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Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 8:06 am
by VFP

I'm okay with that.

Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 8:07 am
by GrandpaMo
In post 1199, JohnnyFarrar wrote:Okay yeah. T3 defended drap, votes my townreads OR me exclusively (with a weird pooky exception?) and put me at what they thought to be e-1 without asking for a claim KNOWING cow is here and what cow do.

VOTE: t3

Pedit: welp
... This should make me town in your eyes then.

Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 8:08 am
by VFP
T3 scum means that Johnny is town, but it also locks Lukewarm as town for me.
As scum, Lukewarm just votes with us as uses the excuse of town wagon.

Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 8:09 am
by JohnnyFarrar
In post 1201, GrandpaMo wrote:... This should make me town in your eyes then.
I don't follow
VFP wrote:T3 scum means that Johnny is town, but it also locks Lukewarm as town for me.
As scum, Lukewarm just votes with us as uses the excuse of town wagon.

Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 8:10 am
by GrandpaMo
In post 1202, VFP wrote:T3 scum means that Johnny is town, but it also locks Lukewarm as town for me.
As scum, Lukewarm just votes with us as uses the excuse of town wagon.
This flipping scum, should also make me locked town in your eyes as well.

Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 8:11 am
by Almost50
In post 514, T3 wrote:VOTE: VFP
Thin ISO, Drapion tunneling (who is a mild tr).
In post 590, T3 wrote:I see where the Drap wagon is coming from but at this point I'm just not feeling it.... I didn't like his defense that much though.
In post 591, T3 wrote:I just reread Drap ISO. VOTE: Drapion. It almost felt like he tried to make himself look way too godod after RVS and there was the:I'm town defense.
T3 accused VPN of tunneling Drap, yet admitted (later) he had yet to ISO Drap. What was the Town Lean based on then? And just before he decided to bus he had tried to defuse the wagon because he "wasn't feeling it". So, not feeling the wagon you voted in your very next post?? Why? Was it because you didn't read Drap's posts before? Then how come you accused VPN of tunneling? Tunneling = clinging to strawsd and pushing narratives that fit your own predetermined outcome, so you can't accuse someone of tunneling unless you did read the target's posts and decided they didn't mean what the accuser had made them look to mean.

In short, T3 is the scum ON Drap's wagon

Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 8:12 am
by GrandpaMo
In post 1203, JohnnyFarrar wrote:
In post 1201, GrandpaMo wrote:... This should make me town in your eyes then.
I don't follow
VFP wrote:T3 scum means that Johnny is town, but it also locks Lukewarm as town for me.
As scum, Lukewarm just votes with us as uses the excuse of town wagon.
Look if you read anything day one, you would know I defended Drap wanting an elim on T3?? Why would I defend scum to bus another scum if I was scum? What??

everyone is ltierally starting to listen to me and I have been wanting the T3 vote since forever. And did going into Day 2. So if you think I hard defend mafia day 1 then hard bus mafia day 2 then idk what to tell u..

do u understand???

Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 8:13 am
by GrandpaMo
In post 1205, Almost50 wrote:
In post 514, T3 wrote:VOTE: VFP
Thin ISO, Drapion tunneling (who is a mild tr).
In post 590, T3 wrote:I see where the Drap wagon is coming from but at this point I'm just not feeling it.... I didn't like his defense that much though.
In post 591, T3 wrote:I just reread Drap ISO. VOTE: Drapion. It almost felt like he tried to make himself look way too godod after RVS and there was the:I'm town defense.
T3 accused VPN of tunneling Drap, yet admitted (later) he had yet to ISO Drap. What was the Town Lean based on then? And just before he decided to bus he had tried to defuse the wagon because he "wasn't feeling it". So, not feeling the wagon you voted in your very next post?? Why? Was it because you didn't read Drap's posts before? Then how come you accused VPN of tunneling? Tunneling = clinging to strawsd and pushing narratives that fit your own predetermined outcome, so you can't accuse someone of tunneling unless you did read the target's posts and decided they didn't mean what the accuser had made them look to mean.

In short, T3 is the scum ON Drap's wagon
LOL u are just now stealing every scumcase on me.

i literally pointed all this shit out in my analysis.


Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 8:14 am
by VFP
In post 1204, GrandpaMo wrote:This flipping scum, should also make me locked town in your eyes as well.
I already think you're town anyway.
But yeah more or less.

Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 8:14 am
by GrandpaMo


Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 8:18 am
by Almost50
@Grandpa: As I said, you have a "non-standard" way of posting which doesn't make it easy for anyone to just trust you from the get go. One has to readjust their system to be able to scan your ideas without being thrown off by the posting style. (Don't worry, this will probably be a minor problem if we meet again, because I now -at least- know what to expect)

Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 8:23 am
by GrandpaMo
In post 1210, Almost50 wrote:@Grandpa: As I said, you have a "non-standard" way of posting which doesn't make it easy for anyone to just trust you from the get go. One has to readjust their system to be able to scan your ideas without being thrown off by the posting style. (Don't worry, this will probably be a minor problem if we meet again, because I now -at least- know what to expect)
my first game there was someone like this (but in a WAY more confusing town talking about stuff that never even happened in the game and everyone just ignored it and thought they were town until late game where we caught the scumslip); and they scumslipped in their analysis. they quit MS after their first game as well... it was so sad because their fucking scum pt was filled wit so much analysis that i probably won't do that much fucking effort in holyy :dead: :dead: :dead:

i like doing this playstyle as town idk it feels "right" to give this much info as town and much logical reasoning.

Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 8:24 am
by GrandpaMo
In post 1210, Almost50 wrote:@Grandpa: As I said, you have a "non-standard" way of posting which doesn't make it easy for anyone to just trust you from the get go. One has to readjust their system to be able to scan your ideas without being thrown off by the posting style. (Don't worry, this will probably be a minor problem if we meet again, because I now -at least- know what to expect)
i see that you are more into making associative reads based on meta analysis which is fine and honestly that's probably why i came into this game confused on the drap bw.

Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 9:36 am
by JohnnyFarrar
Bingle I can't help but feel this game's on your back burner

Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 10:27 am
by Bingle
In post 1213, JohnnyFarrar wrote:Bingle I can't help but feel this game's on your back burner
To an extent. Mafia in general is on my backburner.

I feel like I've had an unhealthy amount of influence over this game in particular, though, and was hoping that in my absence someone else would step up. I also vaguely want to see if Mena actually shows up.

Your points about GPa are interesting, particularly with the knowledge that the meta he used on me is a smattering of games from roughly a year ago. I'm largely ambivalent to the T3 wagon, but find it fascinating that it went from 0 votes to functionally E-2 overnight. (GPa is offwagon, but might as well be on wagon for how clear that progression is. I think you've been a positive influence on the thread since your rep in.

Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 11:19 am
by PookyTheMagicalBear
In post 115, Dannflor wrote:Drapion, I think T3 is town
In post 293, Dannflor wrote:@ProfDrapion, I just think T3's entrance was genuine emotionally

it's very simple and straightforward but also like the type of slightly scummy posting scum tends to want to avoid

when I look for scum entrances I look for the posters who are trying to make themselves look good

kinda doubt scum t3 shoots Dann

Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 11:21 am
by PookyTheMagicalBear
In post 296, ProfessorDrapion wrote:
In post 293, Dannflor wrote:@ProfDrapion, I just think T3's entrance was genuine emotionally

it's very simple and straightforward but also like the type of slightly scummy posting scum tends to want to avoid

when I look for scum entrances I look for the posters who are trying to make themselves look good
I mean it’s NAI mostly, scum or town can say that.
It’s just that I don’t find it as a good entrance compared to others.
I do have to agree with you that scum may try and go for the LAMIST play.
(As in try and look Townie as much as they can)
like why is drap shading t3 to dann here lol

Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 11:25 am
by PookyTheMagicalBear
In post 1177, Not_Mafia wrote:
In post 1175, VFP wrote:The longer this takes the more I feel Johnny is flipping town.
He isn't
We should sheep NM

when NM actually plays the game he is top tier paragon level scum hunter

Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 11:30 am
by PookyTheMagicalBear
also T3 has been like scummy limbait in every game ive ever played with him so its not even alignment indicative behavior when it happens lol

Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 11:52 am
by JohnnyFarrar
I suppose I should be flattered you don't think the same thing about me? :lol:

Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 1:02 pm
by Lukewarm
Okay, I think that there is exactly 1 scum between T3 and Johnny.

If I had to choose an elim today, I think I am leaning T3. Mainly because I had a scum read on T3 for most of Day 1 and because of , but to a lesser extent, because a50 is pushing it, and he is my strongest TR at the moment.

Also, would feel bad about eliming the replace in so quickly


Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 1:05 pm
by Menalque
@bingle who should I be voting for

Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 1:07 pm
by JohnnyFarrar

Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 1:08 pm
by JohnnyFarrar
In post 1220, Lukewarm wrote:O

Also, would feel bad about eliming the replace in so quickly

Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 1:34 pm
by Almost50
In post 1221, Menalque wrote:@bingle who should I be voting for
I -for one- am looking forward to see that catch up you promised. ;)