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Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 7:19 am
by UNOwen
In post 1110, shellyc wrote:
In post 1073, UNOwen wrote:Trying to push something so blatantly dishonest is such a poor plan that I would probably assume either you were pulling some sort of reaction test or you had completely misread my post in some way. Only if the push was sustained would I then go on to view it as scum-motivated.
does this mean you think my push on jacksonvirgo is incorrect
Well I'm not sure which you are asking about here due the chopped quoted. The answer to both is "yes". For clarity, in those sentences the "push" I was talking about was the initial "Jackson scumslipped in ". You think that because he didn't immediately think you were scum for inventing a scumslip then that itself was a scumslip, which is the basis for the rest of your push. I think that you are incorrect in what the townie reaction to your "bait" would necessarily be, and so the rest of the push is also incorrect.

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 7:23 am
by Noraa
uno get straight to the tea. Redados' most recent posts

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 7:25 am
by Tayl0r Swift
redados, could you point to the specific things in uno's posts that make you scumread him? you stated a scumread but i dont know why you scumread.

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 7:28 am
by Noraa
All of his SRs have zero good reasoning/logic/evidence backing them up

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 7:28 am
by Redados
In post 1166, Noraa wrote:Immature. Dude I think we both know whose older here. Pointing at me and saying I'm scummy for being immature is stupid. The mods dont choose the scums based on immaturity
You don't know how old I am. I don't know exactly how old you are but I'm pretty sure we're not too far apart in age.
In post 1177, Tayl0r Swift wrote:redados, could you point to the specific things in uno's posts that make you scumread him? you stated a scumread but i dont know why you scumread.
yeah. it's the lack of real pushes, convictions, or opinions. he is laying super low and getting towncred for pushing, and specifically it's pushing that doesn't require him to take stands or get sussed at all.

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 7:29 am
by NorwegianboyEE
There's really hard for me to get a grip in this game, because there are so many players playing aggressively and making these pushes but i don't really understand it well.

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 7:29 am
by Redados
In post 1178, Noraa wrote:All of his SRs have zero good reasoning/logic/evidence backing them up
I have reads. I'm sharing them. If you don't like them, that's fine. If you can set aside my read on you, what are your thoughts on the other people that I scumread?

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 7:30 am
by UNOwen
My big question for Redados is when he started to scum read me?
Because I am first mentioned as a scumread on my second post, at which point I had done nothing, so I can only imagine he already scumread me before he started his stream of consciousness. And then the follow up question is if he was scum reading me before starting the catch-up, why not mention it before?

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 7:30 am
by Redados
In post 1180, NorwegianboyEE wrote:There's really hard for me to get a grip in this game, because there are so many players playing aggressively and making these pushes but i don't really understand it well.
I feel the same way. The volume of posts is high and there's a lot to sift through. The good news is that we'll have good info in later days when we have more flips.

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 7:31 am
by Redados
In post 1182, UNOwen wrote:My big question for Redados is when he started to scum read me?
Because I am first mentioned as a scumread on my second post, at which point I had done nothing, so I can only imagine he already scumread me before he started his stream of consciousness. And then the follow up question is if he was scum reading me before starting the catch-up, why not mention it before?
Stream of consciousness. I wasn't hiding a scumread on you before. I shared my thoughts on it as it developed.

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 7:36 am
by Redados
In post 1182, UNOwen wrote:My big question for Redados is when he started to scum read me?
Because I am first mentioned as a scumread on my second post, at which point I had done nothing, so I can only imagine he already scumread me before he started his stream of consciousness. And then the follow up question is if he was scum reading me before starting the catch-up, why not mention it before?
just thought of something else.

my scumread of you is based on what you haven't done, not what you have done.
when I was last active in the game, we were like 24 hours in. not fair to scumread you for not doing something, 24 hours in. we are now like four days in. different perspective. more fair.

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 7:36 am
by UNOwen
In post 1184, Redados wrote:
In post 1182, UNOwen wrote:My big question for Redados is when he started to scum read me?
Because I am first mentioned as a scumread on my second post, at which point I had done nothing, so I can only imagine he already scumread me before he started his stream of consciousness. And then the follow up question is if he was scum reading me before starting the catch-up, why not mention it before?
Stream of consciousness. I wasn't hiding a scumread on you before. I shared my thoughts on it as it developed.
So these:
In post 13, UNOwen wrote:Hello everyone

VOTE: Redados
For obvious reasons.
In post 644, UNOwen wrote:Holy spam batman! This will be an interesting one...
In post 15, Redados wrote: How DARE you
Have you been scum before?
Resulted in this:
In post 1164, Redados wrote: Post 644 - UNOwen asks me if I’ve been scum before. I have not been scum before. Currently I am scumreading UNOwen, he seems to be doing very little except asking the odd poking question. Sketch. Scummy.

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 7:39 am
by Redados
correct. I would read it more like this if I were to revise:

"Post 644 - UNOwen asks me if I’ve been scum before. I have not been scum before.

Currently I am scumreading UNOwen, he seems to be doing very little except asking the odd poking question. Sketch. Scummy."

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 7:46 am
by UNOwen
VOTE: Redados
I'm currently going over your quote wall, will give further thoughts once I've examined it in more detail.

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 7:48 am
by Redados
Sounds good, thanks!

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 8:07 am
by Noraa
What I get from redados' reply is "no I have so many reasons but they just all happen to be invisible/nonexistent"

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 8:10 am
by Noraa
Norwee you dont understand why I am SRing redados?

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 8:11 am
by Redados
Noraa, talk to me more about my scumreads on the other three people.

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 8:12 am
by Noraa
I dont see any good reads from u on absolutely anyone

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 8:12 am
by Noraa
I bet some of those reads are right however the reasoning which u r going by aren't gonna convince me any time soon

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 8:13 am
by NorwegianboyEE
In post 1191, Noraa wrote:Norwee you dont understand why I am SRing redados?
Yes, it seems to me like you’re tunneling/being too aggressive so i’m not sure how trustworthy your read is.
Can you just make a TL;DR of why exactly Redados has been scummy? What’s your main point?

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 8:18 am
by Noraa
In post 1195, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 1191, Noraa wrote:Norwee you dont understand why I am SRing redados?
Yes, it seems to me like you’re tunneling/being too aggressive so i’m not sure how trustworthy your read is.
Can you just make a TL;DR of why exactly Redados has been scummy? What’s your main point?
He is the one tunneling in on me. He started tunneling a while back when he said shelly and I were scum for our playstyles. Then I got really pissed over it so he backpedaled and said it was out of anger towards one of my snarky posts. But then when asked if he would be dropping that vote, he was like nope. That just means that it 100% was NOT an anger vote. As for what it is, he's not clarifying which is confusing because I feel like both town and scum would want to clarify so idk wtf he's trying to do there. Then he just disappears for a shit ton of time and comes back and catches up with the shittiest most scummy post I've ever seen and Foses everyone that has a SR on him(OMGUSing). All his accusations r completely empty. He's not trying to solve and its really clear when u do an ISO on him. I'll be very surprised if he flips green. Everything he does is just scummy. That catch up post accused me of everything that post was-unhelpful, fluff, immature, and whatever tf the other points were

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 8:19 am
by UNOwen
This is nothing to do with alignment, but I've decided that I really dislike the style of responding various posts with "real-time" opinions. It is tough to read, and makes identifying the overall arguments unnecessarily difficult. A nice paragraph or maybe just some sentences which give proper opinions post catch-up would be much preferred.

So trying to summarise what I thought:
I see lots of "lol, this is funny".
I see that you are scumreading almost every player to vote against you.
I see that you agree with some of shellyc's posts, calling them pro-town at one point but still scum read them. There is no explanation on the overall shelly read.
I see that you are now claiming to scum read Noraa, but do not want to explain why her behaviour this game is outside of the general scummy Noraa behaviour you expected as it "seems like a lot of work".
I see lots of "why no hunting" even though you have done very little on that front.

My conclusion is that your scumreads are weak and poorly justified and you are displaying very little interest in solving and more in appearing to do so.

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 8:24 am
by Noraa
Well said uno.

I do agree with the above post quite a bit. However I do think that it is AI for Redados bc he was far more eager to solve in doggos and didn't randomly accuse me of absolutely nothing. Ngl I thought my SRs in On this day were weak but I'm really sure that his are more weak. Arguments attacking my age and my unhelpfulness aren't at all good arguments to be using to back up a Fos or a SR

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 8:29 am
by Noraa
And I honestly think this says a lot about him and the reason is that he's literally even scummier than me in On this day where everyone called me really scummy and antitown. I think he's either going for a TSTBS sorta vibe or he's literally given up and is kinda just like idc anymore.