Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 10:05 pm
You still haven't explained why it's advantageous for Kast to be to keep the the power for so long.
Actually, one reason why I would suspect you is that you seem to jab really hard against anyone who mentions your name. I have mentioned your name, and you seem to be harsh on me. That makes me vigilant of you. But as you mention, I'm sure you're not one of Sly's partners.Crazy wrote:Well, the things you mention about me (that I lack "punch") are pretty much just part of my general playstyle. Unless if I'm deeply involved in a game, I'm rarely an aggressive player. I can attest to my currently mild interest in mafia games by pointing out that this is my only ongoing game.
If I sound harsh, it's usually because I'm just trying to poke around the situation and find out more information (like, do they abandon their argument or continue to push it, etc.) Also, sometimes I'm sure I come across as harsh when I don't intend to be.pablito wrote:Actually, one reason why I would suspect you is that you seem to jab really hard against anyone who mentions your name. I have mentioned your name, and you seem to be harsh on me. That makes me vigilant of you. But as you mention, I'm sure you're not one of Sly's partners.
My top suspects are still Ani and Snow. Sly's partners I'm really not sure at the moment.Llama wrote:@PE/Crazy - Can you each lay out your top suspects + partners to Sly. Also do you think eachother are town or scum?
It sounds to me like you're copying what other people have said. Can you point to specific examples. (Preferably to before I was nominated, because when you're nominated there's really no limit to how defensive you should be, since you're at direct risk.)bv310 wrote:I'm not overly convinced with the case on either of the noms, but of the two I find Crazy more suspicious. He's been really defensive whenever someone hasa mentioned him, and his explanation really has not been convincing.
How hard is "PE or Crazy - First instinct"?Snow_Bunny wrote:I'm reading, will catch up later.
Whuzza? Nice find with the Veto? I guess if reading the rules is a nice find. Sly is manipulated easily? PULEASE! The guy went off on a tangent all by his lonesome and it got him evicted. Craziness.animorpherv1 wrote:@ Paltry:
Nice find with the PoV. Everyone who is voting SlySly may want to take a look at his post under it. It shows that he can be maniuplated easily, which is not a good quality for HoH.
Oh. Yeah. Not participating is a good thing.animorpherv1 wrote:@kmd:
Yup. Being ignored in this game (to a point) seems like a good idea. It keeps you off the radar and less likley to be up for elimination.
However, this kind of post is far outnumbered by anti-town, anti-game play.saberwolf wrote:If scum are lurking, then it means that they are satisfied with either:
1. who is going to be HoH [suggests scum]
2. the know that the two being put up arent of their faction, which would be worrisome.
PaltryExcuse wrote:Animorpherv1
Reading him in ISO is a strange and confusing thing.
A) Ani seems to do relatively no scumhunting. Hard to give a post where this happens, as it's read nearly everywhere.One of my posts that you quoted was me tryingto scumhunt.
B) When he does come up with a conclusion, that conclusion is often questionable. I could go on about his conclusion on SensFan again after he flaked, but instead bring this post about Sly up:Whuzza? Nice find with the Veto? I guess if reading the rules is a nice find. Sly is manipulated easily? PULEASE! The guy went off on a tangent all by his lonesome and it got him evicted. Craziness.animorpherv1 wrote:@ Paltry:
Nice find with the PoV. Everyone who is voting SlySly may want to take a look at his post under it. It shows that he can be maniuplated easily, which is not a good quality for HoH.The maniuplated easily part was me trying to scumhunt. Easy mauipulation = Changes mind a lot = no firm idea = Scummy
C) And just amazingly honest, yet scummy things.Oh. Yeah. Not participating is a good thing.animorpherv1 wrote:@kmd:
Yup. Being ignored in this game (to a point) seems like a good idea. It keeps you off the radar and less likley to be up for elimination.
The two points for him, in my mind at this time, is that he's played more Mish Mash games than he ever has played mafia games.Yes.The guy doesn't play mafia. So... newb read perhaps?'ve been trying to get back into things, as I don't play mafia all that often.Secondly, he went against the all-town initiative against saber to get him evicted early on.
I dunno though. Not looking around scares me into thinking he's complacent because he knows one scum team already. Scummy vibe.
This post is littered with inspection into another, and is generally a leading cause to people finding Sly scummy in my eyes. Secondly, Kmd was the first to mention Snowbunny as possible scum, however in this post is Crazy reaffirming an earlier belief of Snowbunny's scumminess. Overall, this is just an example of why I would think a vote against Crazy would be seemingly crazy. He has lead town thought towards one scummy individual, and if you think Snow is scum he's led you to another. What more could you ask for? Pro-town read.Crazy wrote:@Sly - You seem to be trying to make Llama slip up and contradict himself, with no real case other than that.
Let me ask you: Why would Llama supporting Kmd over you be scummy? You said it yourself - both you and Kmd have saber as your primary suspect; if Llama was scum, why would it matter to him who becomes HoH if saber is dead either way?
Personally, I am also favoring Kmd as HoH because I like his secondary choices (Snowbunny, in particular). I realize that saber is still probably dead anyway, but there's not a whole lot I can do about that.
@Mr Finch - That was a really weird post. What do you have against voting for someone?
You nominated a floater (or someone you thought as such)? Is this the town's nom while Snow was your nom?... I'm confused about you now. However, hewitt has scumhunted, been active, and said many things I feel myself nodding to. So: Neutral leaning-town read.hewitt wrote:*snip Talk with Kast*
Do you even understand the concept of this game? We will be having ONE person deciding which two players will be up for eviction tomorrow and that means that we should all know who everybody plans on nominating if they're tapped for HoH tomorrow to see if they deviate. You are purposely trying to twist that around and it's utter bullshit.Snow_Bunny wrote:I don't like this at all. And it's not the usual town Llama I remember (though my memory is always blurry). Setting up lynches for coming days? And setting up the lynches with easy ones? That's as pro-town as outing mason partners on D1. This little part of your post makes me doubt of your towniness, and maybe Sly was right about you. I know my scumhunting is as good as it should be, I reckon, but I recognize a scum post when I see it.'s called distancing 101.PaltryExcuse wrote:Why exactly? The guy wanted me lynched since Day 1 when I vetoed his nomination.
That's very interesting that SlySly flipped Chenbot. Honestly I really thought he was going to flip floater, I'm very pleasantly surprised. Okay so based off SlySly's interactions with the rest of the group I'm going to vote to nominate
Vote: Mr Finch
Vote: Snow Bunny
Mr Finch was very generally off SlySly's radar the entire game (and SlySly flung accusations all across the board) and Mr Finch was actually defending SlySly at times. That combined with the weak bussing (understatement of the year in my opinion) at the end and the mutual dodging around each other I think Finch is the most likely candidate to be one of SlySly's partners.
I'd nominate Snow Bunny to go up against Finch because A) I can't stand her, B) I think she's dodgy scum, and C) I'm still think that players were defending her in their votes for SlySly.
It's kind of crazy when you look at the players who voted to evict SlySly vs. the players who voted to evict Snow Bunny. Truly the four most level-headed, most likely to be floater players all voted Snow Bunny. And on the SlySly wagon you've got the most anti-town seeming player of the game, the player most likely to be on a scumteam with SlySly, a player who replaced a very dubious former player and is fond of slinging crap, a player who I get a concerning overly defensive vibe from, another player who replaced an even more dubious former player, and a player who I really don't even think reads this game before commenting.
It's really interesting.
He'd vote me over Crazy! But I was at the top of his pro-town list before! Damn. Well, that change of opinion has got me rankled as he hasn't said anything about me previously, so I don't know how Crazy became more pro-town than me. Secondly, it is also reminiscent of every scumhunting post of Kast's post SlySly: attack Ani, attack Hewitt.Kast wrote:@Llama-
Even if we end up with a full mafia B team and a single mafia A member, we would still have to lynch the most probable scum, even if that player "claimed" to be the last remaining mafia A. For mafia A, he would definitely still lose the game (either by failing to hit mafia B or after a mafia B member is lynched) if he claims. If the town obeys your strategy and spares the player who claims, then we've just handed mafia B a get out of jail free card that could let them flat out win.
Your statement doesn't match with your actions. You don't actually care about opinions, you just want to attack players who don't post that frequently, regardless of whether the posts they have made had content (opinions) or not.
Stating you didn't know I had coup d'etat is a BS excuse. If you are scum, you're obviously lying. You're pretty obv-scum.
I initially posted that your SB nom as HoH was weird, to which you FALSELY claimed that SB has been your top pick even over Sly. You mentioned SB once on replacing in, then completely dropped her from your suspects while Sly was picking a replacement to be lynched instead of you. After the replacement was picked, you added SB back, but just as a "pawn" to go against your top choice Sly.
Neither of those two are my top suspects, but I would vote PE over Crazy. I find Crazy's play so far to be more pro-town than PE's, though neither of them are coming across as scummy.
@Crazy-On re-read, the most likely answer is that he was defending saber who was supposedly his top suspect.And think of it, Sly had to be doing SOMETHING when he nominated DisCode! Why else would he do something that made him look like total scum? I'm not sure if Kast is the answer to that question, but that question has to have SOME answer, right? What do you think?
My case against you deals more with I don't see you scumhunting, and your inactivity compounds the fact you don't seem to need to. It's not a strong case, I'll admit, but you don't really give much to work with at all, and that scares me.bv310 wrote:To make sure I understand you Paltry, your case against me is that I don't post much, right?
Ok, sorry about that. Didn't look at timing of your posts.PaltryExcuse wrote:My case against you deals more with I don't see you scumhunting, and your inactivity compounds the fact you don't seem to need to. It's not a strong case, I'll admit, but you don't really give much to work with at all, and that scares me.bv310 wrote:To make sure I understand you Paltry, your case against me is that I don't post much, right?
And more people are coming. (I guess I'm posting in twos, but it's definitely alphabetical order, and not of scumminess.)