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Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 1:11 pm
by Alisae
Whats the reason to do that now over tomorrow when there's hopefully someone else dead which means 1 less person I need to re-consider.

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 1:12 pm
by Alisae
In post 1199, Hopkirk wrote:pooky isn't doing anything scummy, does he normally act overtly scummy as scum?
i mean I don't think he's like
playing towards any scum agenda.

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 1:13 pm
by Alisae
like I don't think his posts actually come from scum and like if he's scum like what is his plan to help scum get through this day

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 1:13 pm
by Alisae
like idunno i just don't see it ig

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 1:13 pm
by Hopkirk
like if you want to flip people purely because there's less players which makes it easier that's valid i guess? i can see someone wanting to do that

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 1:15 pm
by Hopkirk
pooky gives me paranoia because he's not as overtly jumping out as a townread as he has before to me every time i've played with him
normally when he gets in any kind of 1v1 (eg Taylor in death curse/Isis in matrix/technically me i guess in silent star 3) i start thinking he's obvtown. i don't get the obvtown vibes and i'm not confident putting him as town just because he's giving me town vibes

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 1:16 pm
by Hopkirk
i'll probably have more relevant stuff to say when i've sorted people myself better. i could use Kanna/Ashuka to help out there

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 1:16 pm
by Alisae
like if mena starts being townie
then like idunno whats going on and I'll just give someone my vote because I just will need a flip to be able to try to reach any conclusions

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 1:18 pm
by Alisae
In post 1205, Hopkirk wrote:pooky gives me paranoia because he's not as overtly jumping out as a townread as he has before to me every time i've played with him
The most notable pooky games I've experienced were scum!pooky in smoke-filled and town!pooky in an undertale game and also among us
I will say that from my sample size of 1 scum game, that could be a scum!pooky trait?

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 1:19 pm
by Hopkirk
i have a solid townblock of Kanna/Ashuka/you and would like to add MT to that

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 1:20 pm
by Alisae
That seems fine.
Maybe we should work down from there

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 1:21 pm
by Hopkirk
i haven't played with scum pooky because i've mostly given up on meta-from-skimming-games. i'm working with my model of town pooky and seeing how well this fits.
i have a neutral read with positive vibeyness and want to look back at stuff

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 1:24 pm
by Hopkirk
can you sell me 100% on MT? i kind of get pockety vibes since it feels like they townread me a lot in how we're interacting/how they're looking at the thread but i'm not sure how overtly it comes through in their posting? i'd be annoyed with myself if i ignored the possibility of being pocketed, but i want to make them part of my townblock

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 1:27 pm
by Alisae
with Uncrowned I felt like he was really trying to sort people that voted him and wasn't really just OMGUSing people just because they voted him. Like I could see what he was trying to do there.

With ABR I had some mindmelds about kanna and clid around the time that they both started posting reads.
He basically posted in hood that kanna/clidd weren't really trying to rock the boat

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 1:27 pm
by Alisae
with Uncrowned I felt like he was really trying to sort people that voted him and wasn't really just OMGUSing people just because they voted him. Like I could see what he was trying to do there.

With ABR I had some mindmelds about kanna and clid around the time that they both started posting reads.
He basically posted in hood that kanna/clidd weren't really trying to rock the boat

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 1:28 pm
by Alisae
In post 1212, Hopkirk wrote:can you sell me 100% on MT? i kind of get pockety vibes since it feels like they townread me a lot in how we're interacting/how they're looking at the thread but i'm not sure how overtly it comes through in their posting? i'd be annoyed with myself if i ignored the possibility of being pocketed, but i want to make them part of my townblock
hood posting has been pure townie posting and they've definitely been trying to solve. Honestly even if they were scum we're not killing them today

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 1:29 pm
by Alisae
In post 1214, Alisae wrote:with Uncrowned I felt like he was really trying to sort people that voted him and wasn't really just OMGUSing people just because they voted him. Like I could see what he was trying to do there.

With ABR I had some mindmelds about kanna and clid around the time that they both started posting reads.
He basically posted in hood that kanna/clidd weren't really trying to rock the boat
Also to continue this thought, I have something to bounce off you atm.

Which readlist do you feel like is more likely to be a readlist posted by scum?
In post 648, Kanna wrote:i'm something like this right now



{hopkirk, morning}
{pooky, ahsoka}

{abr, mena}
----- the table
{clidd, uncrowned}
In post 649, clidd wrote:Ok, my distribution looks like this:

{Menalque | Ahsoka | Morning}



{ABR | Kanna}

{Uncrowned | Pooky}

I believe that the entry of Menalque and the way he expressed himself in the game was towny. I remember doing extensive research (private) on his meta to learn more about scumplay/townplay and I am convinced that I can clearly distinguish when I see scum!Menalque. In general, I feel that he has acted in good faith, which is a characteristic that I associate with town!Menalque and that scum!Menalque has some problems when he tries to emulate imo. It is not a read that I can consider as a lock at the moment, but I will eventually see if I am right or wrong. Regarding Ahsoka and Morning, I have personal reasons to believe that Ahsoka is town, not much related to this game, while Morning reflected me as genuine when I observed her analysis on some posts and I also believe that her frequency/fluency pbp is occurring in a very organic way. I didn't produce much substantial content for analysis, but I would like to see Morning's impressions about me, because in our last game together she interpreted my attitudes very well and I expect an instance similar here.

Hopkirk has not reflected me as scummy in any of his posts since the beginning of the current day stage, maintaining the positive impression I got from D1, primarily in the interactions between him and Ahsoka and the positioning in relation to Infinity. But considering the fact that he didn't produce any towny signals for me today, he is below the top three that I mentioned.

Alisae is a slot that I had a good impression on during D1, but when entering D2 I was unable to capture signals that would sustain or evolve my read from D1. There was a decline, but not in the scummy sense, but in the absence of a more towny presence (from my perspective). I don't know exactly how to read em, so although em dropped to null, I believe the slot is still above ABR/Kanna.

ABR has demonstrated a behavior that I have never seen before from him. But the impression I have of the past in relation to him is a strong duel player, who manages to perform well in both alignments. I remember that in the partition game he was a prominent element for the town victory (and my scum defeat), and in zoey mafia he was very competent as scum. I have difficulty seeing his posts beneficial for a scum!ABR scenario, so I consider he null at the moment until I can understand both sides of the coin. Regarding Kanna, I believe that it is fair, because of our historical context together, that she speculates about scum!Clidd above town!Clidd based on what I have shown so far, but although she attributed a description to the impression she had of my sequence of posts during my interaction with Infinity, she used the "clidd not obvtown = probably scum" argument, which more recently scum players have used to formalize a suspicion about me, something that GuiltyLion did in forest fire and that Menalque and Morning probably remember. For me it would be more organic if she took on a questioning instance, as Menalque and Morning did, but the current instance suggests that she is convinced of what she is talking about, even without enough information to make this kind of inference. But even though I have this negative impression about her, I see both town!Kanna mistake or malicious scum position!Kanna, which is why she is null to me and not necessarily in the pool next to scum.

Regarding the last two, I feel that both are approaching the game with a more empty playstyle, in which I have not been able to absorb much in the AI ​​sense. I don't have any games with Uncrowned or Pooky, so I would appreciate help to read them. I can't differentiate between low energy, LHF or playstyle context.

pedit: Hallo.

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 1:31 pm
by clidd
I don't know if you're town, Hopkirk, but if you need some help, I feel confident that MT is town for what she has shown so far.

And I would not recommend putting Ahsoka in your townblock. It is a tricky slot to read rn.

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 1:56 pm
by Hopkirk
purely from the readslist it'd be Kanna as more sus

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 1:59 pm
by PookyTheMagicalBear
In post 1168, Ahsoka wrote:why was there no kill?
tbh I thought you were the reason there was no death lol

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 2:00 pm
by Hopkirk
imagine if the hood contained 3 scum which contains 1 scum that is secretly working to win alone

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 2:00 pm
by PookyTheMagicalBear
In post 1177, Alisae wrote:i won't vote it until you change ur avatar back to something better and not as offputting

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 2:01 pm
by PookyTheMagicalBear
In post 1184, Hopkirk wrote:do you not understand the concept of intense sarcasm?
we are not allowed to use sarcasm in mafia games hopkirk!!!!

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 2:02 pm
by Hopkirk
idk if i scumread the person i'm voting

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 2:06 pm
by Hopkirk
i should probably clarify that post wasn't sarcastic but it's hard to say that without it being possible people think i'm meta-meta joking