

Welcome to the game......! You are
Executioner Smough
, member of the
Dark Souls town.


Smough is the royal executioner of Anor Londo. He longs to be ranked with the Four Knights, but his cruelty, including using his victim's bone as his food's seasoning, forever denied the position. Teaming up with his long time partner Dragon Slayer Ornstein, the two of them make possibly the hardest challenge in all the world.
  • Active ability: Butt slam

    + Each day you may attempt to weed out the invaders with your vote.
  • You win when all of the mafia members are dead.
If Ornstein is nightkilled wrote:Something terrible has happened.... Your partner in crime Dragon Slayer Ornstein has been killed over night! You can't believe someone would ever DARE do such a thing. The rage... You feel it building... Bubbling. THIS CANNOT GO UNPUNISHED!!
  • Active ability: RAGE
    + If Dragon Slayer Ornstein is ever night killed you may target one player for a vengeful kill.
    + You will have twenty four hours after the end of night to submit this kill to me or it will be fortified.
Great grey wolf Sif

Welcome to the game.....! You are
Great grey wolf Sif: Night kill immune
, member of the
Dark Souls town.


Sif is a figure of much debate and reverence. He was once the companion of Sir Artorias the Abysswalker and once Artorias passed away he stayed and protected his old friends grave. During the battle with the chosen undead Sif is seen as a reluctant combatant but after much limping and whimpering he will still perform his task in a most honorable way.
  • Active ability: Howl

    + Each day you may attempt to weed out the invaders with your vote.
  • Passive ability: Lovable

    + The first time a night kill is attempted on you it will fail.
    + Any other night kill attempts after this can succeed.
  • You win when all of the mafia members are dead.
Chaos Queen Quelaag

Welcome to the game.....! You are
Chaos Queen Quelaag
, a member of the
Dark Souls town.


Quelaag once lived with her mother, the Witch of Izalith, and her sisters in the ancient city of Izalith. After the Flame of Chaos incident, all but her sister Quelana were transformed into nefarious demons. She and one of her sisters escaped the worst of it, having their lower torsos bound to giant spiders. Fleeing their deranged, demonic kin, they climbed to the base of Blighttown and Quelaag fashioned themselves a home.
  • Active ability: Lava glob

    + Each day you may attempt to weed out the invaders with your vote.
  • You win when all of the mafia members are dead.
VP Baltar
Black Dragon Kalameet

Welcome to the game....! You are
Black Dragon Kalameet
, member of the
Dark Souls town.


The Black Dragon Kalameet is one of the last remaining everlasting dragons, and a feared one at that. He's so mighty that even Anor Londo dare not to provoke him. You will first catch a glimpse of him when you're about to cross the stone bridge leading to the second area of Royal Wood. He has many punishing flame attacks but also is able to inflict a status effect that will cause an attack to take twice as much damage as they normally would. More often than not, this is a death wish against the mighty Kalameet.
  • Active ability: Telekinesis.

    + Each day you may attempt to weed out the invaders with your vote.
  • You win when all of the mafia members are dead.
Ms Marangal
Seath the scaleless

Welcome to the game....! You are
Seath the scaleless
, member of the
Dark Souls town.


An albino dragon without scales, granted the title of Duke by Lord Gwyn for his assistance in defeating the Everlasting Dragons and given a fragment of a Lord Soul. Seath was driven insane during his research on the Scales of Immortality, which he could never obtain. Ironically, he is now an immortal himself, a true Undead by means of his research into the Primordial Crystal, which he steals from the dragons when he defected.
  • Active ability: Curse breath

    + Each day you may attempt to weed out the invaders with your vote.
  • You win when all of the mafia members are dead.
Gaping dragon

Welcome to the game.....! You are the
Gaping dragon
, member of the
Dark Souls town.


The Gaping dragon descendant of the Everlasting Dragons. The dragon was once a normal dragon, until greed mutated him into his current form. Now little more than a giant mouth, the Gaping dragon hides away in the depths and will savagely attack any who dare to enter his sanctuary.
  • Active ability: Acid puke

    + Each day you may attempt to weed out the invaders with your vote.
  • You win when all of the mafia members are dead.
Crossbreed Priscilla

Welcome to the game....! You are
Crossbreed Priscilla
, member of the
Dark Souls town.


Priscilla is a crossbreed of a Dragon and some other Being. She was cast into the Painted World of Ariamis because of what she was, she was seen as an abonimation. She stands in the tower at the edge of the ruins in Ariamis and watches over all who share the world with her. She acquired the power of Life-Hunt, an ability only she can wield. Said to be so powerful that even the Gods feared her.
  • Active ability: Bilizzard

    + Each day you may attempt to weed out the invaders with your vote.
  • You win when all of the mafia members are dead.
Manus, Father of the Abyss

Welcome to the game....! You are
Manus, Father of the Abyss
, member of the
Dark Souls town.


Manus is a primeval human and an abyssal creature. He became the Father of the Abyss after his humanity went wild, but it is unknown what caused this. Rumor has it that the urging of a Primordial Serpent awakened him and once it did, he flew into a rage. His influence corrupted the citizens of Oolacile, whose humanity was warped in turn, mutating them into ghastly creatures.
  • Active ability: Dark magic

    + Each day you may attempt to weed out the invaders with your vote.
  • You win when all of the mafia members are dead.

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 1:48 am
by Sotty7
Night actions

Night one

Empking Kills JasonT1981 - Jason dies.
RestFermata takes no action

Night two

Empking kills Debonair Danny DiPietro - Triple D dies.
leviathan93 RAGE action is activated. He targets chkflip - chkflip dies
RestFermata takes no action

Night three

Human Destroyer poisons Nachomamma8 - DELAYED NIGHT KILL
ThAdmiral watched VP Balter - No one visited him.

Night four

Nachomamma8 was poisoned - No effect, however he is no longer NK immune.
Empking kills ThAdmiral - ThAdmiral dies
ThAdmiral tracks FourTrouble - No result as he is dead.

Night five

Empking kills leviathan93 - leviathan93 dies.

Quick topic links

Scum QT
Dead topic

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 1:52 am
by Sotty7
First off, thank you to everyone who played and those who replaced in, I hope you guys enjoyed yourselves.

I want to applogize first to Empking for forgetting to put the LYLO clause in his role PM as he was unable to use his powers in the last day. That was an mistake on my part, which kinda sucks. I feel like pretty much everything else went well in the rest of the game, but let me know what you all think.

Also thanks to Zach for helping me with this set up and being my back up mod <3

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 1:54 am
by VP Baltar
WOOO. You're my bro, Nacho! *daps*

Thanks to everyone who played this game. It was fun to come back and get some mafia time in. Thanks Sotty and all of the people who vetted this game for great flavor and a fun setup. I had lots of fun.

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 2:23 am
by VP Baltar
Dead thread:
DDD wrote:VPB should be running this shit, the fact that he isn't is way bothersome.
I gots ta work mofo. It's why I stopped playing mafia regularly. I knew I could never commit the time I should to the game.
HD wrote:IMHO Poison should go through any form of protection; having it not do so makes it mostly useless.
That seems like it'd be pretty unbalanced in scum's favor. You'd essentially be giving the town one less day guaranteed and no recourse for it. That'd be pretty cheap from a town perspective, imo.
ThAd wrote:Thank you alcohol

Nah, I think both Nacho and I were feeling exactly the same there. It was one of those things where I felt like it was Emp, but that also seemed convenient and I didn't want to get fooled like that so close to victory if Nacho really was scum.

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 2:25 am
by VP Baltar
In post 1191, Sotty7 wrote:I want to applogize first to Empking for forgetting to put the LYLO clause in his role PM as he was unable to use his powers in the last day. That was an mistake on my part, which kinda sucks.
Oh, I guess that isn't in there is it. I just automatically assumed they'd be invalid in a lylo situation when I read his powers. It'd obviously break the game if they weren't.

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 2:27 am
by FourTrouble
Yes, victory! Thanks god you guys lynched Empking, had me worried sick there for a moment. This game was awesome, I thoroughly enjoyed it too. Thanks to everyone and Sotty for modding.

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 2:28 am
by VP Baltar
HD, I really don't understand your strategy of hardcore flaming bus on both of your buddies. Was it like a Fate imitation you were doing or something? I just don't know what your endgame was with it other than to make it confusing for town I guess.

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 3:00 am
by Human Destroyer
In post 1196, VP Baltar wrote:HD, I really don't understand your strategy of hardcore flaming bus on both of your buddies. Was it like a Fate imitation you were doing or something? I just don't know what your endgame was with it other than to make it confusing for town I guess.
the goal is to confuse and mislead

you guys lynched FT for a reason, y'know :P

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 3:46 am
by VP Baltar
In post 1197, Human Destroyer wrote:
In post 1196, VP Baltar wrote:HD, I really don't understand your strategy of hardcore flaming bus on both of your buddies. Was it like a Fate imitation you were doing or something? I just don't know what your endgame was with it other than to make it confusing for town I guess.
the goal is to confuse and mislead

you guys lynched FT for a reason, y'know :P
Yeah, but it's just such a short sighted strategy, imo. I'm trying to understand what the endgame is with that type of play.

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 2:27 pm
by ThAdmiral
If you can reaaaaly distance from your partners you could carry it in to endgame. I think it works better in a situation where there isn't as much of a chance of other people being confirmed town, because people will still be more likely to lynch you no matter how much you've distanced.

Anyway gg all. Unlucky emp, but I'm glad town got the win.

Thank you for modding sotty. Fun game with great flavour!